Chapter 357 Somehow I Did Expect This Outcome...

Erik could not help but be impressed by the Xeridon Anteris's level of organization and productivity as he watched them from a safe distance.

The ants' movements were deliberate and well-coordinated, and their behavior appeared synchronized in response to an unseen command. While some ants hustled along delineated paths, transporting food and other resources in their mandibles, others worked diligently to maintain the nest's structure.

He watched as a colony of ants collaborated to build a complex labyrinth of tunnels and chambers in the ground. They carefully dug the dirt out of the ground and moved it into neat little piles as they removed it.

They worked together with great accuracy to carve out passageways, which they then fortified with a mixture of soil and saliva, ultimately producing a labyrinthine system beneath the surface.

In the surroundings, he found a group of worker ants attending to the colony's needs. Some of them cleaned the walls of the nest, carefully removing any debris and ensuring that everything was clean and sanitary. Others took care of the larvae, tending to their needs by meticulously feeding them and grooming their little bodies.

Erik watched as a line of ants formed, passing food from one to the next in an accurate and effective method. He also saw how easily the ants dragged their captured prey, which included larger insects and small rodents, through a secondary tunnel access.

The ants carried out their mission in concert, guiding the prey they were pursuing with resolute accuracy until it was lost in the nest's tunnels. It was a well-choreographed dance of cooperation and collaboration, and each ant played its part with undivided commitment.

Erik also noticed the occasional encounter between two ants, where they engaged in a brief bout of antennal contact. This occurred amidst all of their bustling activity. It appeared these interactions were conveying important information, possibly instructions or messages about the condition of the nest or the availability of resources.

"I've never seen Thaids as smart as these; I wonder what their intelligence level is," Erik muttered. "Let's check this out." Erik looked at one of the thaids and said, "Analysis."

After that, the window that Erik was accustomed to seeing appeared in front of him.


-Name: Xeridon Anteris

-Brain Crystal Power: Enhanced Strength

-Physical Characteristics: The Xeridon Anteris are formidable thaid creatures resembling giant ants. They are the size of small dogs and stand on their powerful six legs, each equipped with sharp, hooked claws for gripping and tearing. Their exoskeletons are a blend of vibrant orange and deep brown hues, providing natural camouflage in some parts of the forest and helping them find each other inside caves. Sharp mandibles protrude from their heads, capable of delivering a crushing bite to their prey or enemies. They have multifaceted compound eyes, giving them excellent vision and heightened awareness of their surroundings.

-Ecology: Xeridon Anteris resides primarily in large underground colonies, constructing intricate tunnel networks within the forest. These colonies are organized under a hierarchical system, with a queen at the helm. They are highly efficient hunters, preying on smaller creatures and foraging for plant matter to sustain their colonies. They have a well-developed communication system through pheromones, allowing them to coordinate their movements and actions effectively.

-Power Level: 58.

-Approximate Strength: 35.

-Approximate Intelligence: 4.

-Approximate Dexterity: 15.

-Approximate Energy: 80.


"4 intelligence points? It is almost as smart as a human!" Erik said in disbelief. "Assuming all the critters have this range of stats, it shouldn't be difficult to hunt them down," he said while looking at the creatures.

"The problem is that I can see at least 500 ants here, but I bet there are many more in the adjacent rooms and tunnels," he reasoned, scanning the entrance tunnels adjacent to the main chamber and watching ants flow in and out with purposeful intent.

<The best thing would be to get out of here; it is not worth killing them all just to sleep a single night,> he thought.

As Erik turned to flee, he found himself staring into the eyes of one of the Xeridon Anteris's compound eyes; he got found out. This caused his heart to sink. At that very moment, the ant let out a cloud of pheromones, which served as a signal of distress and were sure to get the attention of its fellow brothers and sisters. When Erik realized the immediate threat he was facing, panic began to course through his veins.

Erik quickly drew his weapon, the Flyssa, and brought it down with a precise strike, thereby severing the ant's body from its head. He did this without wasting a single second.






"They only give this much?" The young man said it out loud. "Then there is no way I will stay here to fight them. But I will take the head; a brain crystal power that increases strength will surely be useful."

After saying that, Erik reached over and grabbed the dismembered creature's head, placed it in his backpack, and started running away. The other thaids were able to get closer to him due to the time he wasted picking up that item.

The pheromones the dead thaid released were now permeating the cave, which caused the thaids in the area to react in a frenzy.

The Xeridon Anteris came pouring out of every crack and crevice as if they had emerged from the depths of the earth itself, and their number increased exponentially with each passing second. As they approached Erik, their mandibles clicked together in a menacing chorus. They were motivated by an instinctual need to protect their colony, which drove them forward.

"Fuck! They are already here!"

Erik severed the head of a charging Xeridon Anteris with a swift swing of his sword, cleaving through the creature's exoskeleton and separating the head from the body again. The lifeless form of the creature crashed to the ground below.

Erik quickly concluded that trying to defend his position would be fruitless, so he retreated and began to run as fast as he could in an effort to get away from the ant horde that was attacking him. As the monstrous ants continued their relentless pursuit, his thoughts raced as he attempted to determine the most suitable way to get to safety.

Erik pushed himself beyond the boundaries of his endurance by using his muscles to move and his breath as a source of power. But the ants were relentless in their pursuit, and they swarmed with an unwavering determination to catch the young man regardless of how far he ran.

Their shapes moved across every available surface, creeping ever closer to him despite their distance. Once more, a thaid stood in his way, so Erik quickly swung his blade again and cut cleanly through the chitinous exoskeleton of the beast.

The creature didn't scream, but it was clear from the twitching movements that it was suffering before it collapsed to the ground in a lifeless state. Erik rapidly walked past the lifeless body while holding a makeshift torch in one hand and his sword in the other.

He quickly ran through his available courses of action. He needed to devise a strategy that would allow him to outwit his pursuers and throw them off his trail, if possible.

His gaze traveled over the landscape, scouring it for any advantage that could give him the upper hand in the conflict. Then, all of a sudden, he spotted it: a slight crack in the rocky terrain that was barely big enough for him to pass through.

Erik veered towards the crevice without hesitation, even though his body was aching from exhaustion and the weight of his previous wounds. He dove in headfirst, and as he made his way through the narrow opening, he felt the jagged edges of the passage scrape against his skin.

Because of their smaller size, the Xeridon Anteris were able to squeeze through the narrow opening with greater ease than Erik, which allowed them to gain ground in their pursuit.

After traveling another fifty meters, Erik arrived at the steep slope he had previously scaled. However, this time he descended with reckless abandon, hoping to create space between himself and the tenacious creatures.

Two Xeridon Anteris lunged at Erik with jaws wide open; he deftly sidestepped their attacks. With a swift swing of his blade, he dispatched them both, their lifeless bodies tumbling to the ground, and a notification rang inside Erik's ears.

After that, Erik found himself standing in front of a narrow crack. Getting around it would not be difficult for him, but it would be more challenging for the ants. The young man made a tremendous leap and went further than the five or six-meter mark.

Erik felt a sense of relief as he landed on the other side and watched as the ants huddled together in front of the crack, attempting to figure out how to get around that obstacle. For the time being, he had been successful in evading their capture, thereby buying himself a priceless pause in the action. Erik wiped the sweat off his forehead and started running back toward the entrance while maintaining a focused look at the situation.

The Xeridon Anteris quickly formed a living bridge connecting their bodies across the crevice. This enabled them to continue their relentless pursuit unimpeded.

The vast majority of the ants, however, began to run along the ceiling, and they effortlessly navigated around the obstacle.

"Of course…"

Upon becoming aware of the gravity of the situation, Erik picked up the pace of his run, his footsteps reverberating throughout the cavern as he pushed himself to go even more quickly.

The young man maintained his composure and calmness despite the tense nature of the pursuit, and his thoughts were solely concentrated on the objective of surviving.

He needed to stay one step ahead of the creatures' probing mandibles. He knew he could not afford to make any mistakes or display any signs of weakness.

To escape from the cave, Erik exerted every ounce of his strength and willpower, taking his body to its absolute limit in the process.

He could make out the rustling sound made by their many legs as they moved closer and closer. He channeled an untapped source of vitality, enabling him to launch forward at a breakneck pace.

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