Chapter 370 The Pitfall Trap

"Fuck! That was close!" Erik just escaped a dangerous situation. If it weren't for the biological supercomputer, he would be in a fear state that would have for sure cost him his life, as that would have made him unable to think logically.

Luckily, he had the system by his side, and it immediately took care of the situation by releasing calming substances.

The young man rushed out of the cave with the Ursolith on his tail. Erik's goal now was to lead the beast to his pitfall trap and kill it there if possible.

The young man's eyes darted across the stones that littered the small clearing, searching for a way to slow down the Ursolith. The imposing rocks held the promise of a temporary barrier he had to take advantage of.

His heart raced as he spotted a series of larger stones positioned within the boundary almost strategically. Without hesitation, Erik veered towards them, his movements fluid and calculated. He skillfully navigated the uneven terrain with each leap and bound, utilizing the uneven surfaces as footholds.

The Ursolith's thunderous footsteps reverberated through the clearing, drawing nearer with every passing moment. Erik's mind raced, his focus honed on the task at hand.

He needed to create a temporary obstacle to impede the beast's pursuit, buying him precious seconds to gain distance.

Erik demonstrated agility and precision by launching himself from one rock to another. His body soared through the air, momentarily defying gravity, before landing with controlled grace.

As the Ursolith closed in, its roars echoing through the forest, Erik's heart pounded in his chest. He pushed himself harder, his movements fueled by a surge of adrenaline.

Each leap brought him closer to his goal as the rocks impeded the beast's progress, forcing it to navigate the treacherous terrain. The Ursolith's massive form stumbled, its momentum disrupted by the intricate dance of stones.

Growls of frustration mingled with the sounds of rocks and earth clashing. Erik seized the moment, utilizing the distraction to put even greater distance between himself and the pursuing monster. The awakener left the clearing and went among the trees.

The Ursolith's heavy footsteps reverberated behind him, drawing closer with every passing second. The air crackled with tension as Erik ran. for his life.

"Now is the time…"

Erik channeled mana into his Plant Master brain crystal power's neural links. Thorny vines erupted from the forest floor in a breathtaking display of nature's fury, snaking toward the monstrous creature with calculated precision.

With every moment, the vines grew in size and ferocity—their twisted forms, adorned with razor-sharp thorns, writhed and coiled, hungry for their prey.

Each vine boasted a sinewy texture, its surface marred by protruding spikes that gleamed with a vicious glint. As they extended towards their target, the vines seemed to writhe with a life of their own. They launched themselves at the Ursolith, seeking to inflict as much damage as possible.

The air crackled with the moment's intensity as the thorny tendrils struck. They wrapped around the Ursolith's massive frame, their thorns piercing its thick hide. The beast roared in agony; its struggles, no matter how strong the beast was, proved futile against the relentless onslaught.

The vines tightened their grip, constricting the Ursolith's limbs and restricting its movements. Each tug and twist inflicted fresh wounds, leaving a trail of lacerations across the monster's body. But that wasn't enough to stop its charge since the vines were not meant to trap it, as Erik didn't have enough mana to use all those powers with reckless abandon. Blood seeped from the punctured flesh, staining the forest floor in a macabre display of crimson.

The awakener watched with a mix of satisfaction and apprehension as his creation exacted its wrath upon the Ursolith. His calm and collected demeanor transformed into a focused intensity as he directed the vines with precision, ensuring their relentless assault continued unabated while he baited the beast toward the pitfall.

There was a smirk on the young man's face as everything was going as he had planned and hoped. The Ursolith's roars of pain echoed through the forest, a haunting chorus that reverberated in Erik's ears and scared every thaid in the surroundings. Each wound inflicted by the thorny vines weakened the monster further, sapping its strength and resolve. However, Thaids were also stupid, and they often couldn't control their hunger or bloodlust, thus preventing them from stopping when the situation was too dangerous even for them.

With each passing moment, the Ursolith's movements grew sluggish. It even stumbled a couple of times, its massive form wobbling as new thorny vines gripped the beast and were consequentially snapped as the creature charged at Erik. The monster's eyes glinted with anger and bloodlust, its primal instincts warring against the pain that coursed through its body.

With the Ursolith's thunderous footsteps echoing behind him, Erik's eyes scanned the dense forest, searching for the marks he had left before, which indicated the way and the distance to the trap. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as he pushed his legs to carry him faster, his gaze finally landing on a series of tree trunks adorned with his distinctive marks.

A single arrow etched on the tree bark caught his attention. The symbol, simple yet powerful, pointed him in the right direction.

Erik's gaze flickered between the arrow mark and the remaining distance to the pitfall traps as he dashed through the undergrowth. The surroundings seemed to blur in his peripheral vision, and the earth beneath his feet trembled due to the Ursolith's pursuit.

As the distance to the pitfall narrowed, the forest seemed to hold its breath, as if nature recognized the impending clash between man and beast. Only a hundred meters stood between the young man and the pitfall trap, a treacherous chasm waiting to ensnare the Ursolith.

"Here I am!"

As Erik neared the edge of the pitfall trap, his heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. The forest floor abruptly gave way beneath him, revealing the concealed danger that lay in wait.

He propelled himself forward with a surge of instinctive agility, defying gravity for a fleeting moment.

Time seemed to stand still as Erik's body arced through the air, his muscles straining against the pull of gravity. His eyes locked onto the Ursolith, which thundered behind him, its massive form looming ever closer. It was a race against both time and the beast's relentless pursuit.

In a breathtaking display of athleticism, Erik jumped over the treacherous expanse of the pitfall, his body soaring through the air with the grace of a predator in flight. The world around him seemed to blur, reduced to a singular focus on the Ursolith and the awaiting trap.

The moment of truth arrived soon after with a resounding crash. The Ursolith, unable to anticipate Erik's daring maneuver, careened headlong into the concealed pitfall. The forest trembled under the weight of its impact as the monstrous creature tumbled downward, its roars of frustration and pain reverberating through the air.

Erik landed with a solid thud on the opposite side, his body braced for the impact. He staggered slightly, the adrenaline coursing through his veins masking any discomfort.

As the Ursolith thrashed within the depths of the pitfall trap, Erik watched with grim satisfaction at the beast's visages twisting in pain. The jagged wooden spikes lining the pit floor had found their mark, impaling the monster's massive form in a cruel embrace.

Guttural roars erupted from the Ursolith's throat, a symphony of pain and unbridled rage. Each bellow reverberated through the forest, carrying an otherworldly intensity that sent shivers down Erik's spine. The creature's primal fury fueled its desperate attempts to break free, but the impaling poles held it captive, a grim reminder of its mortally dangerous situation.

Blood seeped from the wounds inflicted by the vicious stakes, staining the monster's hide like a macabre tapestry. Agonized growls mingled with the sounds of splintering wood as the Ursolith's fierce struggles only deepened its torment. Each movement sent shock waves of pain radiating through its massive frame.

Standing at the precipice of the pitfall, Erik felt a mix of trepidation and awe. The sheer power of the Ursolith was on full display, even in its wounded state.

Erik took his chance and commanded the thorny vines to lash at the Ursolith's writhing form. The vines obeyed his command, attacking the monster's limbs and back, constricting its movements. The thaid's agonized cries echoed through the air as the thorns pierced its flesh, drawing forth fresh rivulets of blood.

But despite the vines' relentless assault, Erik could see the beast coming out of the pitfall. Erik tried to prevent the beast from coming out, but the strain of exerting control over the plants took its toll, severely decreasing his mana and making him vulnerable. The once-potent tendrils began to lose their grip, their hold weakening with each passing moment. The Ursolith, sensing its chance for escape, seized the opportunity.

The monster fought against the remaining vines with a burst of raw strength, tearing through their thorny embrace. Splintered wood and shredded foliage littered the pit as the Ursolith clawed its way toward freedom. Erik's heart sank as he realized his attempts to subdue the beast were not working. However, at least he managed to create more wounds.

Determination surged within him as he made a split-second decision. He had to use his Flyssa to deal with the creature. With a final glance at the wounded creature, Erik turned and sprinted away, knowing the beast would keep chasing him and his footsteps echoing through the forest.

Behind him, the Ursolith's enraged roars filled the air, a haunting chorus reverberating through the forest. The ground trembled beneath it once it got out of the trap and started its pursuit.

Erik had to get away from the trap to avoid falling inside. He needed to reach a place where he would have enough room to move and avoid the beast's attacks.

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