Blood demon leveling

Chapter 87: Magic beast and monster research club

Chapter 87: Magic beast and monster research club

Mike looked at the drawing on the blackboard closely, it was a drawing that was the same as the one on the ignitor paper, around the drawing were various notes which James wrote out while explaining them to Mike, Mike asked questions sometimes on parts he didn't understand which James then did his best to answer and explain, thus Mike's knowledge of magic items deepened significantly over the next two hours, soon the other members of the club began arriving and then (somewhat awkwardly though) the club began, Mike could sense that some of the others particularly the twins were still mad at him for the prank he pulled yesterday though Mike didn't mind it and continued absorbing knowledge about magic items from the club. Around halfway through club hours there was a knock on the door before professor Frank walked in and greeted James

"Hey James, do you mind if I borrow Mike now?"

"No, he's all yours Frank See you tomorrow Mike"

"Yeah see you James"

Mike then exchanged goodbyes with Karl and a somewhat shy Hilia before he left with Frank and his servants, Frank carried a friendly smile on his face and asked

"So Off to the stables first?"

"Nah, she's already here Let's head straight to the clubroom, please lead the way"

Frank looked around before he closed his eyes and circulated his mana firing off a quick spell before a chill went down his spine and he gave a somewhat stiff smile

"T-That's some stealth ability I only just managed to detect her What's her name again?"


"I see I look forwards to getting to know you Serina"

Mike showed a slight smile and followed after Frank to the clubroom which unsurprisingly enough was quite close to the stables, there he gathered up some 20 students that all looked at Mike with blazing will to do research, one of them, a young woman around 25 with the number 4 on her uniform even asked Mike

"So are the rumors true?"

Mike showed a thin smile

"They never really are, are they?"

"Oh the rumors said that the magic beast you use as a mount was capable of stealth though"

"Well in that case it's true"

"Huh I see, I'm looking forwards to having a look at it"

"Her name is Serina"

"I see"

The group of students and one professor walked towards the stables and into a arena next to it, Frank spoke to Mike when he saw his confused expression

"The arena is normally used during duels between nobles, but we usually borrow it as there's more open space to examine the magic beast or monster, besides it helps to meet them under the clear sky"

Mike gave a nod and signaled for the students to stop where they were before he walked a little ahead of them into the center of the arena and called out

"Come out Serina"

Serina appeared behind Mike, she let out a low growl as she clearly knew Mike had sold her out to these people, thus her first course of action was not to disobey Mike's command but to try and intimidate the would be researchers, speaking of the researchers they were awfully silent, Mike had expected at least one gasp of surprise but that clearly didn't happen so he looked over as he was stroking Serina, there were sighs and gasps, but they weren't of fear but admiration as their eyes sparkled and blazed with will to do research, Mike was slightly taken aback but showed a thin smile as he asked

"Well then, who wants to come first?"

A series of 'me!' was quickly heard as the students quickly raised their hands, Mike's smile widened slightly into a full smile before he pointed to one that had asked him about the rumors earlier, speaking of the young woman she had brown hair which was sat up in twintails and wore a pair of thick spectacles, behind them were big bright blue eyes that shone when Mike pointed her out


She did a little jump of joy which made her not so small 'assets' bounce then his eyes wandered to the rest of her body

'Damn boi, she thick Wait pull yourself together, Julie will kill you'

Mike snapped back to reality as cold sweat ran down his back, meanwhile the young woman cautiously approached Serina and Mike until she was within touching range, all she had to do was stretch out her hand and touch Serina, but instead she asked while looking into Serina's eyes

"Is it okay if I touch you?"

Serina looked at her for a bit before she lowered her head slightly

'This Must be some sort of skill, how terrifying To think that she could control Serina somewhat, looks like there's more to this girl than just her oh so thick thighs'

The young woman reached out her hand and placed it on top of Serina's head before she began petting her ever so slowly, Mike however had to suppress Serina somewhat from biting her hand off which resulted in Serina salivating a bit, the young women didn't seem to notice this as she petted Serina in a trance which she then suddenly snapped out of

"Oh Sorry, looks like I got a little lost in thought"

"No problem, I'm sure Serina didn't mind"

Mike looked at the young woman a little longer than what would be considered considerate, she however just showed a bright smile and asked

"What's your name?"

"Me I'm Mike"

"I see Nice to meet you Mike, I am Michelle"

Mike gave a nod before he snapped out of his trance and quickly picked another student to come say hi to Serina, there wasn't any other students that made quite the impact like Michelle however, soon professor Frank assigned the students to paint Serina on their notebooks before he talked with Mike about her

"So what does she eat?"

"Well monsters, animals and people"

"I see Well I figured that she was a man eater Good job keeping her under control for so long Can I ask into that too? What is it that allows you to tame Serina?"

Mike showed a thin smile

"It's a skill"

"I see, that's what I figured So what about her stealth ability, how long can she stay hidden?"

"Hmm The longest I know of is about 12 hours, but I don't think there's a limit"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well she seems more relaxed when she's in stealth"

"I see So you can feel her general mood?"

"Yeah, somewhat"

"That's interesting So what did she feel like when you introduced the students to her?"

"Hunger She were salivating all over by the end Well there were one that was different, Michelle managed to get her permission to touch her"

Frank gave a nod

"Yeah that child has a special skill that allows her to from a connection to magic beasts"

"I see"

The rest of the club hours passed and Mike eventually let Serina go, when he did she immediately disappeared from view as she went into stealth, Mike could feel her presence move towards the edge of the city at a fast pace

'She's properly hungry'

Mike said goodbye to Frank and the other students before he made his way back to his dorm and began reviewing the days lessons, he spent a long time going over his notes on magic items in particular as it interested him greatly, soon it was night and Mike let out a yawn before he decided to go to bed

The next mornin Mike awoke at sunrise and after his workout he took a quick shower as he did he thought back on his days at the academy and the one thing he arrived at was

'It sure is peaceful'

Other than the runin with the noble brats in the start there wasn't really anything he could complain about

'I might be getting soft I should take some time off from the academy and do some combat requests or something once I have a better grasp on the whole magic thing'

Mike finished his shower and dried himself off before he did some stretches then he put on his newly washed uniform which Elina had washed the evening before and stepped out of the room and called out to the three servants that already stood ready

"Let's go"

""Yes master""

Mike walked out of the dormitory and made his way to class, on the way there he as usual ran into Karl but another person also greeted him on the way

"Good morning Mike"

Mike turned his head and saw Michelle and showed a thin smile as he greeted her


Karl looked over and saw Michelle before he gave a grin and jokingly punched Mike on the shoulder

"What's this Mike? Already cheating on you girlfriend?"

Mike shuddered slightly before he calmly denied

"No, this is Michelle, she is a member of the magic beast and monster research club I met her yesterday Michelle this is Karl, he's my friend and is also a member of the magic item research club"

Michelle greeted Karl before she quickly asked Mike

"So you have a girlfriend Mike?"

Mike gave a nod


Michelle showed a smile as something flashed in her eyes before she walked a little closer to Mike as the three of them made their way towards the school building

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