
Chapter 187: Bobby Flay

Chapter 187: Bobby Flay

Deep in the night, a loud, rumbling V12 engine pulled into a quiet driveway to a house tucked away in a quiet subdivision with everyone sound asleep.

The scissor doors to the Lamborghini opened up on both sides, and Xenia exited the driver’s side with a smile on her face and energetic hop in her step as she ran in front of the car and around to meet Bobby. She grabbed his hand and led him inside with a quick walk.

Once inside, she slammed the door behind them and pinned him against the wall kissing him, “Now take me to the bedroom Bobby.”

She once again bloodbent his mind gaining access to the house’s layout, and she bloodbent him to take her hand and lead her to the bedroom.

She walked into the room with a smile on her face and turned back to Bobby, “So this is where the magic is going to happen tonight!”

Xenia commanded him to undress as she undressed at the same time. It wasn’t long until both were standing naked at the foot of the bed. One with an eagerness to get started, the other with a trembling fear as to what was to come.

She pushed him onto the bed and quickly crawled atop him, “Now I said I was going to be cruel, but I’ll start slow. It looks like this might be your first time. Am I right?”

Bobby nodded, and Xenia laughed, “So many firsts for you tonight, I am sure of it.”

She opened a portal and promptly reached in retrieving one of her razor-sharp black-steel knives. She licked it and then ran it down Bobby’s chest, along his abdomen, and then up the shaft of his cock.

She smiled down at him, “Oh honey, is this your first time with a naked girl in your bed too? I’m so sorry, but I’m afraid your first will also be your last.”

She immobilized him with bloodbending and took her knife as she began to skin his hard cock. She took the knife and with utmost precision removed only the thin layer of stretched skin overlying the engorged muscle and veins directly blow.

Bobby winced and screamed as the knife severed multiple cutaneous nerves sending impulses of exquisite pain up through his peripheral nervous system and into his central nervous system where the sensation of pain translated into anxiety and yells.

She stopped for a moment and looked at Bobby, “This is the fun part, darling. I have only barely just begun. Pace yourself.”

She smiled with pure joy as she continued skinning his hard, erect cock feeling the vibrations of even louder screams as she began to skin the frenulum and head of his cock where both pain and pleasure were most sensitive.

With expert precision and skill, Xenia skinned his cock in one smooth and contiguous piece, and she took the single intact piece of skin and tossed it to the floor, “I think I’ve earned a little treat, Bobby. Sit back and relax while I enjoy myself.”

She then crouched down between his legs and took his skinned cock in her mouth. The sensation for Bobby was one of both extreme pain and pleasure. The mixture of feelings stunted his progression towards orgasm; however, Xenia’s touch was so divine that it built and built nonetheless as she sucked on him.

Xenia moaned as she took his cock in her mouth. For her, it was the equivalent of a blood popsicle as she slurped on and licked up the leaking blood from his cock. She ran her plump lips up and down his shaft tasting him and moaning in delight.

She took the bloody mess of a cock out of her mouth and squeezed his shaft with one of her hands causing blood to express and flow from the surface. She dived down to catch every drop with her tongue running it up and down as she continued to pulse his cock with her grip giving her more and more blood to lap up.

With her immense experience, Xenia could tell that Bobby was quite close to orgasming and cumming for her. She slowed her licking and instead took her soft, plump lips and lightly kissed his cock up his shaft until she reached the head.

“Bobby, this is a treat for me. Not you. And unfortunately for you, I am only in the mood for blood. Not cum.” She sat up between his legs and smiled at him with bloody lips, “Now. I told you I was just getting started.”

Bobby looked on in fear, but he couldn’t move. Xenia took the knife in hand and began to run it along Bobby’s arms, legs, abdomen, and chest, “Just look at all this skin.”

She eyed him and nodded her head, “Yes, it’s all coming off. Slowly and painfully.”

“Would you prefer from the bottom up starting with your feet? Or top down starting with your scalp? I promise no matter where I start, you won’t be dead by the time I’m finished. Remember? I made you a deal. I’ll only kill you if Fincher arrives.” She stood for a moment and grabbed Bobby’s phone out of his pants pocket.

She then returned to the bed straddling his chest near his neck and said, “Fine. Top down it is. If you insist.” She then dialed Fincher’s number. As it rang, she looked down at Bobby, “I’d hate for him to think we are having fun without him.”

The phone rang, rang, and rang until finally it went to voicemail. After the beep, Xenia said, “Hey Fincher, It’s me! And I’m here with Bobby. You should come over to Bobby’s place. We are just starting to have all of our fun. Say ‘Hi’ Bobby.”

She then placed the phone beside Bobby’s head and began to scalp him. Bobby shrieked and screamed with real pain and suffering directly into the phone as she carved off his skin from the underlying cranium.

Xenia stopped and picked the phone back up, “We’ll be at this for the next hour. Bring Scorched Shadow. Bring your friends. Bring whoever you want. But most importantly, don’t forget to bring yourself.” She then kissed the phone and hung up.

She looked back down at Bobby, “So here’s what comes next. Your face. Carving in and around the eye balls, lips, nose, and ears. Painfully slow, but oh so worth it.”

She spent the next twenty minutes carving the skin off of his delicate facial muscles while also bloodbending his blood to remain within his body so as not to obscure her view while she skinned his face.

Once finished, she looked down at his red face with exposed muscle and fascia with only his lips and eye balls spared. She bent down and whispered in his ear, “I’ve been holding back your bleeding. This next part is what makes all of my hard work worth it.”

She then began to make out with him and raised her voice, “Here it comes, here comes the rush!” She then released her hold and allowed his face to begin bleeding. The blood ran down his face and onto the sheets, but most importantly for Xenia, into their kisses. When the blood-laced kisses were no longer enough for her, she licked his face from chin to forehead lapping up the blood.

And when that wasn’t enough for her, she began to kiss his exposed masseter muscle where his cheek once was. Then, like a wild ferocious animal, she took a large bite out of his masseter muscle and began to chew it with pure ecstasy. She chewed it until she swallowed.

“I told myself I wouldn’t do that until the very end, but you are irresistible Bobby!” She clenched her teeth holding herself back from tearing his face to shreds with more bites, and she eventually quelled her urges, “Time for me to move on to the rest of your body.”

She kissed his lips one last time before moving on, “But make no mistake, I’ll be back for more.”

Over the next hour, Xenia skinned him from head to toe even taking the time to meticulously flay the skin from between his fingers, toes, and armpits. She spared no crevice as she rolled him over, on his side, and other positions in order to gain access to every square inch of skin on Bobby’s body.

At the end she stood at the foot of the bed looking on at Bobby who lay in so much pain, he prayed for death. His brain even failed to attenuate the pain sensations as Xenia wouldn’t allow it. Had she not immobilized him with bloodbending, the pain would’ve have done so.

She put her hand up to her ear and cupped it, “Now let me hear you beg for death. Or would you rather live like this?”

Bobby whimpered with a tired throat from screaming all night; however, he mustered a hoarse voice, “Please. I beg. I pray. I plea. Kill me. The pain… just take it away.”

Xenia laughed at him, “Oh how I love to hear you beg, pray, and plea to me. But a deal is a deal, remember?”

“And since we are here, I think I’ll indulge in one last sadistic vice of mine.” She then ran her hands down her perfect naked body in a seductive pose before she crawled onto the bed again. She ran her hands along Bobby’s legs and kissed his exposed quadriceps. She then took a sizable bite from his anterior quadricep, chewing it until she swallowed.

Bobby’s eyes rolled back in overwhelming pain as he realized he was going to be eaten alive by a crazy sadistic bitch.

She sensually ran her hands up his body as she moved her way up kissing him along the way until she stopped at his left obliques and took another bite. Next, she sensually moved up to his chest taking a bite out of his right pectoralis major muscle.

She then moved up to his face and caressed his meaty skull, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat your face off. I can think of something much more pleasurable… for me, of course.”

She then straddled his chest and turned around. She slid her ass on top of his face and wrapped her legs around the back of his head locking her ankles to form a tight grip pushing his face into her ass smothering his bloody face against her voluptuous curvy ass.

She rode his face moaning with pleasure as the slippery surface combined with the pressure of the remaining facial structure made for a unique sensation even for Xenia.

With his head locked into her ass, she leaned over and grabbed his cock. She kissed the skinned head several times cherishing the sensation until she could no longer wait. She took a ravenous bite of his cock taking off the top third.

She relinquished her bloodbending hold of Bobby, and he squirmed with pain. The combination of being eaten alive, skinned, and smothered pushed him over the edge as he tried with all of his might to desperately change his situation; however, his screams and squirms only helped to fuel Xenia’s pleasure as she began to inch towards an achievable orgasm which she hadn’t expected from playing with someone like Bobby. She was pleasantly surprised to know that her handiwork could extract pleasure for her even from the most pathetic of men.

She grabbed the base of his cock holding it steady and took another bite, eating the next third of his cock. She chewed and then swallowed. Next, she leaned over and pushed her lips against his pelvis and prepared to take one last bite.

She waited until she was at the verge of orgasm, and just as his squirming pushed her over the edge, she took the last bite removing his cock entirely from his body.

She leaned up sitting atop his face as a rush of pleasure washed over her body. The flavor of raw meat combined with the sensation of her orgasm put her into a bliss-like state losing herself. She reveled in the bliss for nearly too long as she finally came back to her senses and sat up just an inch hovering above Bobby’s face to allow him to breathe.

She looked down and back at him, “My God, Bobby. Are you sure this is your first time? You just made me cum so good, so hard! So good, in fact, that I almost broke our deal by killing you. Tsk Tsk you naughty boy.”

She bit her lip and said, “Some boss you have. He’s a complete no show. I’m afraid he has unintentionally saved your life.” She stood at the side of the bed and looked down at Bobby, “But I can’t very well have you telling others that I am alive, so I’m afraid your life won’t be much worth living for.”

She then bloodbent him causing a massive stroke sparing only the brainstem. Bobby was alive for the moment; however, he was now brain dead with only autonomic functions such as breathing to keep him alive.

Xenia held two fingers up to her lips kissing them and then she touched her two fingers to his lips, “You were fun, Bobby. Thank you for the amazing evening even if it wasn’t as fruitful as we both hoped for. Someone will either find you in your brain-dead state or you’ll die of fluid loss without your skin. I’ll leave your fate up to chance. After all, I’m a girl who keeps her deal.”

Xenia walked out of the house to a quiet dark neighborhood without a single person awake yet still. She sat in the Lamborghini, grabbed the steering wheel, and started the car. She was still naked, and her body dripped blood on the seats, seatbelt, steering wheel, and every surface she touched.

She raced back to Bella Domina blaring the V12 engine until she returned to the circle drive. She exited the car leaving the door up as she ascended the stairs into Bella Domina, naked and dripping blood. The BloodStar Empress had returned.

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