Chapter 215 Parallell Battles

The creature saw what was happening and started swinging its paws left and right; the shield-bearers couldn't do much as they were sent flying from the impact, often falling off the wall and ending up being devoured by the thaids below.

More and more people tried to kill the beast, hoping they would be able to do something about it but regretting it in the end. Soon, the wall became a mess as the creature alone could fight against thousands of soldiers at once.

The canine horror made a sort of grin and then released more of his poisonous fog. In its mind, a big banquet was going to ensue.

"We have to stop it," someone shouted.

"Kill the beast!" The sound of bodies being ripped apart and thaids snarling, growling, and shredding could be heard throughout the battlefield.

The smell of blood was overwhelming, and the ground was slick. Clearly, this was a battle that no one would forget for a long time to come. The sight of the carnage was enough to make even the bravest warrior turn away.

They resisted only for their comrades and families. The screams of the wounded and dying filled the air, creating a haunting chorus that echoed across the battlefield. The chaos and destruction seemed never-ending, as if there was no hope for victory.

But even amid it all, the sound of soldiers rallying around one another could be heard above the din, pushing them forward to fight on. Despite the gruesome scene, there was a strange beauty to the battle. The clash of weapons and the ebb and flow of the fight created a dance of death that was both terrible and mesmerizing to watch.

It was a battle that would be remembered for generations to come, a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on the field that day. The fight became more captivating only when a woman jumped into the fray. She was walking toward the creature with confident but, at the same time, cautious steps.

She had seen the creature's clawed paws tear people apart, and despite the army's best efforts to get rid of the poisonous gas, she saw more than one soldier turn into a liquid quickly. She was Captain Lain, who was called to fight on the walls with the military, like everybody else.

She knew she was no match for the creature, as she heard there had already been an attempt to kill it. However, she had to do something; watching her comrades die couldn't be accepted anymore.

"Emma, how much longer can you make the water shield last?" she asked.

"I can give you ten minutes max; after that, you have to fall back," the woman replied.


With resolute steps, Lain went forward, determined to give the beast a taste of its own blood. Unpredictable.

"I don't think you should fight it," Emma said with a concerned look.

"I will try; maybe with the help of some soldiers here, we can kill it."

"I'm ready; cast the shield," she said to Emma, who started supporting her for the next battle.

She raised her sword and lunged toward the creature, striking it with precise aim. However, her attack wasn't enough, as the beast's fur was too resistant. However, the Blirdoth could feel the weight of the attack and immediately focused on the young woman.

Without hesitation, Lain swung her sword again, and soon after, she avoided the swing of the creature's left paw. However, when the beast lunged towards Lain, she sidestepped and delivered a swift kick to its ribs, then used the move to get out of the way of another swing quickly.

A water shield kept sizzling all around her due to the Blirdoth's corrosive gasses, and a vast vapor cloud quickly enshrouded the battlefield around the two. Lain's instincts were sharp, and she knew she couldn't let her guard down even for a second, as the Blirdoth's attacks were unpredictable.


During Lain's fight against the Blirdoth, Major Fischer was sent to the breach to fight the monsters and help with the reparations. He was a good soldier with a special power from his brain crystal that let him call up two mysterious and powerful ice elementals.

No one knew why some people could make these creatures; however, it was undeniable that they were strong. Aside from this, he was an expert flail user with very high stats, meaning he could hold his ground against most creatures. He was currently fighting against some bugs; the foul creatures were circling him, but they didn't know that it was all futile.

Major Fischer took his time and swung his flail from a safe distance, smashing the thaids' heads like watermelons; this repeated itself many times. Major Fischer's skilled combat and flail made the battle against the bugs a one-sided affair. The thaids were no match for him, and he dispatched them with ease, ending their pitiful existence repeatedly. He had a massive grin on his face as he was enjoying the battle.

"This is easier than they said," he muttered to himself. The Major spotted a creature from afar, relentlessly killing soldier after soldier and releasing fire breaths that set many soldiers ablaze. He had to do something since the thaid's presence stopped the soldiers from repairing the gate.

The Major shot forward like a missile toward the creature, which looked like a horror born from hell. It had a small alligator face and a long, sloth-like, fur-covered body, but strangely, it walked like a spider. He arrived before the creature, bolting to its position thanks to his impressive strength.

He called forth his two ice elementals, which quickly took shape on the ground and gave off a chill that made them even stronger and slowed other creatures down a lot, giving the Major an even bigger advantage.

The two summons dashed madly to the mutant and started relentlessly attacking its body, stopping it from munching on the head of some unfortunate soldier. The move worked in the Major's favor since it distracted the creature, making it turn its head to look at the two elementals. Fischer then used his flail, which he swung with all his might, striking one of the creature's eyes.

The thaid started shrieking in pain; it turned its body and head left and right in search of the source of his pain; its eyes followed the trajectory from which the attack came, but it could find nothing. Major Fischer was already elsewhere, ready to swing again at the creature.

The elemental summoner then went at it again; he swung his massive weapon at the beast's flank, probably smashing one of its ribs. The thaid let out a loud roar and charged at Major Fischer with its tusks pointed at his chest, but the quick-witted warrior dodged its attack and drove his flail into its side again, breaking another bone.

The beast, understanding its danger, turned to look at the enemy threatening its life and soon locked its eyes on it. It started rushing toward his position, again trampling the bodies of every soldier standing in its way, and arrived in front of the Major. At that moment, the two ice elementals were ready.

The special trait of these creatures was that they could use some kind of spell, in this case, ice-related. Fischer didn't join the Silverband clan since his power wasn't exactly in tune with the family's brain crystal powers. However, he wasn't less deadly than them.

The two elementals cast their spell, and a huge piece of ice the size of an obelisk shot out of the ground, threatening to kill both enemies and friends. The beast made a right-side jump and avoided the huge projectile.

"Tsk." The two elementals went at it again and started channeling mana. However, this time, the Major pumped more of the ethereal substance into them, making them stronger and able to use more mana simultaneously, allowing them to hasten their casting speed.

However, the two elementals summoned two other ice elementals of a lesser variant. They had leaner bodies and threw mainly huge ice spikes toward their enemies. These attacks could only tickle the beast, which didn't even try to dodge, enough to serve as a distraction and chip away at the enemy's life by creating shallow wounds. The previous two ice elementals started pounding on the thaid's body like sledgehammers.

But the creature attacked with its spiked tail and pushed the other two creatures back a few meters. Fischer pumped mana into them, healing their wounds. However, healing and keeping the elementals active required a lot of mana, but this was not something that Major Fischer couldn't manage, at least for the time being.

The fight was no simple matter, but Fischer knew he could kill the beast with little effort. Besides, if things went wrong, the major only had to keep the creature at bay, give a couple of soldiers time to recover, and then kill it together. The thaid and the man looked each other in the eyes, and then Fischer made a war shout. He was going to let the fool know whom he was standing against.

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