
Chapter 230: Bachelorette Fun (6): True Dedication

Chapter 230: Bachelorette Fun (6): True Dedication

“Hush! Shhh!” Xenia smiled at Morgana as she yelled and begged, “Haven’t you learned even one thing tonight? Your mouth just keeps getting you into more and more trouble, Morgana.”

Xenia bloodbent Morgana’s throat silent and walked over to her putting her finger up to Morgana’s lips, “So shhhhh. Be a good girl and stay quiet while Constance and I change into something a little more… fun.”

She couldn’t speak, but Morgana’s eyes went wide with fear as she began pleading with her eyes. However, Xenia and Constance ignored her as they retreated into Xenia’s massive walk-in closet.

Constance still wore her formal dress from the evening while Xenia had only her short robe on as the two girls flipped through a section of the closet entirely comprised of leather, pvc, and latex clothing.

“I wondered what your plans were with Draxus.” Constance smiled at Xenia, “I’m guessing his cum-filled balls were a pleasant happenstance. Your real goal was a gift for Nero, yes?”

“Am I that obvious, Constance?”

“Actually, no. For a moment, I thought you just wanted someone to play with for the night. Which…”

“Which made you very jealous. Didn’t it?” Xenia stopped looking for an outfit and pushed Constance back against the wall, “I have my someone to play with tonight right here.”

Xenia then began kissing on Constance’s neck as she pulled her hair from behind lifting her chin up allowing Xenia easy access to the front of her neck kissing her up and down.

Constance breathed with a heavy passion, “Do we have to take care of Morgana first? Can’t you just fuck me right here and make her wait on us?”

Xenia stopped kissing Constance and took a step back as she picked out two matching shiny black pvc aprons for them to wear, immediately remembering that Constance had brought them up from the foundry. Xenia held up the aprons on two hangers, “Oh Constance, I thought we’d do both at once.”

Constance gasped with excitement and then snatched one of the aprons out of Xenia’s hands. She smiled as she inched her lips closer and closer to Xenia’s face, “Deal. But only if its you fucking me. I want what I had earlier.”

Xenia feigned offense, “Are you making demands of your empress?”

Constance nodded and then kissed her on the lips, “Am I? Surely you won’t let this go unpunished?”

Xenia gripped her neck, “The penalty is steep, darling.”

Constance could barely speak through Xenia’s tight grip of her throat, “Death? A girl can only hope.”

Xenia leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I’ll make your dreams come true. Death.”

Constance’s breath shuddered, and her eyes rolled back with pleasure at the sound and touch of Xenia’s whisper in her ear.

Xenia released her grip of Constance’s throat and both girls quickly changed into matching shiny black pvc aprons complete with knee-high boots.

They re-emerged from the closet into the main room to find Morgana on her knees waiting for them. Morgana looked on in fear as both girls walked out in two of the sluttiest aprons she had ever seen wrapped tightly around both of their perfect bodies showing off every curve.

Xenia still had Morgana’s throat bloodbent; however, despite her lack of speech, Morgana immediately threw herself at Xenia’s feet and began kissing her boots.

“Oh Morgana, you do know me well. I’m a sucker for subjects who throw themselves at my feet and grovel.” Xenia put her hands on her hips and enjoyed the moment before she bloodbent the war hammer from the bed and into her hands holding it across her body with both hands once again.

She then raised her right boot and kicked Morgana directly in the face launching her into the air. Morgana fell with a thud on the hard wood floor landing on her back in a daze.

Xenia pursued her with a few slow steps, and without further ado, she swung the massive war hammer over her head and slammed the multi-spiked aspect of the war hammer down on Morgana’s right foot. The weight and momentum of the strike pulverized Morgana’s ankle and lower foot even shearing some of her lower leg as the war hammer’s momentum continued into and through the underlying floor.

Morgana screamed in agony as flaps of skin loosely hung over her exposed tibia. The fibula was nowhere to be seen presumably pulverized into multiple smaller pieces or specks of bone dust.

Xenia laughed, “It packs quite the punch. Doesn’t it, Morgana?”

Morgana nodded through her crying to appease Xenia much to Xenia’s delight, “It certainly does. It weighs 500 pounds. Your poor foot didn’t stand a chance.”

She then tossed the hammer in the air to Constance who caught it and immediately gathered ki just to maintain her hold of the heavy hammer.

Xenia motioned to Morgana’s body on the floor with a gruesomely mauled right lower leg, “I saved a foot just for you, Constance.”

Constance smiled with excitement as she gathered more ki to swing the hammer overhead, just as Xenia had, hurling it down on Morgana’s left foot. Once again, the hammer absolutely pulverized the foot and ankle and eviscerated any bone, soft tissue, and skin unlucky enough to be caught in the hammer’s momentum as it penetrated through the floor again.

Morgana writhed and cried in agony on the floor with only open and painful wounds to show for where her feet once were.

Xenia and Constance both shot each other wanting looks as they admired the blood spatter on one another’s aprons. Xenia slowly walked over to Constance ignoring the wailing Morgana on the floor. She took the hammer from Constance and dropped the massive hammer on the floor next to her.

Xenia then traced her finger down Constance’s face around a splatter of blood on her cheek before kissing it off sensually and sucking on Constance’s cheek. After thoroughly kissing away the blood, Xenia took Constance’s hand and put it over her inner thigh, “Is this what you want, Mistress Khan?”

Constance felt the contour of a huge cock underneath Xenia’s apron, and she looked down to see the distal part of the shaft and engorged head extending down passed the border of the apron. She let out a soft, hushed whimper and bit her lip before looking back up at Xenia and nodding her head yes silently.

Xenia then raised her right hand engulfing it in a red aura of ki as she bloodbent Constance forcing her down on her knees with her mouth wide open. Xenia gripped the shaft of her cock and traced the head around Constance’s lips, “How bad do you want it? Would you choke yourself to death on it for me?”

Xenia released her bloodbending hold of Constance, and Constance looked over at Morgana who was absolutely dumbfounded at how things were unfolding.

“Morgana. You could never show true dedication to our empress. True dedication is following her orders without question. If she tells you to choke yourself to death, you do it! Maybe if you’re lucky, she will give you an opportunity to show true dedication.”

Constance then licked the big cock hanging in front of her before looking over at Morgana one last time, “Just watch. And learn.”

Constance then slammed Xenia’s cock down her throat taking the entire length down her throat until her lips were pressed firmly up against Xenia’s apron and pelvis. She then held it in her throat at its deepest point.

Xenia was genuinely taken aback and surprised at Constance’s initiative at taking her words literally, and she felt a sensation of pure bliss rising in her resulting in her cock engorging ever more within Constance’s throat. As the cock engorged it began to expand within Constance pushing up against and occluding her mainstem bronchus. Even though Constance’s nares were patent, no air was reaching her lungs with Xenia’s cock firmly implanted within her throat.

Xenia looked down at Constance mouth wide agape with surprise and pleasure and ran her hands through Constance’s hair, “You are so fucking hot Constance Khan. God I love you so so much. This feels better than sex.”

At the sound of Xenia’s encouraging words, Constance reached around grabbing Xenia’s ass holding herself firmly in place as her body’s strength began to waver from asphyxiation. Given Constance’s advanced cardiovascular health, it took a few minutes until the true dangers of asphyxiation set in.

Her grip began to loosen as she lost consciousness, and Xenia grabbed the back of her head holding it in place as to prevent Constance from sliding off of her massive cock. After several more minutes of Xenia moaning and enjoying the pure bliss of Constance’s true dedication to her, Constance finally slipped away into death as Xenia noted her heartbeat had completely stopped.

Xenia allowed Constance’s dead body to slip off falling to the floor with a thud. She reached down between her soaking wet legs and rubbed her clitoris. The external stimulation was the last brief impetus needed to send her over the edge and into orgasm.

Morgana looked on speechless as Xenia pleasured herself to completion over Constance’s dead body.

It wasn’t long before Xenia finished and slowly walked over to Morgana who still lay in extreme, pulsating pain with two crushed and missing feet.

Morgana preempted Xenia’s conversation, “I can do it. I will do it!”

Xenia smiled down at her wiping her hands on her apron to dry them off, “Do what, dear?”

“I’ll suck your… your… cock. I’ll…” Morgana took a large gulp as she steeled herself, “I’ll choke myself to death. Just like Constance did.”

Xenia looked over her shoulder at Constance’s dead body and threw a healing ball of ki at her powerful enough to breathe life back into her. Xenia noted to herself how powerful she had become with the ability to reverse death with a small ball of ki whereas in the years past such a feat would require an immense amount of her energy and concentration.

Constance sat up from the ground with a large gasp followed by a small coughing fit as her throat tickled her. She looked at Xenia with a big smile, “No matter how much you enjoyed that, I can assure you I enjoyed it more.”

“That’s up for debate. You didn’t see me after your death.” Xenia smirked at her before continuing, “Morgana thinks she has the opportunity to do exactly as you did. She wants to prove her dedication by choking herself to death on me.”

Constance stood up with an angered face and marched over to Morgana slapping her across the face so hard that it sent her head flying into the hard wooden floor as she yelled, “Don’t you dare even think you are privileged enough to touch our empress!”

Xenia put her arm up to stop Constance and looked to Morgana, “I’m afraid she’s right, Morgana. If you want to prove yourself… if you want a new lease on life… you will have to do something unthinkable to satiate my doubts regarding your loyalty.”

Morgana’s mind raced as she was barely prepared to perform asphyxiation fellatio; however, she slowly nodded knowing that she had no choice in the matter. Her feet were already missing, her body already in excruciating pain, and her life hanging on the whim of her empress.

Morgana nodded, “Just tell me my empress. I am ready to prove myself to you.”

Xenia perked up with delight at the sound of obedience from Lady Morgana, “Wonderful, I know just the thing.”

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