Chapter 395 A Solution (3)

Erik was holding his breath as he waited for the older man to announce his decision, and the atmosphere in the hall became thick with anticipation.

Amos finally exhaled a sigh that seemed to break the tense atmosphere in the room after what seemed like an eternity had passed.

"However," Amos repeated, this time using a more subdued tone of voice. "I think we've reached a point where we must be willing to take some chances for the sake of the bigger picture. If you can truly assist us, as you have shown with the tree, then it would be not very smart of us not to accept your assistance. No, it would be foolish.

His gaze lingered on Erik, unwavering. "We accept your conditions. You will have all of your belongings returned to you, with the exception of your weapon, and from this point forward, you will be treated as a guest. In exchange, we anticipate full cooperation from you as well as transparency."

Erik gave a satisfied nod as a wave of relief washed over him. The choice made by Amos represented a significant step in the right direction, which hopefully turned out to be beneficial for everyone involved.

"Vanessa," Amos commanded in a voice that was commanding without being oppressive, "take him back to the fields. Let him begin his work. And see to it that his belongings are given back to him." Vanessa indicated her comprehension with a swift nod.

The focus of Amos's gaze then shifted to another individual, a hulking figure that was standing to the side. He yelled out, "Theron," and in response, the man's head shot up in a jerking motion.

Erik twisted his head to look at the other person, and as his eyes landed on him, he noticed the man's stocky build and broad shoulders. Erik was a few centimeters taller than Theron, and he could only speculate that the years of hard labor and struggle that Theron had endured in the harsh wilderness had made his frame more robust.

His skin was darkly tanned and covered in a variety of scars that told the stories of the many battles he had fought and suffered through.

Even though he kept his dark hair cut short—possibly for reasons of practicality—the appearance of silver in his hair revealed his true age. His jaw was covered by a scruffy beard that was not kept in good shape, giving him a more rugged appearance. His eyes were a dark, earthy brown color that held an intensity that was difficult to ignore, and they were the feature that stood out the most.

Erik noticed that Theron moved in a very deliberate manner, even though his clothes were homemade and simple, like those of the others. Each movement was performed with purposeful strength and unadulterated, unrefined power.

The mere sight of him commanded respect; his presence in this harsh environment silently spoke of his ability to survive and thrive despite the challenges it presented.

"There is a vacant house in the western sector of the property. Make sure everything is ready for our visitor before he arrives."

A grunt of acknowledgment came from Theron, and his dark eyes met Erik's for a split second before he turned away to carry out Amos's instructions. The initial hostility was gradually replaced with reluctant acceptance and, to some extent, curiosity as the atmosphere underwent an almost palpable shift.

This arrangement came as a surprise for everyone; however, if this agreement were to prove beneficial to the community, then all of them would be willing to take a chance on it, just as Amos had decided to do. This was also an opportunity for Erik, and he intended to make the most of it in any way he could.

At that moment, Vanessa said, "Come on, then," while pointing Erik toward the exit. As the woman and Erik made their way out of the vast hall, they were followed by the scrutinizing eyes of Amos and the other people while Theron left the building to prepare the house for the young man.

The sun was positioned very high in the sky, but the wintery clouds approaching from the north shielded the forest from it. The day's oppressive heat was lessening, giving way to colder and lower temperatures.

The once-hushed conversations of the villagers eventually petered out into silence. Erik observed that some of them watched with a glimmer of hope in their eyes, perhaps believing that their protracted struggles would eventually come to an end and that they would be given a break from their survival struggle.

Their voices were silenced, and in their place came the chirping of the elusive winter forest birds and the rustling of the wind as it wove its way through the autumn leaves above them.

They traveled along the road that ran beneath the wooden walkways used to connect the various homes in the treetop village. Erik cast a quick glance in all directions, noticing with his sharp eyes the skilled labor that had been put in to construct a village such as this one.

It was remarkable, especially considering the limited resources these individuals had available to them.

Perhaps they had a healthier economy many years ago, but it was abundantly clear that they lacked in many other areas. Vanessa, the leader of the team that "captured" him, walked ahead of him purposefully, her stature and demeanor revealing a great deal about the role that she played among her people.

As they made their way away from the elevated homes and closer to the edge of the village, they noticed that the surrounding forest was beginning to thin out, revealing areas of cleared land.

A feeble attempt at agriculture was made amidst the all-encompassing natural environment by randomly dividing up small plots of land.

The sight of struggling crops interspersed with patches of hardened, infertile soil was disheartening. It was a testament that was all too real to these people's challenges.

When they had, at last, arrived at the fields, Vanessa made a broad gesture in the direction of the vast expanse of vegetation that appeared to be malnourished.

Erik slowed down for a second, pausing so that he could survey the painstakingly tilled soil and the wilted plants that were reaching for the sun.

He could feel the pressure of their hopelessness pressing down on him, and the silent plea Vanessa was making with her eyes became more apparent.

The journey had ended, and he was now just moments away from beginning his real job.

With an imperious wave of her hand, Vanessa gestured towards the field. "Now, Erik," she commanded, her tone brooked no argument. "Do your thing."

Despite the apparent order, a pleading look could be seen in her eyes. Her tone of voice carried a sense of utter desperation that was easily discernible. Erik took in her stony face and the expectant looks on the faces of the others who had gathered to watch.

There was absolutely no room for error. This was critical to their survival, and Erik had assured them he had a solution. Now it was time for him to make good use of his power.

The young man positioned himself in a crouching position and extended his hand in order to take a soil sample from the depleted area.

When he ran his fingertips through it, it had a dry and almost lifeless sensation, which was a stark contrast to the rich and fertile earth he had become accustomed to feeling while working on the farm in New Alexandria for so many years.

When Erik looked closely at the coarse, nutrient-depleted granules, he was able to recognize the subtle signs of an environment that was out of whack, thanks to his expertise.

The soil did not have the robust quality or dark color characteristic of a flourishing terrain. Instead, it had a paler hue and was devoid of the essential nutrients that are necessary for the growth of plant life.

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