Canon Fodder



I was surrounded by my other classmates as we talked over our results for the Provisional Licensing Exam. 

“Hey Bakugo, good job-” I said trying to be as annoying as possible. 

“Stop!” He yelled/talked. “Your 24 hours starts now. No talking.” I smiled wide. I’d rather get our bet winnings over with anyway. I nodded and zipped up my mouth. 

“Weston,” Toru said. “Weston, can you hear me?!” I nodded. “Oh no, he’s gone mute! Now I have no one to piss me off. How will I survive?” I shrugged. She laughed happily, as she continued to try to get me to talk. “Don’t say anything if I can have a million yen. Weston, wants to treat everyone to sushi tonight!” I shrugged. Plenty of money in my screen, I really didn’t care much. 

We walked to the exit we were directed to. Toru jumped on my back and I was content once more. She had a calming effect on me. My invisible girlfriend hummed happily from my back as I carried her wherever she wanted. 

“You did better than I expected,” Aizawa said as he looked us over. “I thought for sure you would do something stupid, Bakugo.”

“Never!” He yelled. 

“Good. This is the first step to becoming Pro Heroes for all of you. I won’t plan any extra hard training methods. But you will all continue to train your quirks daily. This is a stepping stone in your chosen path. Build up from this foundation and make UA proud.” It was a surprisingly sentimental moment for the generally facts-only teacher. 

“Weston has something to say,” Toru said, raising her hand. All eyes went to me. I rolled my eyes and did a thumbs up. She laughed happily, enjoying this way more than I thought. I didn’t mind, I’d simply get her back later. 

“Whatever,” Aizawa growled. Classmates spoke to a few people from the other schools but were quickly loaded back onto the bus. Toru and I got back in our spot. She happily latched onto me and was asleep. I didn’t fight it and joined her. Holding back my chakra from my dick once more the exhaustion of the last 10 days had caught up with me. 

The others around me droned on, talking about this or that quirk they had seen. I reviewed my current plan for MHA and eventually succumbed to sleep. 

A few hours later we were jostled awake by the bus stopping. Back at the school we piled out with our suitcases and headed tiredly to our dorm rooms. Toru made me carry her of course. Since I couldn’t say no I couldn’t fight her. I carried her up to her room and threw her on her bed. 

“You coming to my room tonight?” She asked. I nodded. “Night night, love you.” And she was soon back in blissful sleep. Chuckling, I went to my room and showered. Letting the last few weeks wash over me. I had supposedly been on vacation but I hadn’t rested too much. The drama with Naruto World was over, and I didn’t have to worry about the girls anymore. 

That brought Tayuya up though. I had failed to save her, but life simply ignored her passing. I was too relieved to have Reina, Shinju, and Hina. I had seduced her on a whim to try to help the 3rd Hokage, but I couldn’t help feel like I got her killed. Making her go against Orochimaru, her life became forfeit. I wasn’t completely convinced Orochimaru or Kabuto were actually dead, but if they popped up, I’d simply end them again. 

No, my worry was did I have too many girls? What was my limit for caring about them? 3 or 4 maybe? I had Toru in MHA, and she would be with me always. But Nejire and Mei as well. They were a good time and I liked them, but did I more than like them? Would I be upset if they died?

“Of course,” I whispered. “No one takes what’s mine from me. 

I stopped the shower and got out. The sun was beginning to set outside, but I was wide awake after my nap. Heading down to the base level of the dorm building I found plenty of other people hanging out. Apparently they took Toru’s offer that I was buying food seriously. I dropped a stack of yen on the table and they ordered what they wanted. 

I sat around listening as they jabbered on. Food got there and I ate my fill. But instead of heading to Toru’s room I headed outside to the UA grounds. 

An amazing part of UA was it’s massiveness. City sized training grounds with a range of industrial to downtown building areas, it was the perfect place to train. I walked into the woods and headed to the city-scape where I had gone for my original entrance exam. 

Large buildings set up, I wanted to practice my Tremor Quirk. But as I made sure no one was around me, I noticed one of my friends heading in my direction. Not too willing to give all of my secrets away I jumped up and sat on the edge of a 4 story tall building, waiting. 

Momo Yaoyorozu eventually appeared. Walking into the training area nervously. I wasn’t too sure what she wanted, but I was prevented from talking. Bringing out some chakra, I made a small ball. Raising it up I threw it at her. The tiny ball of pure chakra moved quickly, hitting her in the head. It splashed across her face causing her to curse. 

“What did you do?” She asked, annoyed. I put my finger over my lips. “Oh right,” she said, annoyed. “How’d you get up there?” I shrugged then jumped down. Landing lightly on the ground I walked over to her. I pointed at her and shrugged. “You’re taking this promise to not talk, very seriously.”

I nodded. “Fine,” she said. Biting her lips she wrapped her arm around her chest. It wasn’t cold out so I guessed it was a defensive mechanism. I was starting to think that she headed out specifically to try to talk to me. 

Grabbing her hand I pulled her with me. Walking down the middle of the street as we headed aimlessly in the fake town. She tried to pull away but I held her hand firmly. Her face flushed in embarrassment. 

“I don’t like how you used me,” she blurted. I eyed her. “You kept asking me out on a date. I relented. And it was all some big joke to you. I had fun on our date, and it pisses me off that you were seeing someone else the entire time.” She got the words out quickly. I guessed she had wanted to say them for a while, and was using my silence as an opportunity. 

“I would appreciate it if you would stop flirting with me. It makes me uncomfortable,” she said, pulling her hand away for real this time. “It’s not professional.” 

I looked at her confused. Seeing her point but also…she was mine. I had been working on Momo since school started. Making sure she knew I was interested. Toru came along and took my main attention, but she was as into me seeing other girls as I was. 

Momo turned to leave, having said her peace. I grabbed her hand, pulling her back to me. She fought, but I was stronger. I lifted my Chikyugi Necklace up and sent us both into the Makuramoto. 

“What the hell?” She asked, looking around at all the pillows and sofa pits. 

“Finally,” I said with a gasp. “I can talk.”

“Where the hell are we?” She asked quickly. Stepping away from me as she looked around. 

“We are in our minds,” I said. Happy to be able to talk again. “Think of it like virtual reality. And before you ask, I’m not breaking my bet. I’m literally not talking right now. These are simply my thoughts expressed in a way that you can hear. Our bodies are not moving outside of here.”

“Is this a quirk?” She asked, still nervous. 

“Kind of,” I said sitting on one of the pillows. “This is more related to my chakra. I can use it to link our minds.” I thought and a large bowl of popcorn appeared on my lap. “Anything I think can happen here.” The room disappeared and we were on the moon. Staring up at the Earth. 

“Amazing,” she mumbled as she looked up. “Can I make anything?” 

“If I allow it,” I said. “What do you want?” 

She thought really hard, but nothing showed up. “I don’t know. I was hoping for my quirk to work.” 

“No, sorry. Out there you can make whatever you want. In here, it is all me,” I waved my hand and we were back in the pillow room. I happily munched on the popcorn. 

“Why did you bring me here?” She asked. 

“So I could talk,” I said. “Momo I was never using you. I like you. You’re smart, beautiful, and your rack…my god it is hard to look away when you’re in costume. No, I never used you as a cover. I took you out on a date because I wanted to.” 

“Then what’s with the game with Toru? You’re dating her. I take that seriously!” She said angrily. 

“Toru and I have an…unconventional relationship,” I said slowly. “I didn’t ask you out to act like we had a chance. We have a chance, you and I.”

“What are you saying?” She asked, slowly understanding what was going on. 

“Tell me this,” I said, trying to dodge a minefield of promises I had given to Tory. “What would happen to you if suddenly people couldn’t see you? One day you were there, and the next you were gone. Your parents tell you that it’s irreversible. They are both invisible too. So it’s not a huge surprise. Do you fight and rage against whatever god decided you get that quirk, or do you accept it?” 

I let out a sigh. “Maybe you learn to like the quirk. No one can see you. Who knows what you’re doing. You stumble upon people doing stuff they shouldn’t, and it awakens something in you. You learn that you like it. It keeps happening, and before you know it, that’s what you spend your time trying to find. You feel that rush all over again.” 

“Are you saying, Toru likes-” 

“I’m not saying anything,” I said. “This is a hypothetical.” Toru had made me promise not to tell anyone for sure. “My answer to you, is Toru knew full well I was going to ask you out on a date. If things progressed…she wouldn’t have thrown a fit.” 

“You can’t be serious,” she said. Dropping down to a pillow. 

“There are all types of people in the world, Momo,” I said. “Don’t judge. I mean you make a vibrator with your power almost nightly.” 

“How the hell-” She stopped herself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Right,” I said, giving her a wink. “Momo, you have everything in creation at your fingertips. You can’t tell me that your quirk hasn’t shaped you in any way.”

“Yeah, but I don’t…” She stopped herself, blushing. 

“What is it?” I asked, a smile on my lips. 

“What? Nothing,” she said quickly. 

“Oh no, you thought of something. Something that you did with your quirk that you shouldn’t have,” I said. “What is it?” 

“I’m not telling you,” she said, blushing more. I snapped my fingers and chains grabbed her. Holding her taut she yelled out as her clothes turned into a much skimpier version of her hero outfit. Basically a string bikini on her I stood up and approached her. 

“Weston, what are you doing?” She asked, her eyes wide. 

“Torturing you,” I said. A long feather appeared between my fingers. I slid it down her side. She bit her lip to keep from laughing. “I want to hear what you did.” 

“Weston,” she whined. I moved the feather to her armpit. She started laughing loudly. “Stop, please stop!” She yelled. I did so. “Let me down!” I released her. She looked around, still in her skimpy outfit. She let out a sigh. “I thought you would keep going.” 

“You sound a little disappointed,” I said with a wide smile. “I mean, this place isn’t real, but it feels real. You are free to go whenever you want,” I said. “But in here, it could be just the 2 of us. No one else.” I moved closer to her. My face only an inch from hers. “Momo, I really like you. I know you are training to become a hero. So encroaching somewhere that you think you aren’t wanted doesn’t sit right with you. But, you are wanted and welcome.” Her eyes sparkled as she stared at me. She moved her lips to speak but no words came out. I risked it and kissed her. 

She didn’t push me away but was soon moving into me. I let myself fall to a sofa pit as she kissed me deeply. It wasn’t long until our tongues were in one another’s mouths. Her perfect body pressing up against me I ran my hands along her exposed skin. She moaned in my mouth, shivering from my touch, but was then back to kissing me. 

We stayed like that for a long time. All the sexual tension had built up between us to this one point. I could have pressed for a kiss on our date all that time ago, but she wasn’t ready. The girl on me was. She moved her inhibitions to the side as I fondled her thick thighs. Then I moved my hands to her breasts. Pushing the skimpy clothes to the side to touch her erect nipples she gasped and shuddered but didn’t stop me. 

I poured some chakra into her. Just a little to make her feel more pleasure. Eventually it built up so much that she came. Gasping for breath in my mouth her whole body shivered as the orgasm moved through her. 

“Holy shit,” she said, pulling away. “What was that?” 

“I’m guessing an orgasm,” I said. “But I could be wrong. Want another?” 

“How?” She asked, weakly. 

“My chakra,” I said. “I can make you feel more pleasure with it.”

“That’s weird,” she said. Struggling to catch her breath. “Did you ever figure out how to give it to others?” She asked. I guessed she was trying to change the subject or focus on something else. 

“I did, but it’s rather invasive,” I admitted. “It requires us to have sex.” 

“What?” She asked, sitting up. 

“No, I’m not joking,” I said. “Yes it can be done. No, I don’t expect you to do it. Chakra takes time to learn and manipulate. It’s not an immediate power boost.”

“But you gave it to Toru, didn’t you?” She asked slowly. I nodded. “So you’ve had…sex?”

“We have,” I admitted. “Lots of times.”

“I knew she was lying,” Momo said. I shrugged not sure where to go from there. We stared awkwardly there for a bit. Looking down to her clothes she asked, “Can you put me in something else?” 

“Something skimpier?” I asked, excitedly. 

“No,” she said through gritted teeth. 

“Then no,” I said. I removed my clothes. “There, now we are even.” Her eyes widened, but she didn’t appear to have any complaints. “Where would you like to go from here?” I asked. 

“Like what?” She asked. 

“Do you want to go on another date?” I asked. “Do you want me to stop talking to you completely? I’ve said my peace. I like you, and would like to keep flirting with you. Progress further than this. Kiss you for real. But it’s up to you. I don’t see my relationship with Toru ending. I don’t want your and my relationship to end, either. I want to get to know more about you. Learn your secrets. And have you talk to me. I’m sure whatever you wanted to say to me before had built up. You can tell me anything, and I promise to not get mad.” 

“I would…” She looked around. “Like to leave this place.” I nodded and we were back in our bodies. She eyed me, looking around for a moment. Then she surprised me by coming in for a kiss. My hand went to her back as I pulled her closer. 

This kiss was real. Our mouths on one another, she showed what she had learned in the Makuramoto. Gasping through struggling breath as the kiss became more heated she pressed herself against me as I explored her rear. 

When it was done she rested her forehead against mine. Humming happily for a moment. 

“Thanks,” she said. I did some sign language that I guessed meant thank you. “Oh right, you still can’t talk.” Smiling widely she took my hand and pulled me along with her. She acted like we were back on our date. Simply out for a stroll around town. Quiet next to one another I could tell that she was happier. But I wasn’t sure where this would lead. It would take her time to be comfortable with more. I would give her whatever time she needed. 

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