
Chapter 238: Not Vanilla

Chapter 238: Not Vanilla

The entire coliseum watched on with bated breath as Nero and Draxus prepared to face off in a challenge for the right to be at Empress Xenia’s side as she ruled for ages to come.

Xenia looked on as she lay naked in her bed partially draped with silk sheets in the middle of the coliseum for all to see.

“Fight!” Xenia shouted with a gleeful smile enjoying every second of her wedding.

Nero stood tall in place even as the battle begun. His towering muscular body stood firm like an imposing wall as Draxus rushed forward emitting a battle cry.

Nero lifted his war hammer, Blood Cry, and hurled it spinning in a horizontal plane at Draxus. The hammer’s immense weight posed no difficulties to Nero as he flung the hammer at a brisk speed through the air catching even Draxus off guard.

Draxus wore a full set of armor reinforced by ki lending him increased defensive abilities but leaving him less agile than usual. As the hammer sped toward him, he halted his forward momentum and leaned backward in attempt to dodge the hammer entirely.

Normally, he would’ve elected to simply jump over the hammer gracefully as it flew at chest height; however, with the heavy armor, leaning backwards was his best attempt at dodging.

He limbo’d backwards with his feet still sliding forward due to his momentum; however, he wasn’t quite quick enough. The hammer made minimal contact with his helmet before continuing to fly past him.

Although a tangential impact, Draxus felt his helmet shredded and ripped from his face as the hammer tore it from his face and flung it aside with rotational momentum.

Nonetheless, the helmet had done its job sparing Draxus from any meaningful injury aside from a few gashes from the helmet being forcefully removed at an odd angle. He continued his all-out sprint at Nero and leapt into the air with his sword glowing with ki and ready to strike.

Nero smirked as he stood in place and raised a hand to bloodbend Draxus’s right hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

Draxus felt his hand betray him as it opened against his will dropping the sword to the ground. He maintained his situational awareness though. Regardless of losing his sword, his momentum was carrying him straight to Nero. He prepared a ki blast in his other hand and prepared to fire at point blank range.

The crowd collectively inhaled as Draxus prepared an imminent attack and Nero stood seemingly unalarmed. The crowd favorite, Nero, a champion gladiator and BloodStar Immortal was frozen on the spot, and the people of the empire felt a rush of anxiety as their beloved champion took a massive attack with no defense.

In the next seconds, Draxus released his blast inches away from Nero resulting in a massive explosion causing the crowd to shield their eyes as intense light filled the stadium followed by a sizable dust cloud.

However, one person had not an ounce of worry… Xenia.

As the dust settled, a surge of relief and excitement waved through the crowd. Nero stood in place with one arm held out gripping the front of Draxus’s face holding him in place.

“I respect your courage to challenge me, so I will end this quickly.” Nero held Draxus’s face in place, and Draxus heard a whirring sound behind him as Nero bloodbent Blood Cry back towards him spinning still in a horizontal plane.

The war hammer came in flying at breakneck speed right behind Draxus, and the head of the hammer crashed into his skull from the back. The hammer crashed through the skull and stopped firmly in Nero’s palm.

Nero stood in his original position from when the battle first started and held the massive war hammer by the head with his outstretched arm as Draxus’s headless body slumped to the ground in a pool of his own blood.

The coliseum erupted into an ecstatic roar of applause, and Nero could feel the vibrations of the crowd resonate through his body. He flipped the hammer’s head up and grabbed the shaft of the war hammer as he turned to Xenia and began to walk towards her.

Xenia smiled at him as he approached. The sexual energy and compatibility between Xenia and Nero was palpable as the crowd salivated at the thought of what’s to come next.

There wasn’t a man of the BloodStar Empire who didn’t envy Nero and lust for Xenia. And Likewise, there wasn’t a woman of the BloodStar Empire who didn’t envy Xenia and lust for Nero. The citizens of the BloodStar Empire revered the empress and her BloodStar Immortal as a jewel of the world, a true power couple of history.

Xenia awaited Nero on her knees at the edge of the bed, and as he approached he kneeled with the hammer by his side.

She immediately bloodbent his arm to raise the hammer up to her leaving the head of the hammer right before her face. She observed the blood and brain slowly dripping down the head of the hammer, and she leaned down and licked the hammer from bottom to top with her tongue much to the crowd’s enjoyment as they cheered.

“The taste of a man fighting for me is one of my absolute favorites. Draxus tastes so good. So. Good.” Xenia stared Nero down making eye contact with him as she bloodbent his bowing head up to meet her eyes.

“And that’s the taste of the loser. Imagine my bliss win I taste the winner.” Xenia then tossed the hammer aside via bloodbending and beckoned with her finger for Nero to approach her.

He stood and walked directly in front of her, and Xenia began kissing his body over his hairy chest and up to his neck before whispering in his ear, “You and I both know our history. Past empresses have been so vanilla at their public consummation. But you and I both also know… I’m not vanilla.”

She continued kissing down his chest and lamented, “Skin. The blandest organ of the entire human body. I want to taste the real you, Nero.”

She then bloodbent her fingernails into razor sharp tips and scratched him down the entire front of his chest and abdomen. Nero was unflinching at the pain even as the scratches cut deep into his subcutaneous tissue reaching down against the fascia stopping just short of entering his internal cavities.

Xenia then began to feverishly kiss his body as her kisses were now rewarded with the taste of Nero’s blood.

She continued down towards his pelvis kissing him with blood rolling down his body, and the crowd cheered with approval. Fervent supporters of Xenia welcomed the savagery and violence of the old ways, and they cheered Xenia’s full public embrace of the old values even as she prepared to bed Nero.

As Xenia kissed right above the shaft of his cock, Nero’s pulsating erection within his tight thong-like garment began to test the limits of the seams holding it together.

Xenia continued to kiss without bloodbending his cock and said, “Mmm come on babe. Let me in, so I can have my favorite part.”

The touch of her lips and the sound of her words caused his throbbing cock to bust the seams of his garment as his cock thrust upwards and outwards towards Xenia as his garment fell to the arena floor.

Nero let out a pleasured groan as he looked down to see Xenia hovering so near his cock he could feel her heavy, excited breath against it.

She then lunged forward taking his entire cock into her mouth until she could feel his long cock throbbing and pulsating against the back of her throat. She then slowly backed out dragging her incisors against the delicate, stretched skin of his erection leaving a trail of blood which her lips brushed over as she continued backing all the way out.

Nero looked down at his pleasured yet tormented cock and breathed with heavy fulfillment. He lived to serve his empress, and nothing made him feel more fulfilled than when his very own body provided her with exactly what she wanted.

Xenia then stood on the bed with Nero standing adjacent to the bed on the arena floor. Xenia shouted to Nero for the crowd to hear, “This won’t be so easy, BloodStar Immortal! The people of the BloodStar Empire want to see you earn your right at my side! And then they want to see if you are tough enough to stay by my side!”

The crowd cheered and began to chant, “XEN-IA!! XEN-IA!! XEN-IA!!...”

Xenia smiled at Nero, “Let’s give them a small glimpse of what our nights together will be like for the rest of eternity.”

She then front kicked Nero’s chest sending him flying 15 yards back with several shattered ribs and a collapsed sternum.

Nero landed falling to his knees taking several deep breaths of pain against his broken ribs and struggled to catch his breath.

He looked up to see Xenia fall to the bed and sit on the edge with her legs spread. She then snapped her fingers and pointed to her pussy between her spread legs, “Come and get me, darling. Show the empire I’m worth the pain. I’m worth the struggle. I’m worth dying for.”

Nero began to crawl on his hands and knees towards Xenia; however, as he was ten yards away, she bloodbent one of the fragments of his broken ribs out of his body through his chest and sent it flying into her hand.

Nero cried out in pain but continued moving forward as Xenia sucked on the bloody rib like a lollipop. As he reached within five yards, she then bloodbent his left arm breaking the bone into a compound fracture with the jagged bone sticking out from his skin into the open air.

Xenia encouraged him, “Show me how bad you want me, darling! Crawl to me!”

Nero grit his teeth and continued forward. A broken arm, a broken rib, a caved-in sternum… Nero had felt worse throughout his life both on the battlefield and in the bedroom. Although the onlooking crowd was in awe of his determination, this was child’s play for Nero.

He continued a relatively rapid army crawl towards Xenia awaiting him on the edge of the bed with wide open legs, and as he approached her between her legs, she put her finger under his chin lifting his head to eye her, “There truly is no one else I’d rather have at my side. But nonetheless remind me further please.”

She then snapped her fingers and pointed between her legs again. Nero grabbed both of her legs and placed his head directly into her pussy as he began to kiss and lick her.

Xenia reached down grabbing handfuls of hair as she moaned with pleasure. Her natural reaction was to enclose her legs around Nero’s head ever tighter.

Despite the increasing pressure around his skull, Nero diligently continued to pleasure his empress. Even as he could hear his own skull cracking under the pressure of his empress’s grip, he continued to give her the fuel for her pleasure feeding into a positive feedback loop resulting in her legs closing in tighter and tighter.

He knew the end game, and he didn’t think twice about it. Xenia fell back onto the bed squirming with pleasure as she yanked at Nero’s hair and bit her lip as she squeezed his head tighter and tighter forcing Nero’s face into her pussy for even more pleasure.

Xenia then heard a small ‘crack’ followed by another slightly larger ‘crack’. She smiled to herself with her eyes closed as she knew it was close. The feel of Nero between her legs and the eyes of the entire coliseum watching her left her writhing in silk sheets with a rising gush of pleasure which culminated with a strong squeeze from her legs completely crushing Nero’s head between her thighs.

Xenia let out a loud moan which rang throughout the coliseum. She continued to cry out and moan in pleasure as she slowly rubbed her legs together spreading and feeling the bony fragments, brain, and soft tissue of Nero’s imploded head between her legs as it eventually all fell to the ground.

Her moans of orgasmic pleasure were highlighted even more so as they rang throughout the coliseum due to the drastic silence which had washed over the crowd. Though they had heard rumors of Xenia’s miraculous healing abilities, most were not privy to her ability to bring the recently dead back to life.

For all they knew, they had just witnessed the death of the empire’s greatest warrior. They had just witnessed the end of a promising warrior they had hoped to serve by their empress’s side.

Xenia finally came down from her high of pleasure and leaned up in the bed ready to address the coliseum, “BloodStar Immortals are so named for many reasons. One of them being just that though… immortal.”

She then concentrated an immense amount of healing ki into her hand and directed it at Nero’s dead body. He quickly reanimated coming back to life as if he had never died, and the crowd remained in silence due to shock.

However, their shock quickly turned to elation as they began to cheer. Whispers rushed through the stadium, “Is she an empress or a goddess?” “She is the Goddess of Death! Our empire will never fall!”

Meanwhile, Xenia helped Nero up and welcomed him onto the bed, “Thank you for the mind-blowing, wedding-day orgasm. Not an easy part to play in front of all these people. But you’ve never had a problem with pleasing me whether its just me… or the entire empire watching.” She kissed him and laid him back on the bed with his head upon several soft pillows, “Allow me to repay the favor for all of my people to see. I want them to see how much I enjoy you. How much I approve of you.” She paused and then said, “But most of all, Nero, I want them to see how hard you cum for me.”

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