Born in apocalypse

Chapter 6: Class selection

Chapter 6: Class selection

After killing them all, when he looked around, all he could see was torn flesh and blood...

'Why don't I feel guilty or anything close to that? All I can feel is satisfaction.' he thought.

This was the obvious outcome. If he were to feel guilty killing the one who had tortured him for all this time then that would be a very strange thing.

"Uhhh!! This must be how it feels after getting revenge. Truly a wonderful experience." he whispered

Talking about the experience, he noticed that there were multiple notifications. To see all those notifications he said 'status' and looked at it...


[You have killed a human.]

[100 CC have been earned.]

[You are the first one to kill someone after evolution.]

[Due to that, you have gained the Title- First Blood.]

[You have killed a human.]

[100 CC have been earned.]

[You have killed a human.]

[100 CC has been earned.]

[You have killed...]


There were a total of 21 kill notifications, including one about him getting the title [First Blood].

Wondering what this title exactly means he clicks on to expand it's description?

[ First Blood: You are the first one to kill someone after evolution. A fitting title for someone who soaks his hands in blood

Effects: +10% in every stat.]

'So I'm the first one to kill someone; I must have gotten this title when I killed Dekion.' Dhruv thought, ' and the effect is pretty good as well, the increase of +10% in stat. This will truly shine later on when my stat reaches hundreds or even thousands.


Name: Dhruv

Class: Available!

Title: First blood

Magic Affinity: NOT AWAKEN

Stats: Strength Lv. 11(12), Stamina Lv. 13(14), Agility Lv. 12(13), Magic Power Lv. 47(51),

Abilities: N/A

Cosmic coins: 2100

Cosmic store: <LOCKED>


Looking at his high magic power stat a thought appeared in his mind, 'I still don't understand why my stat is so high.'

Before Dhruv could ponder over this matter further, he heard a calming voice...

"You must be wondering why your stat is so high compared to others, am I right?"

Not knowing who was speaking to him he panics and shouts, "...W-who are, where are you, and why can you read my thoughts? "

He yelled while taking a defensive position. Druv didn't know who he was defending against, but it seemed like the best way to go at the moment.

"You don't need to worry that much. Hey, it's me, Coby." the voice sounded once again.

"W-what do you mean, don't worry? You suddenly read my mind, I don't know from where you speak. How am I supposed to not worry." Dhruv tried to talk in a calm manner but lost his cool while speaking.

Listening to his voice a small figure appeared in his view out of nowhere, obviously, this little figure was coby...

"Now, happy?" he said.

"Better than talking to air at least," Dhruv replied sarcastically.

"So, you must be wondering why your stat is so high compared to others," he asks once again.

"Yes, that was exactly what I was wondering." Dhruv asked, lifting an eyebrow to try to convey the message, 'How do you know?'

Coby ignored Dhruv's 'how do you know?' look and said,

"Your stat is higher than others, because you lived close to the portal, due to which your body was constantly absorbing the mana with the skill mana absorption you had and was making itself stronger."

"It has something to do with the portal, I knew that too. My question is, when I was absorbing the mana all this time, why did the effect become obvious after the evolution?"

"That is because you needed some medium to awaken that dormant power of yours, and the cosmic mark became that median. Even if somehow you could have awakened that power, you would have... died. The reason being that the body of a mortal could not bear the power of mana without the help of 'Mark'."

"Now that makes sense," he whispered.

Dhruv stood there, his gaze fixed on Coby, as he floated into the room with a smile on his faceless face.

There was something about his demeanor that didn't sit right with him. Call it intuition or a gut feeling, but Dhruv couldn't shake off the suspicion that Coby's presence here was more than just to answer his one question.

Dhruv waited for a minute, and then one became two. Then three minutes passed. And when Coby didn't leave even after 4 minutes, he called him.

"Well, then why are you hovering there like a ghost? don't you have any other work to do?" I said trying to get rid of this mind-reading ba.. sir.

"It is not a good thing to call someone a bastard. Don't you have any manners?"

"What are you talking about." DHruv first tried to scoff the blame as he didn't know what he was talking about but then he remembered that he could read his mind,

"When you read someone's mind, I think they lose the right to lecture someone about manners." Dhruv lectured.

Well, you're right about that, hahaha," Coby laughed as he accepted the blame.

"Cut the crap and tell me why you're here," Dhruv said

"So, I have come here for two things."

"And what are those?" Dhruv said with a straight face.

"Let me finish at least; where was I? Yes, the first is to awaken your magical affinity, and the second is, how to use your coins ."

The moment he heard about awakening his magic affinity Dhruv thought, ' 'So I can use magic after all.'

"Yes, you can, or anyone whose magic power stat is equal to or above Lv. 10 can use magic after awakening their affinity."

"So does that mean I have to awaken my affinity to use magic," Dhruv asked with genuine curiosity.


"So what are we waiting for?" Dhruv said, hinting at Coby to start the awakening ceremony.

"Ohhh! There is no need for any ceremony," he said while snapping one of his fingers.

"Looks like my time is up, So let me tell you about coins. Coins can be used in a number of ways, but for your circumstances, you should use your coins to upgrade your stats."

"So, what is my affinity? ..... And he disappeared again." Dhruv whispered.

'Why did he wait for the last moment to tell me when he knows that there is a time limit..' Dhruv could have thought about this matter in the details but his thought was abrupt by the barrage of notifications...

[You have awakened your affinity.]

[You have an affinity for Illusion and metal.]

[Due to your affinity, you have gained the ability to manipulate illusion and metal.]

[You have gained the abilities: Illusion manipulation and Metal manipulation]

[Due to your abilities, you have learned the following skills.]

[Basic mana manipulation: Ability to harness, control, and shape raw mana.]

[Basic illusion resistance: Ability to perceive and resist the effects of mana.]

'Woah! Woah!

It looks like I got many skills. So what do we have here?' he thought as he looked at the notifications...

So, with Illusion manipulation, I can manipulate illusion particles available in the environment to make illusion spells; the same is true with metal manipulation.

Basic mana manipulation can be used to manipulate raw mana; I think raw mana means it doesn't belong to any element.

And basic illusion resistance is a defensive skill.

But why do they have the basics in their name?

Does this mean I can upgrade them later on?

But how do I upgrade them?

Let's not think that far ahead of ourselves.

So, what do we have next on the list?

Oh, yes, I have to complete the quest by selecting a class.

With these thoughts in his mind, Dhruv opened his status once again and clicked on the available button beside the class icon.

[Class: A class is a distinct path of specialization within the realm of Cosmos. It represents a unique set of abilities, skills, and attributes that define your role and capabilities. Each class has its own strengths, weaknesses, and playstyle, offering a diverse range of options for you to explore. Please select your class with caution, as it can not be changed later on.]

[Your class options are as follows:

- Spearman (Common)

- Hunter (Common)

- Murderer (Common)

- Mage (Uncommon)

- Elemental duelist (Uncommon)

- Mirage Lancer (Uncommon)]

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