
Chapter 206: Hang Em High

Chapter 206: Hang Em High

Eric felt his body betray him as he fell to his knees. His torso then bent forward pushing his hands and face against the ground as Xenia walked up to him.

“Such a good bow for your empress.” Xenia stood with her hands on her hips bloodbending both Eric and Michael in position, “Now if I recall, you’re quite the boot licker. Aren’t you?”

Eric felt her bloodbending let him go, and he immediately nodded. Xenia then barked at him, “Well?!! Lick them! Lick them clean!”

Eric immediately complied with her command and began to lick her boots from toe to heel and then all the way up. His tongue ran smoothly against the leather surface as he tried his best to lick every speck of dirt and debris from the surface.

She laughed as he worked, “I gave you a second chance. Your uncle gave you a second chance. And yet here you are. Betraying me.”

He looked up and pleaded, “I’m sorry! I’m-”

However, his throat was bloodbent shut as Xenia smiled down at him, “Don’t worry. I love the taste of betrayal.” She looked over her shoulder at Michael smiling before looking back down to Eric, “You actually interrupted us. We were about to have life-changing, or rather life-ending, sex.”

She kicked Eric in the face flinging him back with a bloodied mouth knocking out his two front teeth. Xenia bloodbent him in place on the floor forcing him to watch her as she walked over to Michael, “And now we have someone to watch us. Kinky, isn’t it?”

She took her new wicked whip in hand and lashed it around Michael’s neck allowing it to wrap around his neck tightly four times over.

He tensed his neck and managed to speak, “I will not be so easily killed. Not even your power overshadows my own to such a degree.”

Xenia just smiled and shook her head as she took the handle of the whip and tossed it over a rafter above, “You have no idea what my power has become.”

The whip oozed ancient, evil blood almost as if perspiring through its thick leather surface. Xenia could feel the blood coursing through the whip, and she bloodbent the handle down over the rafter causing the portion wrapped around Michael’s neck to lift him off the ground several feet. She then used her bloodbending to tie it tightly against the rafter hanging him in mid-air.

As Michael hung in mid-air, he raised his ki to protect his neck and his airway. His ki relieved the tension on his neck keeping his airway patent.

Xenia walked in front of him unzipping his pants and pushing them down to his ankles. “You’d swear men are always happy to see me judging by how hard you all are.”

She grabbed his cock and put it in firmly in her mouth as she sucked it up and down several times. However, she was interrupted by a red pulse from the whip.

She looked up to see the fading red pulse of the whip. As the pulse faded the bottom of the whip handle had a small glimmer from the formation of a small red stone.

Michael grit his teeth as the whip closed in on his neck, “What sinister ability was that? Huh?”

Xenia furrowed her brow, “I’m… not sure. I only just got this whip from the trunk over there. Your feared trunk.”

She smiled as the whip pulsed red again causing Michael to grimace. The stone at the base of the handle grew slowly and incrementally with each pulse.

Xenia ran her finger down Michael’s abdomen, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this whip is draining your ki. And not just your energy, but your actual ki abilities. It is taking your ki abilities away from you entirely.”

She looked off in the distance in thought, “What a welcomed surprise.”

She then whipped her head around to look at Michael, “And that means your protective ki around your precious, fragile neck won’t be able to protect you forever. Especially if I add even more weight to your situation.”

She bloodbent the whip further raising Michael an addition few feet in the air. She smiled up at him running her arms down her body, “How much do you think I weigh?”

All of Michael’s energy was focused on keeping his airway patent as his ki reserves vanished further and further under the sinister actions of the whip around his neck.

“I’d say 150lbs soaking wet.” Xenia reached out grabbing Michael’s thighs as she began to climb on to his body, “And let me tell you… I am soaking wet for you right now.”

She slinked up his body climbing up until she affixed her legs around his torso and arms over his shoulders as she looked him in the face, “Wasn’t our first fuck high above the city in the spire? Fitting for our last to be all the way down here in your grave of treasures.”

She reached down taking his cock in her hand slipping it into the slit-like opening which all of her leather pants had and abruptly allowed herself to fall a bit sliding his cock into her. She gasped and clung to his neck putting even more pressure on the whip holding him up, “I’m going to send you off in a puddle of your own pleasure. Tell me you love me, won’t you.”

She then bloodbent him forcing him to say, “I love you Xenia.”

She smiled and cocked her head, “All men do, but I still just love hearing it.”

With her legs wrapped tightly around his torso and her hands wrapped around the back of his neck holding a significant amount of her weight, she began to slowly ride his cock up and down while hanging on him.

She bloodbent his cock engorging it further inside of her causing her eyes to roll back as she continued to slowly fuck him. After her eyes returned forward, she maintained eye contact with him with a hungry gaze as she peered into his frightened soul.

Eric, meanwhile, was forced to watch the entire scene. From his perspective, Michael hung six feet in the air by a sinister black whip pulsing red and dripping blood, and Xenia clung to his body mid-air fucking him sensually and slowly just teasing his cock with ever so slow up and down motions.

Genuine struggle began to show through on Michael’s face as his ki drained to lower and lower levels allowing the whip to enclose around his neck tighter and tighter still.

“I’m going to fuck you slowly, so we can both enjoy your last moments together.” Xenia moaned and leaned her head back before coming back to face him, “I’ll do my best to let you cum before you die, but no promises. You see, I want to steal your last breath myself. And I want that last breath to put me over the edge.”

She leaned in to whisper in his ear, “That’s what I want. Give it to me, Michael. As empress of the new world, I demand it as your going away gift.”

She rode his cock up and down incrementally faster with each pulse of Blood Scourge weakening Michael further and further until finally, after nearly 10 minutes of sensual slow teasing, the whip had nearly tightened to occlude Michael’s airway.

Xenia started to fuck him faster and harder putting even more pressure on his neck as she became an animal determined to extract her own pleasure from him, and as she did, she lunged in to kiss him as she sucked every last breath of air out of his lungs.

Michael’s ki had at last dropped below the critical point at which he could no longer protect his airway as his face began to turn red with asphyxiation.

The knowledge of taking his last breath ever, sent shivers down Xenia’s body as she reached orgasm on Michael’s hard cock and last breath.

She leaned her head back and rolled her eyes back straining his neck and airway further until his trachea began to splinter under her strong pull. However, she leaned back up with heavy breathing, disheveled hair, and a crazed look, “Come on Michael! Don’t die on me yet! Let me squeeze one last orgasm out of you!”

She began to squeeze her legs around his abdomen causing his lower ribs to break at multiple points, and she squeezed her pelvic muscles constricting his cock as she felt the delicious contour of his bulging dorsal vein inside of her.

She then felt an immense amount of cum releasing into her with a forceful ejection. She screamed with excitement and accomplishment before smiling at a near-dead Micheal, “What a perfect death. Much better than the one you gave me, wouldn’t you say?”

She leaned in and kissed on his lips chaotically holding his head with both hands until she felt the tension in his body go completely limp as he died in her dangerous grasp.

She took a moment to catch her breath, released his head from her grasp, and performed a backwards somersault off of his body allowing his still-hard cock to slide out of her as she did.

She smiled up at his hanging dead body before looking to Eric and saying, “That was so hot. Wasn’t it? You’re welcome.”

She then bloodbent the whip down from the rafters allowing Michael’s dead body to fall to the ground with a lifeless thud.

Eric couldn’t move but stuttered, “You’re… Y-y-You’re going to revive him right? He is Saint Michael. You can’t just kill the leader of an empire like this.”

Xenia laughed to herself before saying, “What is a saint to a God?”

Eric wallowed in fear as he watched Xenia bloodbend the whip releasing it’s coil from Michael’s neck as she wrapped it around her waist and flung the handle over her shoulder.

She grabbed the small red stone from the hilt of the handle and inspected it closely as it glimmered in the light. She softly spoke to herself, “What is this? Nothing like a blood stone. This feel alive.”

She opened a void portal and deposited the red stone safely within Bella Domina before turning back to Eric, “Now where were we, darling? I believe I was just telling you how I just love the taste of betrayal.”

Xenia began a slow walk over to Eric with an evil smile on her face.

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