Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 67: Party

Chapter 67: Party

Thats unfair of you to drink without me, Captain Kyraku.

Muyang said as he pushed the door open and found Kyraku Shunsui was drinking all by himself.

Come on, dont be so stiff. Kyraku Shunsui lazily said as he poured a glass of sake for Muyang. What took you guys so long? Quick, have a seat.

Yeah~ Muyang sat down and took a sip of the sake that Kyraku Shunsui poured for him, and it felt like he came back to life, and his fatigue so far disappeared all of a sudden.

By the way, Lisa is not coming with you? Muyang asked Kyraku Shunsui after putting down his glass because Kyraku Shunsui usually took Lisa wherever he went.

Well, shes a girl, and Its not good for a girl to drink too often, so I asked her to go back with the rest of Division Members.

Was he always the type of guy who looks after someone else this much? Muyang thought while glancing at Kyraku Shunsui. He wouldnt be surprised if there was another reason. After all, he had lived for only god knew how long, and he should be used to dealing with this kind of situation.

Hirako Shinji just listened to Muyang and Kyraku Shunsui talking with each other while sipping his drink. Although he and Muyang were good friends, he couldnt just casually join in the conversation. After all, Muyang was talking with a fellow Captain, and it would be rude if he casually joined in the conversation.

By the way Kyraku Shunsui put down the glass in his hand and looked at Muyang. You look tired. Are you having a hard time with a Captains job?

Well, my job as a Captain is not that taxing. Muyang scratched his head embarrassedly. Mostly, its because this is my first time as a Captain, and I was never part of the 10th Division prior to this. Ive only figured out our Divisions task and other details recently after checking the past documents and files from my predecessors.

Wow, you are so diligent! Kyraku Shunsui looked at Muyang in surprise. Gotta leave it to youth for being so energetic. You sure have the drive.

Thats not it, really. Muyang looked down at the glass in his hand. Im not trying to prove something or anything of the sort. Its just that I want to live up to my mens expectation of me and make sure theyre in good hands.

Hirako Shinji, who was pouring more sake for Muyang, paused slightly before pouring it again and placed it in front of Muyang with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Kyraku Shunsui was taken aback as he looked at Muyang for a while without saying a word.

Pardon me. I end up saying something such trifling stuff. Muyang said with an awkward laugh after realizing he got all emotional.

Tsk. Hirako Shinji clicked his tongue faintly and took a sip of his drink.

Haha, the 10th Division sure is blessed for having someone with your mindset as their Captain. Too bad Ukitake didnt come today. Otherwise, you two will definitely hit it off.

Captain Ukitake? By all means, lets have a drink if you and he have time.

Definitely! Im sure well get the time sometime in the future.

After having a toast and put down their glasses, Kyraku Shunsui suddenly asked, by the way, are you close with Lieutenant Kuchiki of the 6th Division?

6th Divisions Lieutenant? Muyang recalled that Kuchiki Sjun was the son of 6th Division Captain Kuchiki Ginrei, which made him Kuchiki Byakuyas father. Well, weve talked a few times back when I was the 12th Division Lieutenant, but were not close or anything. However, I could tell that he was a very kind person. Hes well-mannered, and it was clear that etiquette was properly drilled into his head. A fine example of a noble indeed.

Well, youre right about him being kind, but its a pity that his body is too weak. Since hes a noble, he inherited a massive Reiatsu, but he was not suited to fight because of his frail body, and its demoralizing as he is the next head of Kuchiki Clan.

There are many things that wont go the way we want in life is always so unsatisfactory, and reality is often cruel. Muyang sounded gloomy at first, but then he smiled for some reason, but thats exactly why we call it life!

Kyraku Shunsui was taken aback as he saw Muyang was smiling. He then shook his head slightly and said: Im surprised, honestly. You are so much mature compared to the last time we met!

You jest, Captain Kyraku. Muyang said indifferently, everyone will eventually mature with time passing and various events happening around us, and that is not something we have a say in.

You really have changed Thats a really mature outlook on life Kyraku Shunsui smiled out of awe and then poured a glass of sake for Muyang, raising his glass so that Muyang did the same, Alright, were here to drink, so lets drop all the serious talk.

Muyang raised his glass and had another toast with Kyraku Shunsui, but he felt there was something wrong with himself. Why did he get so emotional all of a sudden? He came here to relax, but he ended up brooding over such a trivial matter. Was it because he has been too busy recently? Even after finishing the sake in his glass, he was still perplexed by the same question, but he decided to forget about it. As usual, Muyang would rather forget things that he couldnt understand altogether than brooding over them for too long.

By the way, Captain Kyraku, do you know any solution to a problem regarding Reiatsus stagnancy? Muyang suddenly asked.

Huh? Kyraku Shunsui put down his glass, Why did you ask me of all people?

Well, youre older, and youve been a Captain for so long, so I figured you should know things that I dont know about.

Then you really are asking the wrong person. Kyraku Shunsui said as he rubbed his chin. Although I am indeed older than you, Im afraid that I  dont know the answer to your question. As far as I know, Reiatsu is inherited. Calling it talent isnt an exaggeration. Its something that youre born with, and I believe it wont be easy to overcome this limit.

Kyraku Shunsui then added after a brief pause, Are you asking this because of the new girl you recruited today?

Yeah. Muyang did not really deny that he wanted to see if there was something he could do for his former classmate, who has now become his subordinate. He felt something from that girl that was somehow similar to him, which was why he couldnt leave her alone.

Although I dont know why you have such an idea, its close to impossible. But if you really want to find a way, you should ask Captain Hikifune. She is an expert in regarding this, and there arent that many who can rival her.

Kirio-san. Muyang already planned to ask Hikifune Kirio about it from the beginning. He simply asked Kyraku Shunsui just for the sake of it, but after asking him, it seemed that he really had to ask Hikifune Kirio. As expected of someone who would be promoted to Zero Division, she should have some unique insights.

I havent visited Kirio-san for quite a while because Ive been busy with handling the paperwork and other jobs as a Captain. I hope Kirio-san is not angry.

Of course not. Captain Hikifune is a kind woman. Theres no way shed be angry at you. Kyraku Shunsui laughed, However, I might have heard that recently 5th Seat Hiyori has been complaining that you havent paid her a visit and grown cold since you become a Captain.

My God! Muyang face-palmed. There was no doubt that Kyraku Shunsui must have heard it from Lisa. If he went to the 12th Division, Hiyori would rain him down with complaints for sure, but he did feel bad for not sparing any time to visit her.

Seeing Kyraku Shunsuis teasing smile, Muyang cast away all his thoughts and said as he picked up his glass, Forget it, I just want to drink now.

Haha~ Kyraku Shunsui laughed and toasted with Muyang.

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