Chapter 403 Visitors

Erik and Samuel were hard at work when they heard a voice coming from the vicinity. When the young man turned around, he saw Vanessa calling out to the elderly man, who immediately stopped what he was doing and ran over to her.

Perplexed by the situation, Erik turned to Ethan, a seventeen-year-old man who was gradually becoming a regular companion, almost a friend.

Because of his towering stature of 1.8 meters, Ethan Thornwood made quite an impression on those around him.

His years of dedication to working in the field, something he began doing very early in his life, was reflected in the leanness and definition of his physique.

The young man was nothing short of a beacon of youthful charm and vitality with his unruly mane of chestnut hair, expressive hazel eyes that often twinkled with mischief, and a face punctuated by a strong jawline and a smattering of freckles across his nose.

He was dressed in his typical work attire, consisting of sturdy pants and worn boots caked with dirt from the fields they were tending. His easygoing personality, keen intellect, and a hearty sense of humor made him an excellent companion, and his humor frequently brightened their otherwise difficult days.

As Erik watched as Samuel and Vanessa disappeared from their view, he turned to Ethan and asked, "What's all the urgency about?"

Ethan took a momentary break from his work, pushed his hair behind his ear, and turned to look at Erik with his thoughtful hazel eyes. After a brief silence, he finally said, "I guess I could tell you now..."

"What?" the young man asked.

Ethan started by saying, with a calm tone, despite the weight of the subject matter he was going to discuss, "You see, there was a reason why Vanessa and the others suspected you were a soldier." He paused momentarily, looking over at Erik with expressive hazel eyes that now bore a gloomy glint in them.

"Frant has a habit of sending his soldiers to us periodically for something... something I can't really talk about it at the moment," he said. A grave seriousness replaced his typically lighthearted demeanor as he explained the troubled history of the village.

"Of course, every time they come, they demand something from us, and since we do not comply, they usually make us pay in some way. They poisoned our water supplies in an effort to bring us to our knees. We would have been left without water supplies if it weren't for one of our own, a villager with the ability to control and create water." His words were laced with bitterness that conveyed the harsh reality they had to deal with.

Ethan continued, his determination strengthened by the injustices done to his village: "The soldiers didn't stop at that. They frequently bothered our hunters, making it difficult for us to access game, making their hunts impossibly hard."

"And the animals—the Thaids and others nearby—were probably slaughtered to starve us out," he added. The corners of his mouth turned down in a grimace as he said this. "They knew we were struggling to cultivate our lands and took advantage of that."

The revelations made by Ethan painted a picture of a village that was constantly under attack, with their grit being put to the test on multiple occasions. The echoes of past injustices hung heavy in the air as Erik digested the gravity of what he'd been told. The tranquil field around them seemed almost mocking in its serenity, starkly contrasting the unfolding grim history.

As Erik took in what Ethan said, his brow furrowed in concentration. He mumbled, "That explains a lot..." as he thought about it.

Ethan tilted his head to the side, looking off into the distance with eyes that sparkled with curiosity. He inquired with a "What?"

Erik began his explanation with a sigh before proceeding. "The Thornroot Vortex is not something that is normally found around this part of the forest. Its presence in this location was... weird. I couldn't help but have the sneaking suspicion that someone had intentionally planted it. It was just not compatible with the ecosystem."

His eyes wandered over the once barren land that had been transformed into a verdant landscape, a striking contrast to what he had seen before. "It is now clear who could have been responsible for it and why," he finished.

Erik's curiosity grew as he reflected further on the situation and the strategies that the soldiers Frant had sent utilized. He understood the 'how' of their actions, but the 'why' remained elusive. Starving a village, poisoning their water, disrupting their ecosystem - all malicious, all cruel.

However, for what goal? What possible benefit could Frant get from them going to these lengths? It was clear that everything was connected to the subject that Ethan could not discuss, but he had no intention of pressuring him to do so.

Despite this, he would find out about it sooner or later. Naturally, he had his suspicions, but ever since he got Hais's power, it was much simpler for him to think critically and gather evidence.

However, unlike Hais, Erik didn't want to leave everything to speculation. He wanted confirmation that what he thought was true. An abrupt ringing sound came from afar as Erik and Ethan stood there in contemplative silence.

It broke the moment. Erik stiffened as he recognized the warning of impending danger signaled by the village bell.

His body buzzed with an unexpected adrenaline surge, but confusion also began to set in. The bell toll signified danger, but the nature of the threat remained unknown to him.

"Come on!" Ethan shouted, already on the move. Erik kept his senses sharp and followed his friend.

They made their way towards the village's hall by winding their way through the verdant fields. As they arrived, they started hearing the concerned mutterings emanating from an assembled group of villagers that was heading toward the hall and that began to form a crowd.

As they moved forward, the view of the tilled earth and crop-laden fields gradually gave way to the village's bustling core, which was comprised of a complex web of tree-bound dwellings, trading posts suspended in the air, and public spaces carved out in the gnarled trunks of ancient trees.

The rustic allure of the farm went hand in hand with the ethereal quality of the forest surrounding the village.

The inhabitants began streaming down from their dwellings in the trees, taking with them unfinished chores and meals in varying stages of preparation.

The previously peaceful passages were all of a sudden teeming with people and activity, in stark contrast to the generally free spirit that was enjoyed in the village. Mothers sheltered their children close, their protective arms a stark contrast to the free-roaming spirit usually enjoyed in the village.

The air was pregnant with hushed whispers and concerned murmurs, their volume amplifying as Erik and Ethan ventured deeper into the settlement.

The village was reunited around the village's hall, which was a sprawling edifice made of wood and served as a representation of the community's beating heart.

The hall, a testament to countless community gatherings, celebrations, and council meetings, stood ominously open for some uninvited guests from New Alexandria.

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