
Chapter 149: Mimosas and Appetizers

Chapter 149: Mimosas and Appetizers

“Do you need me to arrange a meeting with Ramses and Zara, or are you certain you can handle things?” Nero sat deep within Bella Domina speaking on the phone.

“Nero, darling. I’m the girl who thrives at handling things like this. Or did Xenia not tell you why she so confidently chose me for this task?” Constance walked the halls of her castle on Khan Island wearing an off the shoulder tight-fitting white dress which was fashionably short.

She smiled and followed up, “How is Xenia by the way?”

Nero frowned, “Don’t use her name so lightly. What if you were to be overheard?” He sighed, “Apart from waking briefly to assign you your task, she has been asleep all week. She is resting, but it is clear to me just how weak she really is for the moment.”

Constance replied, “Well she couldn’t be in better hands. I only wish I had the chance to hear her speak to me directly. What is it she told you, one more time please.”

Nero plainly responded, “She stated that you are to establish a political connection with the BloodStar Empire and the remainder of the world. However, she emphasized that if any counterparty is intent on killing you, you should return to me at once. Otherwise, you will be the eyes and ears for our Empress while she cannot take part in the world.”

Constance twirled in the castle hallway with a joyful smile on her face, “Nero I don’t think you understand. I crave war, death, and pain as much as the next girl. But my true talents lie in being a socialite. Just as you are second only to Xenia on the battlefield, I am second only to Xenia in the game of influence.”

Constance walked to a balcony overlooking the rear aspect of the castle with crystal blue ocean below, “Is that all she said? No additional details?”

Nero grunted, “That was all. She didn’t have much strength to elaborate. Why? Is there something more you wish to know?”

Constance took in a huge breath of ocean air and twirled back into the hallway, “Oh it’s just that, well you know… can I be me? Can I stir the pot? Can I release some drama onto the scene?”

Nero frowned to himself once again, “As I said, she did not elaborate. So long as you do not get yourself killed, imprisoned, or completely alienated then the details are yours to decide.”

Constance giggled to herself, “Oh my what a gift our Empress has given me. She truly knows how to reward her most loyal servants.”

She stopped at another balcony, this time overlooking the front aspect of the castle as she looked down on the circle drive. An SUV limo pulled up, and its occupants began to alight from the vehicle as the chauffeur opened the door.

“Nero, I think I have to be going. It would seem my presence is already serving as a beacon. King Ramses and Queen Zara have just arrived.” She continued to watch as two more exited the vehicle, “And oh my, it would seem they have brought me a couple of toys, Master Erika Sage and Lord Jacek Heraklinos.”

Nero grit his teeth so hard it was audible to Constance through the phone. She laughed and said, “I suppose it’s best that I am the one here rather than you, isn’t it.”

Jacek looked up at the balcony detecting a strong presence to see Constance watching them. Constance hung up her phone and waved down at Jacek while also winking at him. She then whisked herself away back into the castle as he, Erika, Ramses, and Zara entered the main door.

An attendant of the Khan Family received and welcomed them, “Mistress Khan has been expecting visitors. Please right this way, and I will show you-“

The attendant was cut off by an enthusiastic and gleeful voice, “My new King and my new Queen!” Constance walked directly up to Ramses and Zara and gave a formal curtsy.

She then turned to Erika and Jacek, “And the esteemed Master Sage and dashing Lord Heraklinos.” She curtsied again and opened her arms as she shouted, “Welcome to my castle! It is yours during the length of your stay.”

Ramses eyed her with an air of caution, “Thank you for the warm welcome, Constance. Is there somewhere we can talk? We are not here for fun. We have pressing matters to discuss with you. Consider yourself lucky we are not here to strike against you without talking first.”

Constance put her hand up to her chest, “Strike against me? My dear King, the war is over, did Jacek not tell you? You should have seen him. I was there.”

She flexed her bicep and smiled at Jacek, “Maybe the strongest man I’ve ever seen in person. And let me tell you I’ve spent a lot of time around Nero, so my opinion carries weight!”

Zara maintained a serious face, “Constance, a place to talk?”

Constance turned and waved for them, “Of course, let us speak on the terrace overlooking the sea. There is no place more beautiful for friends to speak.”

Ramses called out to her, “Constance. We do not need an open-air terrace. We need a conference room. A secure one.”

Constance stopped on a dime and looked back over her shoulder, “I know, King Ramses. I was merely kidding.” She then turned to her attendant and said, “But do set the terrace with mimosas and food, so we can relax after our meeting.”

The team followed Constance up a flight of stairs and into a cold, dark conference room with walls and floors made of stone. An old but elaborate wooden table stretched the length of the large room with ornate carvings up the table legs and across the surface depicting the culture of Khan Island.

An attendant shut the door behind them as they all took their seats, and Constance beamed with a smile of endless energy and charisma as she said, “I am so pleased to have you all visit me. I was hoping to have a word with you all myself now that Xenia is dead and the war over.”

Erika spoke for the first time, “Mistress Khan, war is a terrible thing. A loss of life is never easy. Although we did what we had to do, I do express my condolences to you for losing Xenia as I know she was your friend.”

Constance blot her eye as to feign a tear and said, “That is mighty kind and graceful of you Master Sage. Your words are heartfelt. Please just call me Constance. I have found that the best way to move on from such heartache is to forge new friendships. Something I hope we can work towards beginning today.”

Erika nodded, “We are far from friendship considering your track record, but today we may start to build a mutual relationship.”

Constance maintained a body language of utmost receptiveness and nodded, “A stepping stone I am eager to take you up on. Tell me, to what do I owe the honor of having such distinguished guests at Khan Castle?”

Erika continued, “To be blunt, I am here to mediate a deal between the King and Queen and yourself. If you refuse or try to harm us in any way, Jacek is here to kill you.”

Constance was unphased as she once again held up her flexed bicep as she smiled at Jacek and raised her eyebrows twice at him playfully.

Erika sighed and said, “I hope you are taking this seriously, Constance.”

Constance leaned forward and eyed Erika, “I am not one to take life too seriously, Master Sage, but I am ready to hear your demands out.”

Erika gave Constance a half-smile, “The BloodStar Empire is split. The death of Empress Victoria and Warlord Xenia BloodStar has left a huge rift within the empire. Roughly half the population is eager to see the new King Ramses and Queen Zara ascend and rule over the empire. The other half is eager to rebel at a moment’s notice, likely looking to you as their spark.”

Constance stretched her arms back before clasping them over the back of her head showing off her nearly perfect boobs and slender waist as she said, “Gosh, it seems I am an important chess piece then. Would you like me to ignite a civil war, or would you rather me unite your empire for you peacefully? Either sounds quite fun to me.”

Erika looked at her with astonishment, “We do not want you to ignite a civil war. We want you to unite the empire peacefully. As stated, if you choose not to help us, we will kill you. If at any point we find you are working to undermine our effort, we will kill you. You are walking on very thin ice considering your very recent war crimes under Xenia.”

Constance maintained a lax posture, “Kill me? My goodness, there is no need for that. I am delighted to help you all. To be honest, Xenia lusted for war. But I lust for socializing. This is a perfect arrangement. My biggest challenge will be to keep the people from rallying to me instead of the King and Queen.”

Ramses, Zara, Erika, and Jacek all looked to Constance after her comment, and Constance let out a laugh, “I jest! I really had you all there for a moment, didn’t I? I have zero interest in being a ruler of any lands. You can even take Khan Island if you wish although I think it best to allow me to keep it if I am to represent a powerful figure rallying half the nation.”

Erika huffed a big sigh and continued, “We will arrange for you to meet with the leaders of various clans and factions from both Khan Island and the BloodStar Empire which are aligned with the old ways. We hope to see you slowly bring –“

Constance raised her hand signaling Erika to stop and cut her off, “It is not the leaders I need to speak to, it is the people under them. The leaders will do as I say, or they will be killed. They are easy to have fall in line. The people though, they are a collective animal spirit not easily tamed.”

Constance looked to the side before eyeing Erika from the corner of her eyes saying, “One doesn’t hang out around Xenia for as long as I did and not learn a thing or two about creating a populace that absolutely adores their ruler.”

Erika gave an annoyed look and followed up, “Okay then. How do you plan to get the people to love you and fall in line as you say?”

Constance pushed her chair back and stood from the table, “My God, Erika. You are not inspiring confidence. Was this your plan to?” She looked to Ramses and Zara.

Ramses and Zara nodded, “Yes, we planned to have you meet with the leaders of each faction.”

Constance straightened out her dress and rolled her eyes, “It is a very good thing you came to me. You all lack the skill set to mend this rift.” She walked to the door with just the sound of her heels clicking against the stone floor.

Once she reached the door, she looked back and smiled, “Clear your schedules. All of you. You’re all here with me for the week! Now come and join me on the seaside terrace for mimosas and appetizers. You’ve all certainly made me wait long enough!”

She whisked away through the door leaving them at the table all rather dumbstruck by Constance’s enthusiasm and approach to their deal.

As they sat in silence, Constance peaked her head back into the room, “Oh and did I mention that mimosas and appetizers are a stipulation of my cooperation. So if you don’t come, then I guess you’ll just have to kill me. See you down there!”

They continued to sit in silence until Erika gave a deep sigh before saying, “I think that was successful. Yes?”

Jacek leaned forward, “I think so?”

Zara gave a half smile, “It’s as good as we could have hoped for, but let’s keep a very close eye on her.”

Ramses stood from the table, “Let’s go sign this deal. Not with ink and paper, but with… mimosas and appetizers.”

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