Burning Love Cute Husband and His Little Wife

Chapter 91

91 The Battle of Money

“John, give the money back!” Isabella immediately stood up.

“Give it back?”

John looked up and down at Isabella with disdain, “Aren’t you going to give the money to Mom? Hers is mine, so thank you!”

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows and turned around to leave.

“It’s for her to see a doctor!”

Isabella grabbed John’s clothes and said angrily, “Mom is hurt. This is for her to buy medicines. How can you take it away?”

“What does it have to do with me?”

Although John was only seventeen years old, he was a head taller than Isabella.

He pushed Isabella away and said ferociously, “Dad said that everything in this family will be mine in the future! Whether Mom’s or yours, they will all be mine!”


Isabella was ruthlessly thrown onto the ground...

Outside the Smith’s house,

A black limo was parked at the corner.

Joseph gently blew smoke rings with a poker face.

Gerry respectfully reminded, “Mr. Joseph, your meeting is about to begin.”

“I really care about what she will do with the money, so I followed her here.”

Joseph sneered, “It turns out that she hides the money in her house. William said that she was special. Is she special in a greedy way? I actually have some expectations for her. I’m a fool...”

Gerry lowered his head and said, “Perhaps Miss Isabella is...”

“What? Gerry, are you covering for her?” Joseph asked coldly.


Gerry immediately denied, “My bad.”

Joseph leisurely put out the cigar. There was some disappointment in his eyes, “Forget it. Actually, I was almost fooled by her hypocritical appearance. But now it’s clear...”

Joseph seemed to sigh softly, “Find of a way to fool my grandpa, and then send Isabella away earlier. I don’t want this woman around me anymore. It’s really annoying.”


Gerry turned around and grabbed the steering wheel. Just as he was about to start the car, the door of the Smith’s suddenly opened.

Two people rushed out with big noises.

“Give me the money back!”

Isabella tugged at John’s collar and said, “You can’t take this money!”

“Piss off!”

Isabella was pushed away, but she immediately chased after him again. Instead of asking, she began to beg, “John, please! You spend all your money only on cigarettes and drinks, but the money is for mom to treat her wounds. Please, don’t take it away!”

“You are so annoying!”

John swung hard and Isabella fell heavily to the ground.


Seeing that John was about to run away, Isabella desperately picked up a stone and threw it at him.


John covered his head and the money bag in his hand fell to the ground.

Isabella quickly got up, picked up the money bag and ran. However, John grabbed her ankle.

“You ... piece of shit. How dare you?”

John stood up with an angry and sinister expression on his face. Isabella was so frightened that she kept drawing back.

Ferocious and terrifying as John was at that moment, he looked exactly like his biological father, Carl!

“No one can hit me, not even my father...”

John forced Isabella into a corner and grabbed her hair. Even his movements were the same as Carl’s. He shouted, “Give me the money! Isabella!”


Isabella felt that she had nothing to lose. It was not easy for her to make the money. There was no way that she could let John to take it away.

“I’ll beat you to death if you don’t give it to me today!”

John was completely crazy, knocking Isabella to the ground, punching and kicking her...

Inside the limo, Gerry saw Joseph becoming anxious. He knew that he couldn’t wait any longer and immediately opened the door.


Joseph stared at them through the window. He said with anger. “Don’t interfere! That’s her life!”

Gerry was stunned. He did not understand why Joseph was clearly very angry but did not help, “But Miss Isabella is being beaten hard...”

“I am not a hero for ladies...”

Joseph gently closed his eyes, “You don’t know if Isabella wants others to interfere in her life. If she wants my help, she has to make her own choice! She should beg me in person!”

Gerry thought for a while, “Mr. Joseph, do you mean...?”

Joseph opened his eyes again. His anger had disappeared and was replaced by piece, in the cold way, “Doesn’t this boy like to kick people with his right foot? Make sure he can never do that again.”

Gerry’s paused for a moment and immediately lowered his head, “Yes!”


Isabella didn’t know how many kicks did she take, nor how much money she had kept. When she struggled to get up, John was long gone.

“It hurts...”

Isabella endured the pain and picked up a few pieces of money.

The money was somehow torn apart, but she still picked it all up.

She couldn’t bear to go back and let Rosa see her like this. She limped to the bus stop and took the bus back to school.

Along the way, others pointed at her bruised body and gossiped about it.

However, she didn’t care at all, because she was even more worried that after returning to the Wilson Manor, Charlie would notice this. If he asked about it, she would be in trouble...

Not far behind the bus, Joseph’s black limo followed her for a while. It didn’t turn around until she went in Richmond Arts University safely.

Back to the dormitory, Jane wiped away the tears on her face and dressed the wounds for her. “John is a bastard! David and I will find him and fix him!”

Isabella took the mirror to look all over herself. She said happily, “Great, my face is fine! Fortunately, I covered my face ... It’s a pity that my neck is a little bruised. How can I cover it up in summer?”

“You can still laugh?”

Jane fiercely rubbed the bruises on Isabella’s back, “Look at the wounds on your body!”

“Crying wouldn’t help.”

Isabella blinked. “I’ve cried before. It’s useless, so why don’t I take more time to smile? Before my father died, he said that one should be positive.”

Jane wiped her tears, “Forget it, what do you want to eat tonight? It’s my treat.”

“It seems that getting beaten up can also do some good. My queen will treat me to dinner.” Isabella smiled and hugged Jane.

“Pay me back when you make money in the future!”

Jane leaned on Isabella’s shoulder, tears welled up again. “You, greedy girl!”

“It’s okay, Jane.”

Isabella hugged Jane and held back the tears in her eyes. She whispered, “I’m so cute and optimistic. God will definitely treat me well...”

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