Canon Fodder



UA had 3 years of students. Those 3 years had a mix of hero work courses and real world classes, like Math and Science. Most all of the teachers were heroes. They specifically taught certain classes and each hero had a class to be the homeroom teacher for, like Aizawa was our homeroom teacher. 

I hadn’t ventured to the 3rd year teacher’s lounge because there was really no need. Most of my classes were in one part of the sectioned off building. As I approached I heard loud yelling coming from the room. A few teachers I didn’t recognize peeking into the lounge from the outside I listened in as well. 

“You’re a fucking disgrace!” Midnight yelled. 

“You’re the disgrace! Playing hero. Don’t make me laugh. You just like to be the star. Everyone always looking at you!” The other voice said. For a moment I couldn’t place it, but then it hit me as she started yelling again. Pushing through the teachers I looked in to see Midnight and the blue skinned pornstar Madix screaming at one another. 

The much shorter Madix was pushing her chest against Midnight. They looked about ready to come to blows as they continued to yell louder. I really wanted to see if a catfight would ensue, but as they yelled I realized what was going on. 

“Fuck,” I mumbled as I walked in. Locking the door the teacher’s on the other side groaned but pushed their ears against the door. 

“That’s enough,” I said as I walked to the pair. 

“Gambit,” Madix said, turning around. Her face beaming a smile. She made a move to go for me but Midnight grabbed a handful of her hair forcing her back. That’s when the real fight started. 

Madix scratched Midnight in the arm with her long nails. Midnight pulled her hair harder and kicked the feet out from under Madix. Madix didn’t go down too far though. Biting the other woman’s thigh Midnight cried out. 

I was caught between getting turned on or helping. As the 2 women started drawing blood though I moved over and grabbed them each by their collars. Pulling them apart with ease. 

“Enough,” I barked. “What the fuck is going on?” 

“This is my slut of a sister!” Midnight yelled kicking at Madix. I pulled Madix further away, allowing the kick to narrowly miss. I wasn’t too surprised by the information that they were sisters. I hadn’t seen it before because Madix was about 8 inches shorter, had long dark blue hair and light blue skin. Her pure black eyes didn’t help either. But their Spiritual Energy was actually a little similar, and their facial expressions resembled one another. It wasn’t too far of a stretch to believe it since many people’s quirks made them look different than their family members. 

“Slut?! Do you see what you prance around in on TV?!” Madix yelled. “You fucking bitch. Let me go. I’ll kick your ass!”

“Kick my ass?! You’re a fucking porn star!” Midnight said. “I’m a hero. I can-” 

“Enough,” I said, throwing them away from one another. “I was called here for a reason. I want to know what this is about.” 

“This stupid smurf decided to make a scene out front of the school,” Midnight said through gritted teeth. “You know I have a secret identity to keep.” 

“I didn’t cause a scene,” Madix said, aghast. “I simply wanted to know who your bodyguard was.” 

“A student. An underage student!” Midnight said. “One you used that sick power on.”

“I can’t help what my quirk does,” Madix said quickly, locking eyes with me. “I never would have done that if I knew you were so young.” 

“But you would have done it anyway? How am I supposed to feel about that?” I asked, annoyed. 

“I don’t know. I just…wanted to find you,” she said sheepishly. 

“And ruin my cover?!” Midnight yelled. “Maddie, you know you’re supposed to call me.” 

“You didn’t answer your phone all weekend! I got desperate!” Madix said. The blue girl quickly turned back to me practically squirming as she moved a little closer. 

“Don’t,” I said. “I’m not interested in whatever you did to me last time.” 

“I wouldn’t,” she said, almost hurt. “I just want to be near you. I’ve never felt that way before.” Her smile widened as she looked me up and done. “You have a quirk related to sex like me?” 

“I do not,” I assured her. “Just some skills.” I looked at Midnight. “What do you want to happen here?” 

“I want my sister to go,” Midnight hissed. “This is not the time or place for this sort of thing.” 

“Yeah, there’s a bunch of teachers listening in,” I said. 

Midnight’s eyes bulged. She quickly moved around me, her high heels clacking against the hard wood floor. “Get the fuck out of here!” She yelled at the grouped up teachers. They hastily scampered off, apologizing as they laughed and ran down the hall. “Goddammit,” she mumbled as she turned back. Shutting the door I could see that this wasn’t over. 

Letting out a long breath Midnight ordered, “Sit.” She sat in one of the large lounge chairs. I shrugged and moved to a couch. Madix was soon moving to sit next to me.

I glared at her as she inched closer. “No quirk,” I ordered. She bit her lip, nodding quickly. I let out a sigh and waved her over. She smiled wide and moved next to me. Tentatively pushing her body against me as she tested the waters. When I didn’t fight she practically fell into me. Cuddling up to me I gave Midnight a look that said, ‘what the hell?’. 

“What is the matter with you?” Midnight asked, giving Madix a confused look. 

“I don’t know,” Madix said, rubbing her face on me. “I can’t get you out of my mind. That night is still a blur. I feel this…draw to you.” I frowned, confused by her actions. 

I had fun as well, but it wasn’t mind altering. I felt the chakra in her, it wasn’t too strong yet. That was when I remembered I had chakra paper, which made me realize she might have the Lust Element. I knew she wouldn’t have control over chakra. Not enough to test, but maybe that had something to do with it. That or I was a way better lover than I realized. I hadn’t held back on her that was for sure. 

“That’s…nice,” I said. “But I mean you did kind of rape me.”

She jerked upright a little. Looking up at me nervously with her black eyes. “I am sorry about that,” she said slowly. “I um was getting over something and kind of wanted someone that had no idea who I was. But you had fun didn’t you?” She asked weakly. 

I rolled my eyes, still unsure how to take the whole situation. “I did…” A smile crossed her face. Her expression turning lustful. “But then I had to go get tested for STDs. You’re a porn star. And you walk up to random guys and have sex with them? Without a condom?” 

“I haven’t done that in a long time,” Madix said as if that was supposed to justify it. 

“That’s a fucking lie,” Midnight growled. “2 years ago. Same party.” 

“2 years is a long time!” Madix hissed. “I have a quirk for sex. I was expected to practice-” 

“Don’t give me that shit. You’re a fucking slut!” Midnight spat. 

“You’re the slut! I’ve heard stories about you and your last boyfriend!” 

“The boyfriend you fucked?!” Midnight growled.

I hated ruining the catfights but apparently I had to be the adult. “Girls,” I said. “Stop. I don’t care about your family drama. I want to know what the problem currently is and try to fix it.” 

“She raped you!” Midnight barked. “With that sick power of hers.” 

“And you’re a saint?! Putting people to sleep so you can arrest them? That’s taking advantage of people way worse than I ever did. You basically roofie them!” 

“I’m licensed to do what I have to! You just flaunt yourself around like the town slut!” Midnight yelled standing up. 

I released my Nen. Focusing on it I thought loudly ‘I will kill you’. The trick worked instantly. Both girls stiffened. Breaking out into a sweat they froze as I glared at both of them. 

“Enough,” I ordered. “The next one of you that yells, will come to regret it.” I let the words hang in the air then pulled my Nen back in. Both women shook themselves. Madix cuddled back up to me practically panting in excitement as she pulled herself closer. Midnight plopped down to the chair. 

“What did you do?” She asked, her eyes wide. 

“I have many skills,” I assured her. “Why do you think I’m so confident in fights? I never show everything.” 

“So sexy,” Madix mumbled. 

“And you. I don’t sleep with women that sleep with other men. So you can move to the other couch if you are going to keep doing that.” 

“But my job,” she said sitting up. 

“I don’t give a shit about your job,” I said. “I had fun. But I also have a girlfriend. A girlfriend that wasn’t too happy that you forced me to have sex with you. So whatever you think is going to happen here. You would answer to her first. And if you are still a porn star, don’t even bother trying to atone to her.” 

I felt her power activate. Her hand just barely touching me I felt a haze try to take over my mind. Grabbing her neck I threw her to the other couch opposite the coffee table. She hit it hard, knocking it over with her. She sat up, fear in her face as she stared at me wide eyed. I guessed my Mental Resistance skill gave me enough of a warning to fight against it. 

“Do that again and I break a bone,” I barked. Anger forming in me I felt strength go to my body through the Berserker Mode. “I have been very calm about this entire situation, Madix. I like sex. I like beautiful women. You could have done what you did to some other kid and really messed him up. I could have been anyone and you were willing to have sex with me without a condom.” 

“Just because you’re so big-” She tried to say but I released some of my Conqueror’s Haki. Not enough to knock her out, but make her body stiffen. 

“I have only known you for a short time. What I have seen has not impressed me. I love my girlfriend. I do not love you. Whatever you feel for me is one sided. If you quit your fucking day job, and approached me like an adult, we could have seen where things went. But no, you tried your power on me. Which says you can’t be trusted with it.” I stood up straight. Fixing my shirt that she had pulled up without me noticing. 

“I will not be pressing charges,” I said. “You will go back to where you came from. Midnight and I are working against villains. I am training to become a hero. Not some plaything of yours that you apparently think all men become around you. Whatever drama you bring with you, does not interest me.” I turned to Midnight who stared at me with wide eyes. “I leave it to you to make sure she does not blab about my identity.” With a nod I walked out of the door. No teachers were there this time. 

As I walked I forced myself to calm down. I had really hoped to add Madix to my harem. She had taken sex to a whole new level for me. Making me cum harder and longer than anyone before. But when she tried to use her Aphrodisiac quirk on me, I saw the truth. She was used to getting her way. Able to make any man want her she could turn them into willing slaves. 

That’s what I risked allowing her around Toru. I had seen a few videos with Madix with women. Women were just as heated to be with her as men were. Following orders like mindless slaves. I couldn’t let that happen to Toru. After Tayuya, I needed to be careful. Think how those I allowed around me could hurt those I cared most about in the world. 

I was in a bad mood as I walked into the dorm. Without a word I walked up the girl’s side. I didn’t hesitate to open Toru’s door. It was these sorts of moments that I really enjoyed my Search quirk. Without missing a step I walked to her and picked up the invisible girl. 

“How’d you find me?” She asked since she was naked. I muffled her by kissing her lips. She moaned in my mouth and got into the kiss. Wrapping her legs around me she became visible as we made out. When she pulled away her face was flush as she smiled wide at me. “What’s up?” 

“Nothing, just,” I breathed her scent in and sighed. “Happy that I have you.” 

“That’s sweet.” Kissing me lightly she pulled back, sniffing me. “Who’s smell is this?” 

I couldn’t smell anything, but I guessed she smelled Madix. I sat her down and explained what happened.

“That sucks,” she said sadly. “I was looking forward to meeting her.” 

“I don’t think that-”

She put her hand up stopping me. “I trust you. You’re probably right,” she said. “Oh well.” Her eyes turned flirty, already moving past it. “Nejire wants to stop by tonight. We both got a little turned on from your fight with Mirio.” 

I laughed loudly. Feeling it in my entire body I let the stress I was feeling pass through me. “I love you,” I said. I wasn’t sure if it was her trust in me, or how true to herself she was, but I loved her absolutely. 

“I love you,” she said, hugging me. “But I’m hungry. We should-” I grabbed her hand. 

“Wait, I wanted to try something,” I said. Pulling a chakra paper out of my status screen I showed it to her. “I finally got some.”

“Some what?” She asked confused. “Is that ecstasy?” 

“No. This is chakra paper,” I said. Her Spiritual Energy leaked a little disappointment. “If you push chakra into it, it will tell you your Chakra Nature.” I pushed chakra into it and the paper became drenched in water. 

Toru’s eyes widened as I handed her one. “You mean I can finally learn what I can do?” She asked, amazed. 

“Yep,” I said, getting excited myself. “Just push chakra into it.” She nodded, her hand shaking a little. She built up chakra in her hand and to my surprise it began to glow a bright white light. 

“What’s it mean?” She asked excitedly. 

“It means…I have no idea,” I said, amazed. 

“What?” She asked, a mix of annoyance and fear in her voice. 

“I’ve never seen it before. I didn’t even think that was an element. I’m guessing…you have the light element,” I said. 


“Light. I know a guy that has Shadow. You apparently have light,” I said. Her quirk allowed her to bend light around her. In Naruto world there weren’t millions of people. In MHA we had plenty of people throughout the world since our standard of living was so high and wars hadn’t killed the majority of fighters over generations. I guessed that there were a lot more elements available to the people since there were so many. And the chakra was related to their quirk somehow. 

“What does this mean? Can I not learn jutsus?” She asked. 

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I don’t know any light moves. But I mean…it sounds kind of badass.” 

“Oh yeah?” She asked, turning to me.

“Yeah, can you build up the light? Is it energy? Could you make a laser? Or a Solarflare maybe. Blind everyone? Even without jutsus, light could be a cool element. And you could be the one to learn what you can and can’t do. I can teach you the hand seals. Maybe you can create something that’s never been thought of before.” 

“That sounds cool when you say it like that,” she said clapping happily. “So exciting.” She jumped up and latched back onto me. “I love you.” 

“I love you,” I said, kissing her lips as I kneaded her ass. The kiss quickly turned into a groping session of one another. 

“We can’t, it’s daylight,” she mumbled half-heartedly. 

“We can be quick and quiet,” I assured kissing her more. She moaned as I poured some chakra into her. Nodding quickly it wasn’t long until I was humping into her. Keeping her quiet by sealing her lips with mine. 

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