Canon Fodder



“I’ve got 10 days,” I said while I was in the red room. “Not much time to do anything but train…” I looked around to my doors. “I still need gold for Dragonball Z to pay Yamcha. Although the stronger I am before I go there, the better. Pretty sure in Dragonball they were able to run a few hundred miles per hour when they were training for the Martial Arts Tournament. I’m not there yet.” 

Looking around more I added, “Could start working on my gold plan for Berserk. But the girls there are so weak.” I turned to Gantz. “However, I supposedly have access to Gantz and more suits. That would skip the training arc in Berserk. We could start working on merc stuff right away. I can practice my Devil Fruit more as well.” 

I nodded slowly as I started to see it. My plans weren’t perfect, but they were coming together. After forcing my eyes from the One Punch Man World I stepped into Gantz. 

The beach illuminated around me. Last I remembered were 10 men had attacked me because they said I had control of the Gantz orbs. I’d stripped and taken their Gantz suits and left after that. The bodies were still there. As I studied them and remembered the incident. As I did a pop-up appeared. 

Gantz Quest:

Investigate the Organization after your head.



Weakness Eliminator

“Yes,” I said to myself. I remembered the announcement that said there were no Challenger Slots left to get. But in my book a Weakness Eliminator was just as good. 

Using Observation Haki I couldn’t feel anything else off in the area. I turned around to walk into our beachfront villa. Inside I found a very cumatose Reika, Kishimoto, and Sei. Kishimoto was my oldest companion. Almost 17 now, she was a little older than this body of mine. Long light brown hair she had tried to commit suicide and Gantz had sent her to the room. 

Next to her was Sei. Sei had been with me for a little less time. Long black hair, thick lips, perfect heart shaped face, she typically cosplayed as Lara Croft before the whole dying thing. 

Last was Reika. An idol in Japan, she was rather famous there. Long black hair, she was a beauty much like the other 2. One thing that tied them all together were their massive racks. All had DD breasts, something I missed sorely. The main protagonist definitely had a type. I couldn’t help but steal them from him, making them mine as I saved the world from aliens. 

“Time to get up, girls,” I whispered as I shook Sei’s hip. 

“I’m sexed out,” she mumbled. The other girls groaned as well. Kishimoto was especially out. 

“Not that.” A part of me was disappointed. It had been 4 years since I’d had any of them. Hell none of them had chakra either. I’d have to fix that. “Someone put a contract on my head. We gotta go.”

The girls were quiet for a bit. Eventually Reina sat up. “What?”

“Assassins. I just had to take care of like 10 of them. I’m sure they know who you are. We aren’t safe.”

“What?!” Sei repeated as she sat up. My eyes were drawn to her tits as they swung in front of me. 

I watched them as I walked them through our situation. There was a lot more yelling as I explained things, then they ran out back to see the dead guys, then we packed up in a hurry. I had to carry Kishimoto since she was still out. 

“Weston, you killed people,” Sei hissed. 

“Not the first time,” I mumbled. “They were looking to kill us.”

“I don’t get it. Who cares if you have control of Gantz?” Reina asked. 

“You saw me bring someone back to life, remember?” I said. “Crap what was her name? I’ll remember later. Anyway, if I can connect to all of the Gantz, I could potentially bring thousands of people back to life. Gantz has access to a hell of a lot more cool stuff too. Weapons, upgraded armor, teleportation, vehicles. Hell those guys had invisibility on their suits. Although I never figured out how to activate it…” I’d have to look into that later. 

“Holy shit,” Sei mumbled as we came to the hotel lobby. I stopped her, thinking more clearly. Laying Kishimoto down I did a transformation on all of us. 

“What the fuck?!” The girls asked as I transformed them into Hancock and Robin. Kishimoto I turned into Nami. I turned into Kakashi. 

“I have a lot more skills than I’ve let on,” I said quickly. “Questions later.” We headed out and hailed a cab. Late at night there were still plenty of people in the tourist destination. 

“At least tell me where we are going,” Reina said. They were in back while I sat next to the driver. 

“Somewhere else,” I said, trying to think. The people knew what we looked like. I had only exchanged a little bit of yen for dollars. We needed more seed money. I wore the face of Kakashi currently. It was time to do some stupid stuff. 

“Get us to a new hotel,” I told the cab driver. “A different part of town.” The driver nodded. Heading off he joined traffic. But then I noticed the perfect opportunity. “Stop here for a minute. Our friend is drunk. Gotta get some medicine.” The driver didn’t fight it. “I’ll be quick.”

Walking into the small convenience store I announced. “Everyone hands up this is a-“ I stopped as the patrons stared at my Chikyugi Necklace. Knocking them out with a Genjutsu I walked to the counter and pried open the cash register with a simple jerk. 

It was a glorious thing to see a filled cash register. If I remembered right, the year was 2006. Back before everything was credit and debit card transactions. And we were in a tourist spot. There was plenty to go around. 

A few hundred dollars in my pocket I came out and gave the driver a few 20s. “They didn’t have what we wanted. Let’s go to the next store,” I said. And proceeded to rob another 4 stores on our way. The driver didn’t care that I asked to stop at a busy restaurant for some supposed medicine. By the end my pockets were bursting with money. 

“Here,”‘ I ordered. Far enough away from the old hotel I could see signs for more further ahead. 

Carrying Kishimoto we were soon back on the street and trying to find a hotel. It took quite the bribe to get a room in a seedier hotel without a credit card as collateral, but money made the world go round. 

“What are we doing?” Sei asked as we sat in the hotel. 

“What was that girl's name that I brought back to life?”

“Mio Hattari,” Sei said as she pulled out her phone. 

“Fuck,” I said. “Get the number then give me all your phones.” She wrote it down then I was pulling SIM cards and batteries out of the phones. 

“I need that for work. What if my manager calls?” Reina asked. 

“Reina, darling. I know you haven’t been with me long but I like you a lot. This world almost ended. And who knows if there is another threat coming our way. Do you really want to keep being an idol?” I asked, seriously. 

“W-what-I need to make money,” she whispered. 

“I’ll provide for you,” I said quickly. “All of you. It’s going to have to be hard work at the beginning, but we have a prime opportunity here.”

“What kind of opportunity?” Sei asked as she sat on the bed. 

“To take over the world,” I admitted. The girls gave me a shocked look. “We have access to technology years ahead of what’s on the market. Teleportation…not to mention space travel.”

“Space travel?” Reina asked wide eyed. 

“I spent a week on a ship almost as big as this planet. There are thousands of aliens on our planet. They had to get here somehow. If we can beat these guys trying to kill me we could focus on the aliens. Get interspace travel, or interdimensional, or whatever the hell they use. Finally space travel could be at humans' fingertips. And we can be at the top. With Gantz we can supply people with the gear to fight aliens. Not only that but the training too.”

“Holy fucking shit,” Sei mumbled as she thought it out. 

“Are you serious?” Reina asked slowly. “That’s…crazy.”

“We live in a crazy world,” I said. “So are you in? Both of you, I want you with me. Our goal is to survive for now, world domination if we feel like it.”

“I’m fucking in,” Sei said excitedly. “This is so far above my pay grade. But you could do it.”

“Good, let’s get Mio on the phone,” I said. It took a while to figure out how to call internationally. Eventually we just went to a pay phone and used about $20 in quarters. 

“What?” The voice asked. 

“Mio, it’s Weston,” I said. 

“How’s Hawaii?” She asked. Kishimoto had kept the girl up on what we were doing. She wanted a full walkthrough of what happened to the aliens once we got back. 

“Too many assassins,” I said. “Listen, apparently Gantz is putting out a message that I have control of all of the orbs around the world. Some secret group is trying to kill me in hopes it will pass to them.”

“What?!” And I explained what I knew. “That’s amazing.”

“Yep, listen, you ever talk to people in the US back in the day? About Gantz?”

“There was a group in Los Angeles once. But not Hawaii.” I nodded. That made sense. “I have no idea where though. Why?”

“These guys came here too quickly. I’m betting they’re based in the US. I plan to stay stateside until I rip their throats out.”

“Shit? Seriously?”

“I committed Genocide against an alien race trying to destroy my planet. What the hell do you think I’ll do to someone that’s targeting me?” She didn’t have an answer to that. “I’m going to try to find the nearest Gantz orb. I need you to get Sado and Kurono. Get all the orbs you can find. Find a spot for them.”

“What? Why?” 

“I’m betting these guys aren’t going to let them stay where they are now if they’re planning to take over Gantz. Remember how they each had memory? I can probably bring your family back, Mio.”

“Holy shit,” she whispered. 

“Do what I ask. I swear they’ll be the first people I bring back once we are in Japan,” I said. 

“Whatever you need. I’m talking with a few people. I think I’ve located most in Japan and a couple in Korea.”

“Good. Stay by your cell phone. We will be on the move. Expect to hear from me,” I said and was soon hanging up and heading back into the motel room. 

“What’s the plan?” Sei asked. 

“Tomorrow we go to LA. I’ll figure it out from there,” I admitted. I eyed the 3 girls. Kishimoto was still asleep, but Reina and Sei were up. Staring at me as I looked them up and down. “Are you with me?”

“Of fucking course,” Sei said. 

Reina bit her lip. “Are you um sure about this?”

“Which part?” 

“Taking me with you? I know I haven’t known you for long. I’m not sure why you are being…”

“Nice to you?”

“I don’t know. I’m kind of running on instinct here and…”

“Reina, you're beautiful,” I said, moving to her. “You were killed. And went right to fighting aliens without question. I want to get to know all of you more. But I trust you. I can’t explain it. I know I'll handle this situation better knowing that you’re with me. So will you please stay? I know you have a career. But we could be dealing with stuff so much bigger than that. This could be the start of something huge. I want you by my side while I figure it out.”

Her eyes sparkled as she stared up at me. “I’d love to.” I leaned down, kissing her as I leaned forward into her. She moaned in my mouth as she fell to the mattress. Lifting her shirt she moaned as she kicked her legs while undressing. 

“Again?” Sei asked. 

“The risk of death always does it for me,” I admitted as Reina began helping me out of my clothes. It wasn’t long until her milky skin was revealed and her large breasts were swaying as she stared up at me. 

“I’m going to give you something that will make you stronger,” I said. “It will help you do a little of what I can do.”

“How?” She asked. 

“Don’t worry about it,” I said as I moved into her tight pussy. She moaned as chakra coated my dick. Yelling out it wasn’t long until I was humping into her at full speed. Her legs wrapped around me as a continuous orgasm assaulted her body. Her eyes wide she took it all, unable to talk as I kept the pleasure going. 

Her drenched pussy only became tighter as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I groaned, filling her up with my cum as I cast enough chakra for the Harem Mark. 

She breathed in and out as my dick released into her all I had built up. “When did you learn that?” 

“Recently. Here it comes,” I said. She cried out as her face shot straight up. Yelling out her chakra flared as her body came hard. Digging into my skin she spasmed underneath me. 

Passing out when the process finished I looked over to find Sei watching wide eyed. “My turn, my turn,” she said, laying down next to Reina. I laughed and was soon inside of her. Giving her all I had and another load that was just as potent as the last. 

“Trying to sleep,” Kishimoto said after Sei finished yelling out. “Just take what you want.” I moved to her and she was soon wide awake as I began to hump into her. Her eyes wide she was then put back to sleep as I awoke chakra in her. 

Positioning them on the bed I laid between them. Watching and waiting to make sure no one found us. Also planning for the future. I couldn’t help but picture a world like Firefly or the Expanse. Where space travel was commonplace. I would bring it all to the masses as we explored the stars and took the fight to the alien’s homes instead of letting them bring it here. 

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