Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 207 Memories Of The Past 5


Lucious, a brave hero that the Mushroom Brigade had spoken about had emerged before Titania, appearing in her life after many years since the fall of the Great Tree. She had seen the world change so much around her that at first she didn't really trusted this young human. After all, humans were well known for being prone to conflict, according to what she had experienced in this world.

However, this man held a very pure heart, something she had never truly noticed from any other human she visited. Although some pitied the fairies or something, although some might have approached before, they always held some ulterior motive, but the man was honest from the beginning.

"Queen Titania, I am going to be honest and direct with you. We have been fighting the Demon King of Miasma for many years now. His army of Miasmic Monsters have recently become incredibly strong and we are out of options. I had volunteered myself to come asking for your aid, it is said that the fairies have powerful Magic Tools that could help us defeat this evil that is not only threatening us humans, but all of the life of this continent. Please, within the benevolence of your heart, I implore you to help us…"

He kneeled before her without holding any sort of egocentric nature, he wasn't selfish either, he was genuinely worried about the world and the chaos going on.

Titania knew of this; she had been a direct victim of this entity known as the Demon King of Miasma. She knew her friends were brainwashed and controlled by him, and that the monsters that infected a few areas of her forest were all made by his powers.

She wanted to help, but couldn't trust humans, even less a single boy in front of her. However, with her special eyes, she could see through his soul and heart, he was strong and brave.

So, she decided to give him a trial to earn her trust…

"I shall give you a trial then… If you can defeat the Venomous Snake Queen living in the Poisonous Swamp, the Shadow Crow King soaring the Black Mountains, and the Mushroom King dwelling within the depths of the Crystal Caves, then we shall give you our aid." Titania said with a pained expression. She knew that there was no going back anymore… she had to get rid of them or they would only continue poisoning the land and killing innocents.

Lucious noticed her pained expression, he was someone very good at reading another person's emotions, especially with his amazing sense of empathy.

"I see…" He sighed. "Were these beings… your friends once?"

"Ah… How did you guess?" Asked Titania.

"The pained expression in your face was as clear as water, Queen Titania." Said Lucious. "You're not the victim of the Demon King of Miasma. Many of our friends, our siblings, our children, our parents, they all have also been taken over by this darkness. They roam the world with the memories of our lives, but devoid of emotions and life. They take away our lives viciously, forgetting everything they experienced with us."

"So even you all have gone through the same feeling…" Sighed Titania.

"It is painful… this Miasma is incurable. It only grows stronger over time and will devour the person's soul over time. It is our duty as knights to free the infected from this miasma before it completely takes over their minds and bodies… I have… I have been forced to slay my own family because of this, even… my own little brother…" Sighed Lucious, his face was filled with pain and sorrow, genuinely.

Titania saw through his heart, he was not lying to make her pity him, he was simply sharing his own experiences.

"I see… I suppose we have gone through the same then, young knight. Go then, do as I asked you. With your strength and your allies, perhaps you can accomplish something I've always neglected due to my own fears… Due to my own regrets…" Titania sighed.

"Very well." Lucious said.

"But wait… take this." Titania gave Lucious a beautiful rapier made of crystal, imbued with spiritual power.

"T-This is…?!"

"A Divine Weapon I forged with my own soul, magic, and tears… Alongside the sap of an Ancient Tree that created me." Titania said. "I created it to slay them, but I never had the courage to do so."

"Then… I shall take this. Once I am done, I will give it back to you." Lucious said.

And like that, Lucious marched forward, eventually, after a week, Titania felt the presence of the three of them disappear. First Huginn, then Terra, and later, as the most stubborn, Saphee.

She wasn't there for them as they died, she couldn't bring herself to see them die miserably… Lucious didn't bring their bodies here either, but it was enough proof that Titania felt her connection with the break… they had died.

"Thank you for what you've done…" Titania said in between tears. "You can keep that weapon. And we shall help you however we can. We are also responsible for the expansion of the demon king after all… If it wasn't because I faltered so much, so many lives could had been saved…"

Lucious pitied Titania's words, as he patted her shoulders.

"Queen Titania, you've done enough."


"Thank you for your help… We'll do everything we can to defeat him once and for all."

"I will be trusting your words, Hero."

And then, the war continued, the Continental Alliance unleashed a full attack against the Demon King of Miasma within his Continent, the entire world was at stake. The magic items made by the fairies were of incredibly usefulness, especially their potions and other items to recover health and mana.

Like this, after a legendary battle that lasted months, Lucious pierced the Core of the Demon King of Miasma using the sword forged with Titania's tears, and the Demon King of Miasma perished.

However, suddenly, the visions we saw began to twist and change, as if the images were glitching…

What is this?


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