Chapter 354 Resolve To Hunt

That day Erik walked for a bit until it was noon. Walking through the forest wasn't all that difficult, but around noon, he started feeling the need to satisfy his hunger.

Erik tried to hold out, as he had no intention of eating through his rations in a short time, but he was powerless in the face of the hunger that tormented his stomach.

To begin, the rations he got from Mister Fox's farm were not very much, and he was well aware that he needed to locate a more reliable food supply.

While the seeds and plants he carried would provide some nourishment, if grown into trees, they couldn't fulfill his need for protein.

Potatoes were one of the other types of plants or turmeric that he could use. Still, if he learned how to hunt from the start, he wouldn't have to worry about problems in the future if he found himself in the same situation without anything to plant or if he was forced to leave things behind.

Aside from that, he would not be able to survive solely on the few items he had brought with him. Hunting appeared to be the most viable option to get around any difficulty.

<I can kill thaids; the problem is gutting and skinning them. Besides, I'm in no condition to hunt the easily findable thaids, so I must resort to the weaker but most cunning ones.>

After giving it some thought for a while, Erik made his decision. He muttered to himself, "Alright, Erik, time to put your survival skills to the test," while he was deep in thought.

Hunting would require careful planning, a lot of patience, and a good knowledge of the animals that lived in the forest. If he wanted to be successful and continue to live, he had to learn how to survive in this harsh environment.

He reviewed his knowledge of the forest's wildlife. Because of the biological supercomputer and the books he had injected into his brain, he possessed a considerable amount of information.

However, the creatures he was currently in a health condition to fight were agile, elusive, and had much more experience navigating the forest than he did. He was at a significant disadvantage.

He needed to devise a strategy to increase the likelihood of his goal coming to fruition.

"Stealth will be key," Erik mused aloud. He knew that approaching prey without alerting them would be challenging, but he had to try.

"But what to hunt?" the young man thought.

Erik contemplated his options for hunting amidst the dense undergrowth of the forest with an unyielding level of resolve. Despite his wounds and the fact that he was in a weakened state, he searched for prey that would satisfy his hunger without putting him in any unnecessary danger.

As Erik delved deeper into his memories, he thought of potential prey that would be appropriate for him to hunt in his current injured state. It was the Whisperwind Hare, a creature he had learned about and that was known for its dexterity and quick movements.

This thaid was exceptionally skilled at evading capture; with its slick, silver-gray fur and keen, watchful eyes, it was an expert at disguising itself and evading the attention of potential enemies.

The creature was skilled at swiftly navigating the terrain, and its lithe form appeared to glide through the underbrush easily.

The beast was extremely common and could be found just about anywhere in these parts of the forest. However, Erik wasn't just after its meat; he was also after its special brain crystal power.

This was called Elusive Shroud, which was why the Whisperwind Hare was so appealing to kill.

Erik discovered through the books he injected into the thaid's body that this thaid was able to manipulate its fur, subtly altering its colors, shape, length, and characteristics to blend in seamlessly with its surroundings.

This ability was made possible by the brain crystal. The hare was able to create the illusion of being partially invisible by using this type of camouflage in conjunction with its strategic positioning.

It was a remarkable adaptation, enabling the creature to elude predators and become even more challenging to spot and track. If that didn't work, the beast was fast enough to escape most of its usual predators.

However, a significant portion of the creature's ability to survive depended on its covertness, using its natural abilities to navigate the woods and sidestep potential threats successfully.

While Erik had a good understanding of the Whisperwind Hare's ability to avoid detection, he was also aware of its limitations.

The power of the elusive shroud was not without its limitations; one of those was that the creature had to keep still for it to continue to be effective.

Any sudden movement or action would cause the shroud to break, exposing the Whisperwind Hare to its surroundings once more. Nevertheless, that brain crystal was the answer to all of our problems.

<I doubt the effect of the power will stay if I fall asleep, but maybe with Hais's brain crystal power, I should be able to maintain the power active while I sleep. That's it; if the investigator's power works like a sort of secondary brain and can stay up while I sleep, I shouldn't have any problem…>

The concept was sound, but the problem was that Erik hadn't had the chance to take in the power yet. The day after he killed Hais, he was forced to go to the Red Lotus Lounge, and on the same day, he was made to spend the night in a thaid-infested forest. He didn't simply have the time to absorb it.

"Given my current condition, the Whisperwind Hare presents a lesser threat than larger Thaids," Erik reasoned, reaffirming his decision. "Besides, it is similar to things I already ate. If I can, I would like to avoid cat or dog-like meat… And I certainly don't want to eat bugs," he added.

"The problem is that the hare's elusive nature, small size, and incredible speed would make the search really hard," he muttered. "Luckily, I'm human and know well what tracks to search for…"

The young man contemplated the locations in which he might come across the thaid. He thought about the potential hunting grounds within the forest and the areas where the hare was most likely to be found.

He recalled seeing a clearing a few miles to the north, which is the area where these of thaids were usually the most active. It seemed like an excellent location to search into.

"Let's not fret," he said to himself. "Hunting requires stillness and an understanding of the target's habits. If I want to catch one, I will need to observe their patterns, learn their routines, and exploit their vulnerabilities. The problem will be finding them. I mostly know what to search for thanks to the biological supercomputer, but knowing and finding are two different things. I should pay attention to footprints, droppings, and other signs that will guide me toward the beast's quarry."

The more Erik thought about his plan, the more determined he became to carry it out. Not only would he survive, but he would also learn how to hunt.

He would put the resources the forest provided to good use, striking a balance between growing the plants using his birth brain crystal power and searching for food. It was up to him to work and make the most of his abilities to benefit from the forest's resources.

Erik steeled himself for the pursuit with his newfound resolve and a firm grip on his reliable sword. He was well aware that timing and precision would be of the utmost importance in the pursuit of the Whisperwind Hare.

The forest whispered its secrets, it's rustling leaves promising the potential of sustenance. He would become one with the forest, an interwoven thread in its tapestry of life. Hunting would become his way of survival, his connection to the primal instincts that had driven humanity for millennia.

"It's time to stop running from the hunt, Erik.

"Time to embrace the hunt, Erik. It's your chance to prove your resilience and adaptability," he declared, his voice resolute.

The forest echoed his determination as he ventured deeper, ready to embrace the challenges ahead and secure the sustenance he needed to thrive in this untamed realm.

The young man moved cautiously, remembering the injuries he had sustained and the necessity to conserve his energy. Since it was still early in the day, he had plenty of time to find something to eat before the evening began to cast its shadow.

The young man continued to make his way through the thick forest, keeping his ears and eyes open for any faint noises or movements that might be nearby. Ancient giant trees stood tall atop the landscape, their trunks extending upward toward the heavens and featuring gnarled bark and verdant foliage.

The trees in the forest formed a colorful tapestry with many different kinds of trees.

The forest's inhabitants consisted of thaids and other small animals that moved stealthily through the underbrush while attempting to avoid being discovered. Tiny creatures resembling insects and equipped with iridescent wings danced in the sun's light. Their delicate bodies shimmered with each step they took.

Erik was aware that these tiny creatures were dangerous to some degree despite not being his target. Because of this, he did not want to muck around with them because he did not want to put himself in a position where he would be unable to handle the situation.

He could take on more powerful thaids, but the insect-like ones, mainly when they were of small size, presented a challenge for him due to their numbers, which got worse when they also increased in size.

If they swarmed around a person and surrounded them, they would be able to kill easily since their numbers would prevent anyone from escaping unharmed.

The young man stopped to take in his surroundings as he made his way toward his destination. Along the way, he came across many different kinds of trees, all of which had their own unique appeal.

Birch trees in the area gently swayed back and forth in response to the wind, their papery bark revealing hidden information to the moving air. In the midst of them, stately willows draped their long, graceful branches over one another, producing a calm environment with their delicate leaves that gave the impression they were crying.

Erik came across a small bird-like thaid with shimmering feathers known as the Lumisparrow while he was in the lush and vibrant forest. It had a delicate frame decked out in a multicolored plumage that created a mesmerizing display when it reflected the sunlight.

It moved gracefully through the air, propelled by its wings' fluttering, giving it nimble agility. The creature's piercing eyes conveyed a sense of innocence and curiosity simultaneously, and its melodious chirping could be heard echoing through the trees.

Even though Erik admired its beauty, he was well aware that his ranged abilities were lacking, which meant he could not obtain its brain crystal power or blood. If he could transform into the beast, getting past the forest would be relatively easy by flying.

He was relieved that none of the thaids he had come across were man-eating monsters, and he found it interesting that some resembled animals rather than traditional monsters.

Erik's perseverance paid off, as he was rewarded with the sight of a small clearing that he found after what appeared to be a difficult journey. A warm glow was cast upon the verdant grasses that carpeted the open space by the sunlight that penetrated the canopy. The air smelled cleaner, like it carried the aroma of blossoming flowers and an earthy note.

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