Blood demon leveling

Chapter 89: Aftermath

Chapter 89: Aftermath

Mike rushed over and started freezing the flowing blood of the maimed students stopping their bleedings as they cried out in pain, he was soon joined by the redhead that used fire magic to cauterize the wounds, as for the four that had been cut practically in half nothing could be done about them as they expressed their desire to live on to their loved ones as the lifeblood seeped out of them and they not so slowly died, this was followed by professors showing up along with more disciplinary members that helped with the wounded as well as quickly carrying the 4 disciplinary members away from the furious crowd before they were killed by a grieving boyfriend of one of the dead students, then as Mike finished freezing the blood of the last maimed students stopping his bleeding a professor approached him

"First I'll thank you for the help with the wounded, follow after me now"

"...I understand, Elina, Rebecca"

Elina and Rebecca appeared behind Mike, still wearing their armor and followed after Mike along with Snow, as for the professor that had started the fight he was long since gone

Mike sat and sipped the lukewarm tea that had been served for him about 45 minutes ago, he was currently in a 2nd floor room with a single window behind him, he sat in one of two chairs with the other being empty and situated on the other side of a table from him, soon the door to the room opened and the professor that had lead him away walked in and sat down across from him on the other side of the table

"Now then, I am going to ask some questions, is that okay with you Mike?"

Mike gave a nod

"Good then. First question, where are you from Mike?"

"Isn't this going to be about what happened earlier?"

The professor gave a friendly smile as he waved his hand

"Sorry... I am professor Tim, I am the head of the disciplinary committee, the reason I asked you that question is to assert how calm you are"

Mike raised an eyebrow

"How calm I am I am plenty calm, I am an adventurer after all... I have seen my fair share of blood and gore"

"Oh, I see An adventurer, how long have you been one?"

"Since I came to this world so about 4 years"

"Oh, right you are an otherworlder, a so called demon Well then let's not waste any more time and get to the main points, why did you escalate the situation with the disciplinary members?"

Mike gave a shrug

"It's not the first time that professor has tried to lay claim to my slave so I figured I couldn't talk my way out of it so I simply moved things along"

"So you are saying that you wanted to escalate the fight?"

"No, I am saying I wanted to get it over with I had no idea that he would use such a deadly spell, if I had"

"Then what?"

"Then I would have thrown my knife right through his eye socket There would have been fewer casualties that way"

"I see Well then, on to my next question, why is it that you claim so strongly that that slave is yours?"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly

"Because I brought her from a slave merchant off island"

"I see, you don't happen to have a sales permit do you?"


"Okay onto my next question, would you explain why you didn't order your servants to interfere in the fight?"

"Because I thought I could handle it alone Clearly I thought wrongly"

"I see, do you regret the way that the fight turned out?"


Mike lowered his head slightly before he continued

"But in the end, it wasn't me that made the decision to use that spell, that's not my burden to bare"

"Couldn't you have blocked it?"

Mike showed a bitter smile before he shook his head slightly, then with a gaze burning with motivation he looked up at the professor

"The current me would just have died if I tried to block that spell That's why I aim to grow stronger That's why I am here in the first place"

"To grow stronger?"


"I see Well onto my final question, would you be willing to hand over that slave for the sake of avoiding future conflicts?"

"No, she's mine and mine alone"

"Okay then You are free to go"

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, or would you prefer to get punished?"

"Nope, see you professor"

Mike stood up and walked out of the small room, outside he found the redhead from before, she looked guilty and opened her mouth to apologize to Mike, but Mike just raised his hand signaling her to stop before he asked a question

"Can you guarantee something like that won't ever happen again?"

The redhead looked blankly at Mike for a moment before she shook her head


Mike showed a thin smile and patted her on the shoulder

"Then you know what to work on don't you?"


Mike didn't answer and simply walked away leaving her to her thoughts, he continued walking out of the building and decided to walk back to his dorm room, he then spent the rest of the day reviewing his notes before he went to bed around sundown

The next morning Mike awoke as usual, trained and showered as usual before he walked out of his room with the three servants following behind him, on the way to the school building he felt like he gathered more attention than normal and sure enough, someone stepped in front of him and faced Mike causing him to stop


"Yeah, you would like that wouldn't you, you murderer!?"

Mike paused and began churning his mana

"You speak as if I was the one that fired off that spell yesterday?"

The student in front of him finched slightly before he yelled back with a face flushed with anger

"You resisted the arrest, so the fight that followed is your responsibility!"

Mike showed a cold smile

"Oh so they were arresting me, I seem to recall a 'Let's beat this dirty non-human into submission!' before I was assaulted by a group of rogue disciplinary committee members?"

"D-Don't try to change the subject! You resisted so it's your fault that those people died!"

Mike gave a sigh before he ordered


"Yes master"

Rebecca gave a bow and disappeared from view before she reappeared in front of the student and kicked him in the groin disabling temporally as Mike walked past him, the other students watched with mixed feelings as Mike walked to class along with his three servants

The next few days passed uneventfully until the judgment from the disciplinary committee was announced, the members of the squad that attacked Mike were all expelled from the academy while the student that had fired the spell was set to be executed for his crime of manslaughter within a few days, but oddly enough Mike didn't hear anything about the redhead captain of the squad that had called for them to stop, it seemed that she, like him had escaped any serious punishment

'Well, whatever'

Mike went to class like normal, unknowingly something great happened in another place on the island


Julie brought her sword down as it clashed with the sword held by the goblin lord then Julie muttered


The next moment she accelerated instantly and appeared behind the goblin lord and sent a horizontal slash which sent its head flying, then while showing a small smile she muttered once again


Then she turned around and right in front of her face was a sword that seemed to have stopped in place, the course of this was the shadow that bound the goblin lord that held the sword, Julie took a step closer to the goblin lord before she brought her sword up and ever so slowly stabbed it into the neck of the goblin lord as she watched the light disappear in its eyes she suddenly felt it

"...Finally, we're heading back"

"""Yes mistress"""

The three servants behind her acknowledged her order with a slight bow before one of them inserted a stone of passage into the wall and the four of them walked back to the first floor, from there they walked directly out of the dungeon and towards the temple, on the way people who saw them coming walked out of their way, Julie received looks of envy and admiration, she was well known to be the mistress of the bloods, one of the strongest adventure families in the city and after she had been on the frontlines during the last dungeon outbreak a few days ago people had begun to respect her for her raw combat power, when she entered the temple she told the three servants to wait for her before she walked straight into a prayer room reserved for the family A few minutes passed before she walked out of the prayer room again, though she seemed to have changed a great deal during the short visit as a suppressive feeling was felt around her, she raised her hand and a blue flame appeared hovering above her palm, Julie wore a thin smile as she played with the small flame and twirled it around her fingers but the surrounding people backed up a few steps with fearful expressions from the great heat the small blue flame gave off, Julie showed a bright smile like a maiden in love as she muttered

"I am on my way now Mike You better not have cheated on me"

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