Chapter 227 The Alikar

"One goal has been cleared," Ramon said with an accomplished look. "We have to go help outside now." He wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"What are we waiting for?" Camille replied with a grin on her face. The battle junkie couldn't wait to join the new battle. She knew that behind the barrier, the situation was a juicy one, so she was in a good mood.

"Time to make some beasts lose their heads," she said. She then started humming; every person who saw her could only say one thing about her. Crazy.

"Can you stop, please? You are embarrassing me…" Initially, Ramon was weirded out by Camille's antics; after all, there was nothing worse than having a total psycho as a close colleague. However, as time went on and the two kept fighting together, he got used to such behavior, and he stopped caring at a certain point, but when they were in front of the others, he couldn't stand the woman's behavior, as it was embarrassing.

Camille then made a small run and went in front of Ramon. "C'mon, we don't have all day," she told her friend.

Then the man told his team to follow him to the vehicles so they could get ready for the next battle. "Remember, follow my lead," he reminded them before jumping into an armored car. The others did the same and went out of the just repaired eastern gate. Most of Frant's soldiers followed them, except for a couple of them who stayed behind to reinforce the door further.

There wasn't any creature now that could destroy it easily, but it was better to be careful since a considerable number of thaids could still break the repairs they did perform if they put their mind to the task. The group cautiously made their way towards the walls outside the city, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. As they moved forward, they could hear the growls and roars of the monsters that lurked beyond the barrier.

The mercenaries' and soldiers' cars wreaked havoc as they traveled to the front line. Shooting down thousands of thaids who went past the wall and slowly creating a corridor through which they could safely pass and join their companions on top of the walls.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH" Camille laughed like a lunatic while supercharging her car's machine gun's bullets with mana and blasting every thaid she laid her eyes upon.

Ramon's face paled as he saw how weirded out Frant's soldiers were. They were facing a crisis that could potentially lead to their capital destruction, and she was enjoying her killing time. All of this while the sound of the battle could be clearly heard from their position.

As they progressed, the number of thaids started to increase, but thanks to the Band of Giants' mercenaries, the soldiers managed to reach the base of the wall. Camille took off the machine gun from the car, and with it on her shoulders, she and the others went up the wall.

After they finally arrived on top of the eastern gate's first line of defense, they observed the situation. The other mercenaries, including Ramon, were astounded by the sheer number of thaids before them, but Camille was overjoyed.

"Be glad, my friends! There are enough kills for everyone!" she shouted. Camille's excitement at the prospect of battle contrasted with the other mercenaries' apprehension, who were concerned about the overwhelming number of thaids. However, they trusted Ramon's leadership and prepared for the fight ahead.

The girl laughed out loud again as she could not contain her excitement. Her friend saw her crazy behavior again and sighed as he noticed how she sent shivers down the spines of every person on the battlefield. She was irredeemable.

He asked himself, "What did I do to deserve this?" hoping that a god would respond and possibly save him from her.

The duo and all the others, militaries and mercenaries alike, started placing themselves strategically, going where they were most needed, and closing each of the gaps in the army that allowed the thaids to get past the wall.

However, they quickly noticed there were still millions of beasts at the bottom of the walls, and an equal amount were on top of the wall fighting Frant's army.

The duo soon spotted their next prey—it was an Alikar, a giant furry spider that could release freezing venom from its two gigantic fangs.

The creature also used its spiderwebs to fight. It released them into the air to trap their prey but also used them to gain momentum and move at a fast speed. The creature was also an exceptionally agile jumper, as it was capable of going more than 30 meters in the air with a single jump.

On the northern side of the wall, the furry spider was wreaking havoc by trapping mechas, slowing down the artillery, and killing people like they were flies.

A group of soldiers was trying to stop it, but they weren't strong enough and were having trouble repelling it since there wasn't anyone nearby able to stop it.

The duo took out their weapons and then dashed toward the spider. The beast sensed danger and made a giant leap backward to avoid Ramon's attack. The Alikar moved with agility and grace, its eight legs carrying it effortlessly around the attacks.

At the same time, Camille started firing bullet after bullet at the creature, which then used its powerful webs to stop the incoming projectiles.

The creature then, while still in the air, used its spiderwebs, launching them toward the floor, closer to Camille's position, and by using them to gain momentum, the creature launched itself at her at an alarming speed, baring its fangs. If she ended up being hit by the sudden attack, she would be dead meat.

Camille avoided the attack with a hairbreadth by rolling forward and placing herself behind the creature. She then shot at the Alikar, making a couple of its legs explode.

The creature roared in pain, but it could do nothing to stop the duo from wounding it.

Ramon dashed again in the spider's direction, its swords in tow. He suddenly launched three of them at the creature, who made another jump and avoided the attack. It then used its spiderwebs, but this time to gain distance against its foes.

The other soldiers constantly attacked the creature, but they were mostly ineffective and only served to enrage it further. That was becoming more and more aggressive as time went on.

The beast then used the thread to make a circular movement on the ground; the Alikar spread its remaining legs and gained so much speed that Camille was not able to avoid the attack.

It ended up hitting her with its legs and sending her to the ground after making her fly several meters in the air.

Ramon jumped forward and slashed at the beast repeatedly. Slash after slash, the Alikar avoided the mercenary's attacks; one slash, two slashes, three slashes—it was impossible for Ramon to hit the creature.

Then he launched the swords toward the creature, trying to get it with this tactic. The speed at which the swords traveled was astonishing, but nothing the colossal spider could not avoid.

Ramon used the opportunity to attack again, this time in close quarters, and he was able to land a couple of hits on the thaid, which found itself without enough legs to sustain its gigantic body.

Camille stood up; she wanted to scream in pain since a couple of her ribs had shattered. She had a thaid armor on, so most of the damage was mitigated by the mana shield that the armor automatically deployed, a technology only Etrium had, and that made them proud.

However, the armor was not impenetrable; for starters, the monster's attacks were not easy to avoid, and had she been hit in the head, she would have for sure lost her life due to the concussion.

Camille then went, not without difficulties, toward the spider-like thaid, which wasn't able to stand anymore. She raised her machine gun at the thaid's eyes, and with a mad but pained grin, she said: "Eat this."


The sound of gunshots reverberated through the battlefield as she unloaded a whole bunch of bullets into the beast's head. The thaid's body convulsed and then went still, its remaining legs sprawled out in all directions. Ramon let out a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he surveyed the aftermath of this small fight.

The soldiers who were previously fighting the creature were left astonished; these two were able to kill the beast that was giving them a lot of trouble in just a few minutes. They could finally breathe and rest a bit and were particularly grateful to the two mercenaries for their help. They had been unable to deal with the thaid, but everything went well in the end.

In the meantime, as the duo finished their work, Ramon went to a mercenary healer to help Camille. Even if they had an odd relationship, with Ramon often enduring Camille's bizarre behavior, they were still friends who cared for each other.

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