Canon Fodder



I came to in a small car. Parked outside of a small house in the woods I looked around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Looking up to the rear view mirror an older me looked back as memories flooded in. 

I was Weston Watanabe. 21 years old I had recently finished getting my degree in architecture of all things. The job market wasn’t too good though and I had been struggling to find a job. 

That was when I got a letter that my Uncle died. An estranged relative, he had disappeared a long time ago. No one had seen or heard from him in years, but he left me everything he owned. Including his house in the middle of nowhere. 

As pain assailed me, the popup appeared. 

You have chosen the Fantasy World

Try to keep up


“What the hell does that mean?” I asked. I had thought this area was smut. But this Weston’s body was a virgin. He had no one romantic in his life. Frowning, I got out of the car. 

“This feels familiar,” I said looking at the house. It was a wood structure. Quite large it was nestled into the woods. Trees overgrown the place needed some work. We were a good ways from the nearest town, but it would be simple enough to clean it up. 

“I swear I’ve seen this before,” I said. Racking my brain. It was a common setting in manga. A kid inherits a home from someone he never met. But turns out there is a big secret in the basement of the house. Basically a Cabin in the Woods scenario, but instead of deathere there were either fantasy creatures living there or a gate to another world somewhere inside. My World Escape cooldown still had an hour on it, so I decided to stick it out for now. 

Walking up to the small porch I found the key under a planter like the realtor said it would be. Opening the door it was revealed that the inside was in the same state as the outside. Dust everywhere I looked around. 

The house was quite old. With some traditional and modern aspects built in the mats were Japanese, but the wood walls were more modern. No TV, the place was rather barren. I looked around finding an old gas fired stove but no dishwasher or clothes dryer. There was a small clothes washer but it was dated. 

Going to the back I found what I was looking for. A basement door. Opening it with a tug some rickety stairs led my way. The light switch didn’t work but with Haki and my increased vision I could see fine. 

Heading down, the basement was filled with junk. But I could feel the Spiritual Energy of everything around me. There was something strong far at the back of the pile. I could feel it radiating power. Starting to move boxes out of the way I formed 2 clones and we made quick work of the junk. 

A path made through them I found what I was looking for. A door built into the basement wall. Focusing my Nen in my eyes I was surprised to see that it flowed with Lifeforce as well as Spiritual Energy. 

“Here we go,” I said. Excitement in my voice as I grabbed the ruby encrusted doorknob and turned it. 

The door pulled away to reveal a cave. I stepped through. The door closing behind me on its own it didn’t disappear. Some light leaking in from ahead of me I followed it to reveal a fantasy world. 

3 moons far off in the distance one was blue, the other red, and the last was green. The sky was blue and 2 suns burned brightly off into the distance. 

All around me were trees. With nowhere else to go I headed into the forest. A few animals scurrying by I summoned Nibi. The black and blue cat looked around then jumped up to my neck. 

“What’s it like for you? Is my status screen like a pokeball?” The 2 tailed beast looked up at me then laid back down. “Fine, keep your secrets.” I had hoped to get closer to her. Make her open up. My true goal was to be able to use her chakra just in case. But I’d also be happy if she fought by my side. For now she was content to sit on my shoulder. 

We walked through the woods until I noticed a grassland ahead. On the edge of the treeline I was stopped as Nibi sat up. Looking off to the right I followed her gaze. At first I didn’t see anything but then I could feel the Spiritual Energy. Weak but there, I rushed over. 

I came upon a battlefield. Not a very big one there were 3 massive dark skinned orc monsters lying dead. Around them were 5 women scattered around them. Their skin was dark as well. My eyes caught sight of the pointy ears. I had found 4 dead and 1 live dark elf. 

Moving the bodies out of the way I found the only Spiritual Energy left alive. She was beaten badly. Her mouth bleeding out the side I ignored her large rack as I grabbed her side to help stop the bleeding. 

She winced as my hand on her side caused her to wake slightly. She looked up at me through her barely cracked eyelids. 

“Home?” She whispered, pointing off to the distance. Then she was out. I cursed but looked through the other women’s belongings. As I tore off bits of cloth a quest appeared. 

Fantasy World Quest

Return the Elf to her people



150 gold

“That’s worth it to me,” I said. Who didn’t like gold? I bound her wounds and threw her on my back. Nibi jumped to sit on her as I pooled water underneath me. Freezing it I jumped on and we were on our way. 

Raising up high into the air I noticed a castle in the distance. Dark clouds surrounding the stone city, the place didn’t look too welcoming. But it was the direction she had pointed in. 

I increased speed, wind roaring in my ears as I reached over 100 miles per hour. I sped up more, amazed at my control of my chakra. I soon had to start slowing down so I could monitor everything below me. 

There was a large city nestled into an open grassland. Surrounded by a massive wall the place was being attacked by a horde of monsters. Massive orcs, goblins, lizard men, undead liches, even a dragon was at the back. They roared and yelled, focused on attacking the gates. 

I decided they must be the bad guys. The situation felt familiar, but I still couldn’t place it. Dropping down I got to the ramparts. Nothing but female dark elves littered the wall. 

“A man!” One yelled in fear. 

“Leave us!” Another screamed out. I was taken aback by their beauty as well. None of them were smaller than a C cup. Dark skin, pointy ears, they wore skimpy boner inspiring clothes. 

“I need somewhere to take her,” I said, pulling the woman off my shoulder. 

“Princess Illuna!” One of the beauties said. Her eyes wide. I looked back to the hurt girl. She didn’t have any distinguishing marks that placed her as a princess. But she was gorgeous. 

I turned to the big building at the center of town. “Guess I have an in,” I said as the ice lifted me up again. I shot toward the castle. A few magic streaks zipped by me but they were easy to dodge. I dropped down at the large door leading into the castle. 

I kicked the double doors in. Nibi still on the girl. We made an odd group as I came upon a line of soldiers. All female, wearing skimpy armor I didn’t want to hurt them. Forcing the water in their bodies back I threw them away. Again and again I moved deeper into the castle until I was at the throne room. 

Thick red carpet leading my way to the throne more guards appeared in front of me. Leveling weapons I pulled the Princess back down. Showing her face, people gasped. They began to step back as I walked further in. At the far end of the room was a more mature version of the princess. 

Long black hair, her dark skin and pointy ears were obvious. What I couldn’t look away from was her larger than life jugs. Far exceeding DD she wore enough of a shirt to cover her nipples, and that was it. From the tits I was almost positive I recognized her. 

“Is this Kuroinu or whatever?” I mumbled. A hentai with a demon lord and elves it was one of the sick ones I might have watched once upon a time. I had no idea what the plot was, because that’s not why you watched porn. But there were gorgeous women in it. At least as beautiful as the guards and women around me. 

“Give me back my daughter!” The queen demanded. Standing up she took a step toward me 

“Okay,” I said, setting her on the carpet. “I found her outside of town. She’s still alive.” I stepped back away from her. No one reacted for a long moment then a female priest ran up. Looking her over she began to chant spells over her. A white blinding light appeared, enveloping the princesses body. 

As the light faded I felt her Spiritual Energy soar back up. She breathed in deeply and the Queen was soon rushing to her. I stood there awkwardly as mother and daughter reunited. Crying out as they did a quick background story about her being on patrol. She had been under the orc for days. 

“Then I was found,” she said slowly turning to me. I waved slightly. “A man?!” She asked. Getting up she grimaced as she stepped back. “A human man?”

“Uh yeah,” I said. “That a problem?”

“He’s not infected by the demonization,” the priest said. 

“What?!” The queen asked. 

“Uh what’s that now?” I asked. 

“Man, who are you?”

“I’m um Weston. I came here through a door-“

“A door? From another world?” The priest asked excitedly. 

“Kind of-“

“That changes everything,” the priest said. “He must be who we have been waiting for.”

“Fucking cheap ass hentai plot,” I mumbled as they talked excitedly between themselves. When I was completely lost I announced, “hold up! What’s going on here?”

“You were prophesied,” the priest said excitedly. “Long ago it was foretold that when our people needed him most. A man would appear to save us.”

“I mean that’s cool and all,” I said. “What do I get out of it?” I was used to Isekai plots where the hero was expected to do everything for free. I planned to save them anyway, but I might as well get something out of it. 

“Anything you want,” the Queen said without hesitation. It was hard to say no to a woman with a rack like hers. I was lost in the view of them. Almost able to see nipples I was only brought out of their mesmerizing gaze as a pop-up appeared. 

Fantasy World Quest

Save the city from the demon threat



Bonus Choice

“Cool,” I said. “So what? Kill all the bad guys out there?”

“Yes, we will help of c-“

“No need,” I said, cracking my neck as I headed outside. “I’ll take care of them all myself.”

I headed outside. No one bothered me as I left. Nothing but women around me I felt their eyes follow me as I walked outside. Jumping onto my slab of ice Nibi joined me. Sitting on my shoulder as we flew to the outskirts of town. 

“Ready for this?” I asked my cat. It hissed but looked forward. I chuckled as we hovered above the horde of monsters. 

“Time to practice,” I said. My fist punching down at the demons and monsters in a wide arc it hit the air and cracked it. My Tremor Devil Fruit knocked them down in a huge wave in front of me. 

I punched again. Causing another column of them to fall. I increased the power and punched again. This time the first 10 spit up blood as they died. The rest were thrown back and I went into a punching frenzy. 

The air cracking like glass as I sent my shockwaves out I broke them apart with ease. The monsters soon screeched at me. Flying drakes came my way. I gripped the air like a tangible thing and pulled it to me. The flying beasts were thrown forward as tremors assailed them. I pulled out my chakra. Forming it into a condensed ball I shot it into them. The chakra hurt them but didn’t kill them. 

Cursing, I condensed it more and watched as Nibi did the same. Chakra coalescing at its mount it growled and shot it at the monster. Like a bullet the chakra passed through 3 in one hit. I laughed as we continued on. 

Following her moves I formed the chakra and shot it out like a bullet. Stabbing through one I continued to practice until they were all down.  

Then the giant dragon began to use its wings to climb into the air. I punched down at it. The Tremors forcing it down I then sent a stream of water out. Cutting off one of its wings it roared and fell to the ground. 

That’s when the first monster turned to run away. It was a goblin. As it ran I sent a shockwave at the monster and his brethren. Crushing them under the strength as I played with this power. 

It took a good hour to beat them all. Minotaurs crushed under my strength. Orcs split in half. Hundreds of them pierced by my ice or chakra bullets. 

They died one by one or dozens at a time until there was only 1 left. A human. Dark tan skin he had red eyes as he stared up at me. Roaring a challenge he ran at me with his sword. I sent an ice bullet through his head then pulled it back and sent it through his heart. 

He collapsed dead and I looked to Nibi. “Hell of a vacation, huh?” I asked. The cat meowed and we raised up. Flying into the city for my reward. 

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