Chapter 372 Whispering Ruins

Erik tried to rest as much as he could during the next four days. Since he left the city, he only had difficult times. The lack of sleep, the continual travel, and the incessant fights sapped his energy, and he found himself in need of rest.

During these last four days, he continued to train and make neural links with the new technique developed by the Biological supercomputer and Hais' brain crystal power. He also absorbed the power of the Ursolith and used the five status points he gained from leveling up to gain extra mana.

After some recovery, the young man decided to resume his journey. However, he knew that if he did so, thaids' attacks would intensify. He had built several traps and protections around his temporary base in the previous days, allowing him to relax more after his training sessions. Still, he knew that as he resumed his march, everything would change.

After many hours of walking, Erik went farther into the forest and farther from new Alexandria, his steps muffled by a thick mat of fallen leaves covering the woodland floor.

The rustle of leaves in the mild breeze, the distant song of a bird hiding amid the branches, and the faint murmur of a nearby stream filled the air with a symphony of nature's whispers. It was a world unspoiled by man, where the raw beauty of the forest reigned supreme.

The sun that day shone through the canopy above, creating ethereal lights that danced amid the swinging trees. Shafts of golden-lit moss-covered rock sections produced a tapestry of mottled shadows and gentle hues. Erik was wrapped in nature's arms as the perfume of damp earth and the delicate fragrance of wildflowers filled the air.

The young man's eyes were drawn to his surroundings as he traveled. Towering ancient trees reached towards the heavens, their gnarled trunks acting as timekeepers. The forest was a haven for life, overflowing with colorful plants and creatures. Wildflowers sprayed vivid hues against the green backdrop of the undergrowth while delicate ferns unfurled their fronds in graceful arcs.

The awakener's strides were measured, his senses tuned to the forest's mysteries. His footfall left a delicate trace on the mossy ground, briefly interrupting nature's perfect cadence. He felt a connection to the wilderness, a comprehension that went beyond words and that only intensified as he got his Plant master Brain crystal power.

That was maybe due to the fact that the merged power was the off-product of his birth brain crystal power, and there was a sort of connection to nature that only intensified as his power became stronger.

The jungle hugged him, protecting him from the city's chaos. He proceeded with purpose, his steps guided by an internal compass that directed him to the answers he sought. However, despite this connection to the natural world, the forest was also lurking with dangers. He had to be careful.

Erik's gaze lingered on the rich elements of the natural tapestry surrounding him as the trek through the woodland proceeded. Every tree, every leaf, and every gentle breeze told a narrative, and he was merely a bystander in this magnificent story of existence.

Then, as if by magic, His's eyes caught sight of something unusual among the natural splendor as he explored the forest. A patch of moss sprouted in an unusual vertical arrangement, unlike anything he'd seen previously. Curiosity piqued his interest, leading him to the enigmatic sight.

"What on earth is that?" Erik stated as he approached the weird sight.

Erik closed the gap with deliberate strides; he grabbed his sword. He gently stretched his hand, his fingertips touching the delicate surface of the moss. Its texture was strange to him—chilly and somewhat moist. He carefully scraped away the verdant vegetation with his blade, revealing an unexpected sight buried beneath.

To his surprise, the moss hid a row of old bricks. Their dismal colors stood out against the brilliant greens of the woodland, implying a long-forgotten purpose.

"Where the hell am I?"

Erik's hold on his Flyssa intensified, his determination driving him to discover the truth. With each methodical stroke, he removed more moss, revealing an ancient brick building.

"This is the work of human hands," the awakener said, marveling at the structure. He paid closer attention to the structure. The bricks were worn and engraved with fading symbols and aged patterns. He could also see some scraped-off paint as if the building was littered with graffiti.

The world seemed to pause its breath as if it was holding the answers in its calm embrace. Erik continued to follow the moss' trail over the brick walls. He followed the vertical growth step by step, developing a sense of eagerness and interest.

"This seems to be a rectangular structure. Was this a house?"

As he emerged from the trees, he had a better view of the structure, aged by time and caressed by nature, which had revealed itself to him.

The bricks served as the foundation for what was once clearly a house, which the expanding wilderness has since reclaimed but protected from the eroding effects of time.

Erik's eyes widened in astonishment as he examined the rotting ruins of the building. Ivy clung to the crumbling walls, creating a green tapestry against the weathered brick stones.

The roof, which had long since fallen, let the sunshine in, throwing an ethereal glow on the ruins of what had once been a simple dwelling.

Nature had not forgotten this location as moss and ferns sprang through the crevices, bringing life back to the abandoned building. It was as if the forest had embraced the house, weaving its magic to create a balance of man-made and natural elements.

However, the young man noticed something disturbing as he stood on the border of the abandoned house. Nature's customary symphony, the smooth rustling of leaves, and the beautiful chirping of birds were conspicuously absent. The air was thick with an unsettling silence as if time itself had stopped in this barren place.

His senses were on high alert as he studied his surroundings. There was no thaid scurrying over the woodland floor, and no vivid presence of wildlife graced his presence. The void left by their disappearance was unsettling, throwing a cloud of solitude over the place.

The forest was deafeningly quiet, its ancient trees stretching toward the heavens like silent sentinels. The gap produced by the absence of animal noises and the hushed murmurs of the wind reverberated strongly throughout Erik's being.

"This is weird..." Erik said out loud. Then, he noticed something weird, a feeling that spread throughout his guts. It was his Plant Master's brain crystal power that gave him that feeling. "I can sense something." He could usually feel the plants' presence. Their lives, their needs. However, there was something much stronger ahead; something was inside.

<I wonder what it is…>

Erik approached slowly, his steps fueled by reverence and curiosity. His fingertips brushed the disintegrating bricks as he looked for a way in. What he was feeling was totally different from the usual.

Erik took cautious steps around the perimeter of the abandoned house, his eyes checking for signs of intrusion. His pulse raced when he noticed a weathered window with its glass in a coating of neglect. He approached the window with determination on his face; his mind focused on uncovering the secrets that lay within and finding out what that weird feeling was.

The young man summoned his bravery and raised his Flyssa, its gleaming blade poised to sever the barrier between him and the truths hidden within. As the glass cracked, a tremendous crash resonated through the still air, shards dispersing like fragments of forgotten memories.

He moved deliberately and methodically through the smashed window. The house's interior greeted him with a sense of despair. The musty aroma of antiquity mingled with the dust, which danced in the faint rays of sunlight filtering through the crevices.

Erik's gaze wandered over the aged wooden furniture, silently guarding the weight of lost stories. The once-grand dining table was in disarray, its surface worn by time. Tattered drapes dangled limply, their faded patterns evoking a bygone period.

Erik's attention was drawn to pieces of obsolete technology that appeared to be locked in time as he delved deeper. Ancient computers stood as antiques from another era, their keys worn from typing innumerable phrases.

The house was abandoned a long time before he was even born. Its cavernous walls seemed to scream echoes of a bygone era as if trying to recapture the vibrancy they once possessed. Erik was filled with wonder as he had just discovered a portal into history.

The weight of the past pressed against him, each cracking floorboard a reminder of the lives previously occupying this space. It was a location where memories had been inscribed into the walls' very fabric, ready to be discovered by anyone prepared to listen.

Erik's fingertips brushed over the aged surfaces, sensing the texture of the past. He imagined the laughter and conversations that had filled these rooms and the lives that had unfolded behind these walls.

His eyes were drawn to an ancient, worn sofa as it traveled through the gloomy interior of the abandoned house. A neglected journal, made of some weird material, rested on the fading cushions, its cover tarnished by the passage of time. He reached out and carefully took this artifact from its resting place, intrigued by it.

Erik gently wiped away the filth, revealing faded ink on the first page. The words became clear, showing an article about when the unrelenting attack of thaids began a long time ago.

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