Born in apocalypse

Chapter 30: Mass-Murderer?

Chapter 30: Mass-Murderer?

[Mass-Murderer: You are nothing but a more defiled version of a murderer. Whereas murderers could satisfy their hunger by just killing a few... You can't control yourself until you commit genocide. But that isn't a bad thing, as you could be an immovable mountain in the presence of a large enemy.

WARNING! If you choose this class, your entry could be denied in many places.

The skills <Mass Enrage>, <Crowd Cyclone>, <Indomitable Resilience> and <Aura of fear> are given, along with a bonus of 25 in strength.]

Now, this is much better than the last version of this class, and why wouldn't it be better? After all, it is an evolved version of it.

The immediate boost of 25 stats is already too sweet, considering the thousands of coins I have to invest for it to upgrade just a single level.

But that wasn't all. On top of that, there are four skills given as rewards, and one of them even sounds like an advanced skill to me—Aura of Fear—but the rest of them aren't just for the show, of course.

According to [Mass Enrage] description, it's an aggro-type skill that lets the enemy pay more attention toward me on the battlefield.

The [Crowd Cyclone] is also a CC (crowd control) type skill that lets me make a cyclone in the middle of the enemy hoard, which would be a pretty good advantage. And according to the description of [Indomitable resilience], activating this skill would temporarily grant immense resistance to magic, physical damage, and mental manipulation. Meaning I would be pretty much invincible for some time.

The synergy of these three skills fits very well with each other. For example, after activating [Mass Enrage], all the enemy's focus would be on me, and as a result, they would gather around me. And that would make the best opportunity to activate the [Indomitable resilience] along with the [Crowd cyclone] where the number of enemies was the largest. With this combination, I could clear out a large number of enemies pretty fast.

And last but not least, we have [Aura of Fear], which is self-explanatory. This is a passive skill that lets me have an aura of fear around me... which isn't that powerful but could be useful in some cases.

This class could be a good option despite its restrictions for my evolution if there aren't any that could match it.

Moving on, we have Spear-Master...

[Spear-Master: In the realm of warriors, the Spear Master reigns supreme as the unparalleled Sovereign of Piercing Precision. With the grace of a seasoned dancer and the power of a relentless storm, they wield their spear-like an extension of their very soul, making every strike an ethereal masterpiece.

The skills <Whirling Spear>, <Piercing Thrust>, <Spear Mastery> and <Tempest Charge> will be given along with a boost of 15 in agility and 5 in strength.]

'Why is the description so cool but the skills are all basic? Is there someone trying to sell these things?' he couldn't help but think after reading the description and the rewards.

The skills are obviously not as bad as I made them sound. But!... but it just couldn't compare with the skill of [Mass murderer].

'Why am I so attracted toward the mass murderer class? What! It's not like I'm starting to like it or anything. I'm attracted to it for the reward.. Yes! Just for rewards. Just look at its reward: it even has more stat bonuses than this spear-master.

'So, this spear-master is a no from me'

The fifth on the list is Adapt Mage.

'Let's see what you have got for me..'

[Adapt mage: You are no longer an apprentice and have advanced in your journey toward the realm of myth and arcane. The adept mage is a step ahead of the apprentice mage, which would give you a boost in casting magic with ease.

The skills <Telekinesis>, <Dispel Magic>, <Elemental Bolt,> and <Mana Drain> will be given along with a boost of 25 in magical power.]

'Ohhh! The is also pretty good'

This Adapt mage also gives four skills along with a pretty good upgrade in stats.

Its skills are pretty versatile as well, covering both the offensive and defensive sides. There was a skill similar to telekinesis that I had seen in the metal magic blueprint, but it wasn't this flexible and could only work against metallic objects. Compared to that one, which only works against metallic things, this could work with anything, Metal or not.

Other skills are also good, if not better than this one. [Dispel magic] would let me dispel the spell cast by the enemy, which can be a very good defensive skill. [Mana drain] could also be counted in this category, as it will help me drain the mana of the opponent upon contact with their body.

[Elemental bolt] is an excellent offensive spell compared to its predecessor, which was [Mana bolt]. I hadn't used [Mana Bolt] because its offensive power was so low. But looking at the [Elemental bolt] description, this ought to be good.

The second last class is the same one I got the last time, so I skipped it... of course, after checking that there weren't any changes, which clearly weren't any.

Last but not least, we have a magic warrior...

[Magic warrior: You have decided to walk on the path of magic and might. There is nothing that you can't do when it comes to fighting. Using the knowledge of the arcane along with the might of a warrior, you will be the last to fall.

The skills <Adaptive Mastery>, <Mana Drain>, <Mana Infusion>, <Tempest Charge,>, <Elemental Bolt> and <Basic heal> will be given along with a boost of 15 in both strength and magical power.]

'hohooho..! Sweet...'

This one is probably the best so far.

At my first class selection, I totally neglected the path of warriors, but that was my naiveté; as at this level of skill, I ain't so proficient in magic casting that I could totally neglect my use of the spear. So, this time I had to also consider that, which I would.

Looking at the skills that were going to be given as rewards, this class is the most generous of all in that category, as it gives a total of six skills along with a total of 30 bonus stats on top of that, which was the icing on top of the cake.

The skills were also good!... Not just good, but top-notch. The first skill [Adaptive mastery] allows me to adapt well to any situation. So this without a doubt is an exceptional skill.

As previously mentioned in the adapt mage class, the [Mana Drain] is already a good skill, but it does not stop there, and its description got an update as well. Previously, I had to touch my opponent with my skin for it to drain mana, but this time the effect will also work when I use my weapon.

The third skill, Mana Infusion, is an enchantment-type skill that lets me enchant my weapon and armor with a layer of mana, making them more durable and sharp. This doesn't sound much at the moment, but when facing a hoard, even a little bit is a pretty big edge to have.

As the name suggests, the [Tempest Charge] is an offensive skill that makes charging into the ranks of the enemy more destructive.

Last but not least, we have [Basic heal].

I can't even express how happy I am to see this skill on the list. No matter how much I searched, I couldn't find any healing skills in the skill buying—the skill you can buy with the help of skill points—and had already lost hope of ever obtaining them.

'But, I guess, my luck has finally started to shine.'

Just the [Basic heal] increases the value of the magic warrior so much.

I don't think there is anything more that can be done. And this is the best I can get from this evolution.

For a moment, I thought of [mass murderer]... but in my opinion, it wasn't the best choice. Yes! It is a good class despite its restrictions, but one thing that it lacks is adaptability for the future. As a murderer, I can't really guarantee the path of evolution it's going to take in the future, making this a bit unreliable in the process.

Not wanting to be in the middle of a dilemma, I hurriedly clicked on the [Magic Warriors] option.

The moment I clicked on it, a current of pain washed over me, beginning the change it needed, In order to increase my stat.

'Fuc...fuck fuck'

After developing a connection with pain, I believed I was becoming quite resilient to it—but how naive I turned out to be!


I didn't know I would pass out from the pain, but that was exactly what happened. And I was lying on the floor, drenched in sweat.

After copying their abilities, the trio had gone out, so they didn't see me in this miserable state... Well, expect Alaric, as he is always in my shadow.

Feeling the strength flowing through my body, I knew that the pain I had endured wasn't for nothing.

There was a smile hung upon his face after feeling the strength coursing through his veins. But then the shape of his lips suddenly changes and he panics. He abruptly opens his status and looks at the ticking clock...

[Time left before the start of the second quest: 00:4:07]

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