Chapter 361 The Dark Flora Rises

Erik's mind raced as he assessed the situation and analyzed the Shadowthorn Dahlia's vulnerabilities. He observed how the creature controlled the surrounding plants, using its tendrils as both a means of attack and defense.

As Erik studied the Shadowthorn Dahlia, he could not help but notice a peculiar anomaly. The vibrant life force, the mana that was typically abundant in regions with high plant life, appeared to be diminishing, sucked away as if by some invisible force.

The forest, usually teeming with life and pulsating with the natural dance of energetic mana, bore an unnerving silence. The vital energy that infused the environment with its unique aura was slowly being drawn away, pulled into the insatiable void created by the menacing thaid.

Erik felt this phenomenon with a heightened sense of clarity that few could comprehend. The draining away of this essential life energy was leaving behind a disconcerting emptiness, a void that felt eerily akin to a silenced symphony.

He could almost visualize the mana, a luminescent river of energy, flowing away from the lush greenery and being absorbed into the menacing form of the Shadowthorn Dahlia. The ambiance was heavy, the atmosphere unnaturally still, as if all life had decided to hold its breath.

The ambient mana was strikingly low, highlighting the immense power the Shadowthorn Dahlia was wielding and the threat it posed not just to him but to the very essence of the forest.

He realized that to defeat the thaid, he would need to disrupt its control over the plants and find a way to exploit its weaknesses or, alternatively, sever the bud from the ground.

With a surge of determination, Erik made a decision: to target the central flower, the Shadowthorn Dahlia itself, the source of the tendrils' power. If he could sever the creature's connection to the roots and weaken its control over the surrounding vegetation, he should be able to kill the creature.

Carefully timing his movements, Erik dodged and weaved through the onslaught of tendrils, constantly evading their deadly reach. He focused on getting closer to the flower, analyzing the patterns of the thaid's attacks, and waiting for the right moment to strike.

As a wave of vines surged toward him, the young man sprang into action. He lunged forward, his blade gleaming in the dim light of the decaying forest. With a precise and calculated strike, he aimed for the heart of the Shadowthorn Dahlia, attempting to sever the connection between the thaid's body and the roots slithering through the earth.

The blade sliced through the air, cutting through several tendrils in its path. However, the thaid was not defenseless. The remaining tendrils reacted swiftly, attempting to ensnare Erik and halt his progress. But he was prepared for their retaliation.

Erik stood ready and focused, his grip tightening around the hilt of his trusty Flyssa. The air crackled with anticipation as the tendrils of the Shadowthorn Dahlia surged forth from the ground, reaching out hungrily to ensnare their target. But Erik was ready; his senses were heightened, and his reflexes were honed to a razor's edge.

As the first tendril lunged toward him, Erik swiftly sidestepped, his body twisting with grace. The tendril swished through the air, missing its mark by mere inches. With a swift, fluid motion, Erik swung his blade, slicing through the tendril with a satisfying sound. Dark energy crackled as the severed tendril writhed and withered.

But the Shadowthorn Dahlia was relentless in its attempt to absorb Erik's energy to sustain itself. Before Erik could fully recover from his previous strike, another tendril lashed out, aiming for his legs. In a blur of motion, Erik leaped into the air, defying gravity for a brief moment. The tendril whipped beneath him, narrowly missing the intended target. Taking advantage of his aerial position, the awakener brought his blade down in a swift arc, severing more of the tendril as he landed with cat-like grace.

The thaid, undeterred, sent forth a barrage of tendrils, each one seemingly more eager to claim its prey than the last. Erik's instincts kicked into overdrive as he performed a series of acrobatic maneuvers. He backflipped, somersaulted, and ducked with lightning speed, avoiding the relentless assault.

With each evasive maneuver, the young man retaliated, striking out with his Flyssa. His blade moved like a blur and sliced through the tendrils with calculated precision, severing them one by one. The air was filled with the scent of decay, and the sounds of his blade meeting its mark were music to his ears.

Erik felt alive, his heart pounding in his chest as he fought for his life against the creature. Sweat dripped down his face, but he didn't let it distract him from the task at hand. He knew he couldn't let his guard down for even a second, not against an opponent like this. The battle raged on, and each side was determined to emerge victorious.

The tendrils whipped and writhed, their movements growing more erratic as Erik continued to dismantle the thaid's defenses. But just as he thought he had gained the upper hand, a massive, thorny, dark vine shot forth from the ground, its speed and force catching him off guard.

Erik's instincts kicked in just in time. He twisted his body mid-air, contorting himself to avoid the deadly strike. The tendril grazed his arm, leaving a shallow gash in its wake, and went past the canopy, creating a massive hole in the sky.

The sun's rays cascaded down like water and illuminated the forest, showing the earth's true colors. Ignoring the searing pain, Erik retaliated, slashing at the tendril with all his might. His blade bit into the dark flesh, severing it from the main body of the creature.

Ignoring the searing pain, Erik retaliated, slashing at the tendril with all his might. His blade bit into the dark plant's flesh, severing it from the main body of the creature.

The ground beneath Erik trembled, and something erupted from within it in a flurry of movement as the Shadowthorn Dahlia, in its primal rage, unleashed its final assault. Tendrils shot forth from all directions, converging on Erik in deadly cooperation. The young man's heart pounded in his chest as he danced with death, narrowly avoiding each strike.

Using his agility and quick thinking, Erik somersaulted through the air, narrowly avoiding the grasping tendrils. He landed behind the central figure of the Shadowthorn Dahlia as most of the surrounding vines were in his last position as they tried to attack the young man, his blade poised for another strike. With a swift motion, he brought his weapon down, aiming to sever the creature's connection to the roots once and for all.

The blade made contact, and for a moment, there was a surge of mana as the connection between the plant and the tendrils was disrupted. The Shadowthorn Dahlia writhed and convulsed, its control over the surrounding vegetation faltering.

As Erik's blade made the final, decisive cut into the heart of the Shadowthorn Dahlia, an immediate and profound change swept through the forest. The once lively tendrils, which had pulsated with an unnerving life of their own, suddenly grew limp and started to wither. The unnatural energy that had radiated from them, painting the forest floor in an otherworldly aura, started to fade as if someone were dimming a light switch.

The plant's once menacing tendrils shriveled and lost the dark color that characterized them, turning brown almost instantly. The vines, which had writhed and twisted with such violent energy, now hung lifeless, shriveling back and receding into the undergrowth from which they had sprung.

They started decomposing almost immediately, their once strong and threatening forms turning brittle, crumbling, and turning into dust at the slightest touch.

The forest echoed with an eerie silence, and the terrifying dance of the Shadowthorn Dahlia's tendrils came to an abrupt end. What remained of the creature was a desolate spectacle of decay, a grim testament to Erik's victory. The once formidable tendrils were now nothing more than shriveled, decaying remains strewn across the forest floor.

In the sudden stillness, Erik could hear the sounds of the forest returning, the chattering of birds, and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. The tendrils' lifeless forms crumbled and started to dissolve into the forest floor, returning to the earth from which they had sprung. The forest, once under the plant's oppressive control, was free, and it was Erik's victory that made it so.

The Shadowthorn Dahlia's main body convulsed one last time before losing its energy and its power extinguished. The forest, once suffocating and ominous, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as the malevolent presence lifted and the sunlight started penetrating the holes the plant left as it died.






Erik stood amidst the decaying forest, panting and covered in sweat but victorious. He had managed to overcome the formidable creature. Now it was time for him to take the creature's brain crystal power, as it would help him in the future.

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