Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 593: DXCIII. Breaking A Black Hole

Chapter 593: DXCIII. Breaking A Black Hole

The Xis, after noticing that his most powerful attack had just been blocked by Dag, was petrified for a few seconds, but when he realized that he should do something, he too pointed his arms forward, as if from afar he wanted to push the sphere, showing his strength to his opponent.

The sphere began to move towards Dag again despite the verse of its rotation being directed at the Xis, which was managing to push it forward.

The giant object advanced over and over until it arrived within a meter from his arms.

Dag's screams became even louder and his dark body began to unleash sparks and lightning again, charging with energy and contributing to the strengthening.

The young warrior, in his most powerful form, during the screams opened his jaws wide and in addition to showing his sharp teeth, pulled out a long blackish tongue, which moved forward as if it was the tail of a snake.

Two small horns facing upwards popped up on his head, rising only a few centimeters, and filaments of dark matter floated around his arms as if they were superconducting cables aimed at increasing the spreading of electricity.

The dark power, in addition to harnessing all its inherent strength, was using the electrical powers of its host body to its advantage, adapting to them. 

The claws of Dag's hands came into contact with the dark sphere, while everything around him was swept away, except for the hammer, which had fallen just behind his feet.

His body trembled with force and his muscles twitched like never before as the runes on his arm continued to shine with their own light.

Turning both hands and resting their backs on each other with their palms facing outwards, Dag purposely slipped them inside the black hole, which continued to advance until he swallowed his forearms.

Showing a force capable of overpowering the very laws of the Universe, Dag opened his arms wide and tore off the antimatter that made up the black hole, causing a giant explosion.

At that very moment, the Xis felt within him a pain never felt before, as if someone had inflicted damage on him without hitting him, being the dark matter that constituted the sphere part of his body.

The explosion enveloped the entire square, involving not only Dag and his enemy, but also the castle and many of the houses around it, which were partially destroyed due to the huge amount of energy released without control.

Dag's companions ran to the shelter, taking refuge behind the wall next to the door and to protect themselves from impact.

The entire castle, which had already endured extensive structural damage, vibrated hard and other small pieces of wall and ceiling fell downwards, while the city center of Klorr began to crumble after the blow just suffered.

Taking advantage of the chaos generated by his defensive maneuver and struggling to believe that he had just annihilated one of his enemy's strongest attacks, Dag's body moved without his command and reached the light spot that emanated the Giantbane, hidden between two rocks of the rubble of the porch.

Although his mind was not controlling his movements, the real Dag, trapped inside his own brain, was still able to communicate with dark matter that had taken over his body, only that their relationship had reversed: he was no longer the leader, but the one who had to obey the dark power, avoiding opposing its decisions.

Moving one of the large boulders that trapped the axe, Dag grabbed it and immediately snapped towards the Xis, entering the thick dust cloud caused by the defacement of the black hole, of which there was not a single shred left.

Emitting another demonic scream, when the young warrior in his final form saw the enemy standing before him, he waved the axe sideways, aiming at his chest.

The Xis, who was still confused by what had just happened, only noticed at the last moment that Dag was trying to hit him, but using his superior reflexes, he moved sideways, dodging the blow and making sure to move off the trajectory of the furious Dag. 

The fiery blades of the Giantbane cut through the air, leaving a red trail next to the Xis' face that kept his expression insensitive as if he could not feel emotions even in those conditions.

When he put his foot on the ground, Dag turned on himself and tried again to attack his enemy, this time with a kick in the direction of his legs.

The Xis did not move, merely moving one leg forward to parry the blow.

Dag's leg shin impacted that of the enemy's leg, unleashing another powerful shockwave, which irregularly dispersed into the air around them.

A few moments after the second loud noise caused by that kick, his teammates, who until then had remained hidden behind the wall, came out again in the open, noticing with amazement that the Frostsinner had managed to parry Dag's shot despite him fighting to the maximum of his power.

The two contact legs continued to vibrate as if their joints were struggling to prevail over each other.

Having both arms at his disposal, Dag grabbed the enemy by the neck of his jacket and pulled him forward, striking his forehead with a violent warhead, the strength of which increased due to the two small demonic horns that appeared just before on his head.


After the impact, the Xis' head bent elastically backward, suffering a strong whiplash, but immediately returned to his position.

Believing that this was the exact moment to hit him with the Giantbane, Dag swung the divine axe forward again, with a vertical slit, but his wrist was grabbed by the Xis' arm, who, standing still in the same position, was giving tangible proof of his superhuman strength.

"Grrr... oooargghh!" Dag yelled, opening his mouth in front of the face of the enemy and once again showing him his demonic jaws and long, pointed tongue.

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