Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 153: Light Swordmaster (1) ————-«

Chapter 153: Light Swordmaster (1) ————-«

―Han Sungyeun. You will die here. Brutally.

My body tensed up hearing Dam Cheonwoo’s declaration.

He has seen me fight against the god of battle, and knows that I am stronger than typical challengers.


“……What do you mean by that?”

Dam Cheonwoo casually, but with full conviction, declared that I was going to die.

It was so absurd that I froze.

Perhaps he was implying that this trial will be so difficult that I’ll feel like I’m going to die.


―I meant what I said. Han Sungyeun. If the setting of this trial is really based on the Heavenly Armory, then you will die.

It was not just an implication.

He was convinced that I will die here.

He wasn’t implying anything.

I would literally die in this trial.

“……Are you saying that a god will manifest here?”

If a god was manifesting here, not under a state of advent, then it would make sense.

Since I barely managed to win against the god of battle who descended under advent.

If the god of battle manifested back then, then I would’ve died immediately.

―No. Nothing of the sort. The owner of Heavenly Armory did ascend to become a divine entity, but they won’t interfere here.

Damn Cheonwoo denied the possibility of advent and manifestation.

So I asked with an attitude.

“Then why would you say that I’ll die here?”

―You’ve become so arrogant after defeating that god of battle. He descended back then, he did not manifest. Furthermore, you can not enter the state of discipleship from a contract made from a god.


―You can’t even call that winning. All you did back then, was to survive miraculously. Can you truly call that your own victory?

“But I am strong enough even without the state of discipleship.”

―I know. Even disregarding the fact that you’re a challenger, you’re strong enough as a martial artist. Despite not studying from a young age, you have plenty of potential. But you’ve never seen a true genius.


―Sometimes, geniuses with abilities that far succeed the righteous laws of equality get born. Born with the type of talent that could even blind a divine entity. Those kinds of geniuses can not even be compared to the rest of people like us.

“Can’t you explain it more simply?”

―……How impatient. 100 years ago, back when this great one was not the Blood Demon of the sect, a genius lived in a faction named the Sect of Heavenly Demon.

“A genius you say…….”

―Heavenly Demon. Truly an entity far surpassing the typical person. I still can’t forget those monstrous abilities.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with nostalgia.

―That……. That was…. Yes, violent. I can only describe that talent as violent. That genius killed their father at Heavenly Demon Sect to take the throne.

I listened to Dam Cheonwoo’s story amidst the hallway.

―At that ripe young age of 20.


―The tattlers of Murim called that brat with this title: Best of Universe. That they will become stronger than anyone else in the world, including everyone in the universe. This great one got obscured by the brightness of that genius and never became the best of that time.

“Could you get to the point? I’m not interested in your life story.”

―……On the day that genius became 20 years old, they entered the secret vault. Even breaking the oath of forbidden entry. Do you get it now?

“……are you telling me that the vault that the genius broke into is the Heavenly Armory?”

―Correct. Which means that the 20 year old Heavenly Demon would be within the Heavenly Armory. That’s the reason for my conviction of your death.

It was absurd.

“……A mere 20 year old during the times with no tower. How strong could they be?”

―These are the times I remember that you hail from a small dimension. You’re just ignorant. Of the true genius talent, of that potential to burn everything down.

“……You’re right. I do not know. However, I am confident that I will survive no matter how strong they are.”

―Surviving could be possible. But will that be enough to clear the trial?


―Of course not. There’s no way that the tower would give you such an easy trial. You will most likely be forced to fight with the Heavenly Demon. And that’s why the tower gave you that special benefit.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with a cold tone of voice.

―I know that you got stronger the more people you killed. That must be the benefit that the tower gave you. It would be the best if you can kill every soul within this secret vault if you want to clear this trial.

He spoke with a trembling voice displaying a primal fear etched within the instincts of living beings.

―……If you don’t, you won’t even scratch the tails of their coat.

Dam Cheonwoo was truly fearing the monster in the Heavenly Armory.

»————- ★ ————-«

Although he said that I will die, what I had to do didn’t change.

While passing through the hallway quickly, I revised the advice that Dam Cheonwoo gave me.

―Never be disappointed no matter what happens. As long as you live, opportunities will come. So it’d be best if you save your strength while using the benefit of the tower to your advantage.

He emphasized the need for my mental tenacity.

It has been stated that seeing a genius would start a fiery anger within one, but to be honest, I didn’t agree.

After all

‘Time after time, I realized just how lacking I was in my talent.’

And even those were not ‘real talent’ and just skills and powers that should be labeled as ‘fake talent’.…….

Even in those stats and skills, I felt a disproportionate amount of shortfall.

I’ve seen way too many who were blessed with the perfect skills from the system, to the point where I wanted to rip myself apart out of despair.

However, I had no plans for despair anymore.

Every time I continued to climb another floor, I would become stronger so there was no need to blame something like innate talent.

I won’t let anything dishearten my determination.

‘So I’ll focus on getting ready for this trial.’

I had a few last resorts under my sleeve after all.

Dam Cheonwoo’s advices were not something to be ignored, but I didn’t feel the need to be swayed by them either.

‘I’ll just continue on just like how I always have.’

Once the hallway came to an end, a new space opened up.

「You’ve entered the Path of Dark Heavens of Heavenly Armory.」

From the Path of Poisoned Parasite leading to the Path of Dark Heavens. From a place that instigated a battle to the death into an unknown cave.

「Area exclusive penalty of Path of Dark Heavens is now applied.」

At the same time, I lost control of my mana circuit.

「Usage of mana circuit is restricted within the designated area temporarily.」

「Usage of Aura Sense is restricted within the designated area temporarily.」

「Darkness will fill up the sight within the designated area temporarily.」


‘……Aura Sense didn’t work back at the Path of Poisoned Parasite, but it’s even worse here.’

However, I had nothing to worry about.

「Activating the exclusive effect ‘Ecology Adaptation’ of the item ‘Adventurer’s Handmade Gloves(B+).」

「Mana Circuit is no longer restricted.」

「+4 on Agility while Aura Sense is restricted..」

Since the items that I bought before the previous trial were doing their part.

Immediately, the energy that restricted the mana circuit disappeared, and my body got lighter.

‘The items were definitely worth it.’

As a mere B+ item, I never thought that it would come in this handy.

Despite its imperfections, its ability to hinder some restrictions was excellent.

It’s a bit disappointing that Forced Breakthrough or Mana Resistance was not activating…….

‘But since Forced Breakthrough requires that my mana is to be stronger than the mana being used for the restriction, it can’t be helped.’

That was the same for Mana Resistance too.

Unless my mana was higher than the restricting mana, it couldn’t function as it should.

And because this was a facility created by an entity as powerful as divine beings, Forced Breakthrough and Mana Resistance would be useless.

‘It’s more interesting that these items are able to bypass the restrictions.’

The few millions of points were worth investing to get these items.

While I was feeling satisfied, a new message popped up.

「Find the path in the darkness that blinds you.」

「Only the first 4 can leave the Path of Dark Heavens.」

「Every time a competitor is eliminated, the darkness that blinds you will slightly disappear.」

First come, First served basis.

The system message implied that only a few designated people are allowed to leave this space.

Which meant that if I am unable to escape this space, then I’d immediately fail this trial.

I looked towards the flowing darkness that completely blinded me.

I’ve encountered similar situations from previous trials.

And I also learned the solution back then.

「Strongly activating the skill ‘Fire Dragon’s Eyes’.」

Settling for a lesser option…….

If Aura Sense can’t be used, then I just had to recover my sight through skills.

Truthfully, the Fire Dragon’s Eyes was superior in securing the sight than Aura Sense.

It’s just that the Aura Sense was more superior in detecting formless energy.

‘Well, I do prefer Aura Sense a little more.’

But either way, the fact that I could recover my sight didn’t change.

As soon as I activated the skill, I could detect even my blind spots and expanded my area of detection.

10m, 20m, 30m…….

The detection area continued to increase until every corner of the cave was inspected.


‘It’s a rather large cave, and there’s about…… 20 total.’

After scanning the cave, I found out an interesting fact.

A glowing path engraved on the ground.

The glowing light that seemed to be connecting to something, was implying that it was trying to lead someone.

「Strongly activating the skill ‘Sixth Sense’.」

For some reason, I got a conviction that I’d be able to leave this place if I followed that shining line.

‘I’ve activated my skill, so I’m sure that it’s right.’

With the name ‘Path of Dark Heavens’, and the requirements of finding a path, I was sure of it.

Originally, this would’ve been a trial that required you to find the path with every sense sealed…….

But I bypassed that.

With the skill that allowed me to see through the unseen, there was nothing that could stop me.

‘What a useful skill.’

The challengers of Murim belittled skills to be something of a borrowed power, but…….

The fact that skills were superior than martial arts couldn’t be denied.

The moment I quickly turned to follow that glowing path.

「You got the achievement ‘Pathfinder’.」

「Creating the skill ‘Mini Map(D+)’.」

I suddenly got an achievement with a new message.

「Starting the Special Assignment, ‘Pathfinder of Death’.」

「You understood the correct direction faster than anyone else.」

「The opponents are yet to find the correct direction.」

「Before you encounter them as an enemy at the next rite of passage, gift the lost with death.」

「Temporary +4 on all stats as a reward of completion.」

I let out a faint smile at the special assignment that demanded slaughter.

And here I was, wondering if I should at least kill a few before moving on…….


It would seem that all my competitions would have to be eliminated.

[To be continued.]

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