Canon Fodder



Next to me was Naruto. We were in a large room. In front of us were all 9 tailed beasts. They were massive. The room itself was a good 100 feet tall and the 9 animals nearly touched the top. They stood in front of us in a wide arc. Starting at the 1 tailed beast they fanned out until the 9 tailed fox. At their center was a ghost. 

He was a pale man with legs that faded to nothingness. Small horns on his head he had a thick beard and disheveled hair. His eyes were purple with 6 rings around the pupils. 

“I am the Sage of the 6 Paths,” the man said. I could feel the power in his voice as he spoke. 

“What the hell?” Naruto asked. “What are we doing here?” 

“I have brought you here,” the sage said. “I have been watching events for some time now. I never expected my mother to have laid such plans in place. I had worried, but I see it was for nothing. You have cut short her plans for this land.”

“Thanks,” I said as I walked up. Still a little hesitant in front of the eyes of the tailed beasts. “What’s the occasion?” 

“I simply wanted to wish you luck,” he said. “You, Naruto. I see a familiar power in you. Much like my own son…” The man went into a long explanation about how Naruto was the supposed reincarnation of his son. Something about chakra and hard work. I didn’t pay much attention. It sounded like bullshit to me. I was especially annoyed that Naruto was there since he had been off training while I did most of the work. While they talked I brought up my notification. 

Naruto Quest 13: Complete

End Akatsuki

Prevent the Awakening of the 10 tailed beast

End the threat of the Rabbit Goddess.




Pet Choice

Weakness Eliminator

Bonus Slot Upgrade


I had thought I would get my Challenger Slots, but I forgot that usually happened a few days later. For now these rewards sounded pretty nice. I used my Bonus Slot Upgrade, making Minor Psychic Resistance into Medium Psychic Resistance. I was sure that had helped me along with the Identity Theft Resistance. But psychics scared me more than anything so I wanted that. 

I planned to use my Weakness Eliminator to remove my Give and Take Quirk Blowback. Potentially making me able to shoot lasers. But the Pet Choice…now that was intriguing. Especially as I stared at 9 possible pets in front of me. 

I knew that the tailed beasts were far too powerful. They had to be sealed inside of a body to hold onto them. But I had an otherworldly power. A power that went beyond chakra. And I hoped it could be used to bind one of these walking nuclear weapons to me. 

As the Sage of Six Paths finished his explanation to a lost Naruto, I stepped up. “I have been working for years to prevent your mother from taking over,” I said. “I would like a boon.” 

“What?” The man asked, surprised. “I was merely congratulating you on saving you-” 

“Yeah, yeah, that’s great and all. But you are friends with the tailed beasts. I would like one of my own,” I said. Growing excited as I thought about it. 

“These are not toys to pass out,” the man said, growing angry. “These are living breathing-” 

“I plan to keep fighting,” I said to the tailed beasts. “Naruto has Kurama.” I pointed to the tailed beast. 

“How do you know that name?!” The large fox growled. I cursed, maybe that was supposed to be some big reveal, but the Japanese 9-tailed fox was always called Kurama. 

“I want one of you to join me,” I said, ignoring the dark chakra of the strongest tailed beast. He was still in Naruto anyway, so I doubted I could take it. “I think I have a way to take one of you with me. I don’t know what it would entail. But I plan to keep fighting. Keep striving for power. I would like one of you to be by my side.”

My words echoed in the large room. The old man had been glaring at me, but slowly his face softened. “What do you plan to keep fighting against?” 

“I plan to change this ninja world for the better. No more would I want you tailed beasts to be secret weapons of the villages. A threat. I want a partner to join me. Not someone to be locked away.”

“How do you propose to do that?” The old man asked. 

“I have a way. I don’t know much about it. But I think it would bind one of you to me. And me to you. Allowing us to form a partnership as we help one another.” I was mostly spitballing, but it sounded good. These beasts were used to being trapped for years inside of a person like a…pokeball almost. I smiled widely. “Who would join me?” 

The old man looked to the beasts. They appeared to have some sort of mental conversation between one another. Long moments I waited until finally 3 stepped forward. My heart began to beat in my chest. Finally it was happening. My Pokemon rite of passage. But who would I choose?

“These 3 are willing to risk it,” the old man said. “The Nibi,” he said, pointing to the 2 tailed beast. It’s body resembled a large feline. It’s skin was alive as it stared at me. Black and blue flames all around it, I knew it had been Yugito’s only a short time ago. She had passed, but the tailed beast lived on. 

“The Sanbi,” he said pointing to the 3 tailed beast. It was a giant turtle. It’s face distorted with spikes I thought it could be fitting because of my summoned beast. 

“And the Gobi,” he said pointing to the 5 tailed beast. It was like a mix between a horse and ferret. It’s 4 legs and main body that of a horse, the face stared at me menacingly. 

Logic told me that the more tails meant the most powerful. But I had no idea if I could link to the tailed beast. My choice came down to Pokemon. I had Charmander, Squirtle, and…a white Ponyta option. 

“Char-I mean the Nibi,” I said to the 2 tailed fire cat. “I would like you to join me.” The cat hissed at the old man, but he simply nodded. I walked forward, my hands shaking as I brought up the Pet Choice. Praying that it would work. A screen popped up as I used the item. 

Make this animal your Pet?



I clicked Y but nothing happened. Then suddenly a light shot from my chest into the 2 tailed beast. Connecting the 2 of us for long seconds. As we connected the beast began to shrink as more notifications popped up. 

Devolving Pet Strength due to lack of Privileges.



Devolving Pet Strength due to lack of Privileges.



Devolving Pet Strength due to lack of Privileges.




Devolving Pet Strength due to lack of Privileges.



As the last notification appeared, the Nibi shrunk down to that of a normal housecat. I cursed internally, but it was much more Pokemon sized now. I guessed this was why I was able to beat Articuno during my 1st challenge. They didn’t let you have too strong of animals as pets. I risked it and walked up to the cat. The black and blue flames of the body weren’t hot as I reached down. The feline sniffed my hand then ran up my arm. 

Wrapping itself around my neck I felt content with my choice. “What’s your real name?” I asked the cat. It didn’t answer, resting it’s head on my shoulder I shrugged and walked back to the Sage. 

“It appears that she is bound to you now,” the old man said. A small smile on his lips. “Take care of her. Wherever you may go.” I nodded as I walked back to Naruto. Bringing up my Status Screen, there was a new section for Pet. 


Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:



World 1 Quest:


World 2:

One Piece


World 2 Quest:


World 3:

My Hero Academia*


World 3 Quest:


World 4:



World 4 Quest:


World 5:

One Punch Man


World 5 Quest:

Get to S-Class


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path



2 -Tailed Beast

Enter Name


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


5 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki


Cross World Summoning


Chakra Sense


Berserker Mode


Search Quirk




Tremor Devil Fruit



Increased Intellect


4 Challenger Slots

Hardened Skin


Increased Vision


Drug Resistance


Medium Psychic Resistance


Venom Resistance


Minor Identity Theft Resistance


Smooth Tongue



Chikyugi Necklace


2 Challenger Slots

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume


Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (50)


Gantz Sword



Baria Reef Map



Stored (341)


Anti-Hero Costume



Chakra Paper

Stored (5000)


Weakness Eliminator






1 Challenger Slot
















I entered Nibi as the name, in hopes I could name her whatever it’s real name was later. The cat was weightless on my shoulders, but I could feel the immense amount of chakra inside. Even a 10th of her strength, she could be a big help to me in the future. 

“What just happened?” Naruto asked slowly. 

“I got my first Pokemon,” I said with a wide smile. 

“A what?” 

“Doesn’t matter. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“One last thing,” the Sage said, drawing our eyes. “Already the leaders of your land are looking into how they can extract the tailed beasts from the statue. Another war may yet break out between them.”

“Fuck,” I mumbled. “I hadn’t thought of that.” There were 5 nuclear bombs, ready for the taking right behind me. If the tailed beasts could be put inside, of course they could be extracted. 

“I am going to release them,” the Sage said. “Into the world.”

“Are they willing to not attack us anymore?” I asked as I looked around. 

“They will leave you humans alone,” the man said. He turned to Naruto. “I can release you from the kyubi as well. You would not be at the risk of death with my method.”

I watched Naruto. The yellow haired kid looked up to the 9 tailed fox. “Kurama is it?” He asked. The fox growled. “Do you want to go?” 

“Of course!” The fox spat. Naruto frowned. 

“I don’t really want you to,” he said. “I’ve had you with me all my life. I never really got to know you. But if it’s what you want…” 

The fox turned to the old man. They stared at one another for a time and the old guy nodded. Slowly the tailed beasts began to disappear. First the 3rd tail, then 4th, 5, 6, and 7th. As the tailed beasts evaporated into thin air, 3 stayed. Still locked to the people around us was the 1 tailed attacked to Gaara, the 8 tailed attached to Killer B, and the 9 tailed attached to Naruto. With a huff the 9 tailed sat down on the floor and we were sucked back into our real bodies. 

“What now?!” Hinata yelled as I woke up. 

“Just good stuff,” I assured as I stood. The 2 tailed beast wasn’t anywhere near me. I brought up my screen and where the Pet Icon was there was a button that said Summon. I clicked it and the black/blue cat appeared on my shoulder. Sitting up it looked around then jumped to Hinata. She gasped as the fiery animal landed on her, but it was an expert at maneuvering and wrapped itself around her neck. 

“Who is this?” She asked. Her eyes wide as the cat began to purr around her. 

“My new friend. She is called Nibi,” I said. I turned to Naruto who was slowly waking up. “Did it go?” 

He shook his head, his hand moving to his stomach. “He decided to stay for now.” 

“Awesome,” I said. “Let’s get a hold of the Raikage. There is an island that I think will help you out. Help you get to know the tailed beast more.” I hoped to stop by as well, but since Kibi wasn’t inside of me I doubted it would help. 

“Come on, there’s a lot of cleanup to do. Did Kakashi win against Sasuke?” I asked. 

“Sasuke is here?” Naruto asked, perking up. 

“Of course. You really think a big fight could happen and he wouldn’t be on the losing side?” I asked. Grabbing his shoulder we made our way through the rubble, trying to figure out what to do next. 

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