Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 196: A Clue

Chapter 196: A Clue

The Orc tried to use magic, but Gerald already figured out how to interfere with it.

When trying to kill the Minecrawler Queen he got his Stone Pupped nullified by the giant monster. That's when he realized that magic could be interfered with and made useless.

As long as your mind was stronger than your opponent's you could disrupt his control over Mana. Depending on the distance and strength difference, the effects would vary.

Anyway, although the Orc was physically stronger, he was mentally weaker and could only flail around helplessly. Soon they were kilometers in the air, and that's when Gerald gave the Orc a strong punch, separating him from himself.

They started a free fall.

"Thirty seconds That's how long you have to live!" Gerald made a bloody grin as he spoke to the Orc falling not too far away from himself. He took out the Toothpick and held it in a reverse grip, looking at the ground below in anticipation.

"You-!" The Orc roared, "You think this measly fall can kill me?! Get over here and I'll tear you to pieces!" He tried to glide closer to Gerald and grab him, but the latter just moved further away and ignored him.

"It's about time!" Gerald's right hand that was holding the spear arched back and a massive amount of Mana gathered around it.


The spear exploded out of his hand and shot down towards the ground like a missile.


It struck itself into the ground, handle first, with the sharp point looking towards the sky.

Gerald waved his hand and a low air pressure zone was created under the Orc all the way to the ground.

"Noooo! You bastard!" Tak-Rai realized that he lost control and could only fall on the predetermined route. But he couldn't do anything to change it, because the human was right beside it, controlling it all!

About one hundred meters above the ground Gerald became weightless again and started to slow his descent. The Orc, on the other hand, crashed to the earth at full speed.

A cloud of dust rose into the sky.

Gerald landed gracefully, as gracefully as you can when having torn clothes and a bloody face. He extended his hand and a sword materialized in his palm as he slowly walked forward.

"Cough, cough Fucking...bastard...human!" The Orc Elite laid on the ground looking up, with many of his bones broken, and was coughing out blood. The Toothpick was coming out of his chest, through the metal plates as well as his body.

"Honor? Hehe! My world forgot what honor in the war was from the time first guns were invented! Besides, you have no right to speak about honor, beast!" Gerald laughed coldly.

"Ghaaah" the Orc replied in rage, blood filling his lungs.

"It's time to end this" Gerald lifted his sword towards the sun, "By the blood of my enemy, and the souls of the slain... I shall call you Orc Slayer!"


The head flew and blood gushed out like a fountain. The Orc Elite, Tak-Rai, was dead, and the sword, Orc Slayer, was born!

Gerald moaned in pain, lifted a rock from the ground, and sat on it. He was exhausted, and his Mana reserves low.


The remaining Goblins finally dared to show their ugly faces again and cautiously circled Gerald once more.

"Hmph, annoying pests! You think I'm so easy to bully?!" Gerald looked at the dark, stinky beasts and grinned maliciously. With just a thought, a stone wall rose all around, trapping him and the Goblins inside.

"Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'll just let you step all over me!" He took out ten Thorns spell scrolls and activated them immediately. The entire place filled with thorns in seconds, excluding the space around him, and screams of fear and suffering reverberated through the forest for a while after.

Then it all returned to silence.

Gerald drank a few potions and cast Recovery on himself and then took a short moment to relax in the middle of the thorny field.

When he got back up, he went to the Orc Elite and cut off a piece of his flesh, and took a bite.

"Bleagh!" He immediately spat it all out, "That's the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted!" He kicked the corpse and cursed, "Fucking useless! No wonder everybody hates you! Can't even eat this crap!"

He didn't even think about tasting the Goblins. They already stank like death, so their flesh was probably like a rotten piece of shit!

Still, he could use Essence Extraction on them, so it was not all bad Though he didn't have time to process a hundred corpses at the moment, so he just stored them in his ring. It had plenty of space after all.

During the cleanup he found a lucky Goblin that somehow managed to avoid every single thorn and remained relatively unscathed, he just couldn't move much.

"Heh, your luck just ran out little guy," Gerald grinned and prepared to kill it. But then an idea popped into his mind. What if he let it escape and then follow it?

He pretended to be clumsy and instead of cutting the Goblin, he broke the thorns around it, giving it some space to run.

The Goblin was of course completely terrified from all that has happened and didn't even think about fighting. It quickly ran away and squeezed through and crack in the wall, disappearing in the dense forest.

What it didn't know, however, was that it was all planned by the dangerous human, and it was secretly being followed back to the nest!

The Goblin ran for a good while until it came to a small crack in the ground. There were many such cracks and holes in the forest, it was nothing unusual.

However, this crack was much deeper than the rest and it also expanded into a tunnel after a while. It was enough for a grown man, or an Orc, to just barely fit through.

"So that's where you are hiding!" Gerald quickly appeared before the Goblin and killed it with a punch. He stored the corpse and then flew up, way above the forest canopy, to see any landmarks so he could remember the place.

He was not in a mood to continue fighting, and right now he just wanted to return home to rest and recover.

After marking the place on a map, he slowly glided home.

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