
Chapter 137 Horde Invasion: The Shift Of Change

The shifters chuckled and laughed. Their bodies shifted into similar-sized blue-skinned beings with pointy ears. Their noses were crooked and they wore the same attires.

"The one they call Lady Akali is truly a remarkable  human." The heavily armored shifter chuckled.

"Our illusion doesn't seem to work on those who are perceptive." The robed shifter shook his head. The heavily armored shifter pulled the sword out and charged at Akali. The armored shifter swung downwards at Akali. Light wrapped around Akali's left arm and a shield appeared. The sword and shield collided, sparking as the two pushed at each other.

The robed shifter lifted its hand and started to chant in a foreign language.  Akali shoved herself towards the armored shifter and pushed him away. Akali's right hand wrapped around a light dagger and she tossed it straight at the robed shifter.

The robed shifter released a blast of water straight at Akali and the dagger. The dagger caught itself in the rush of water. The rush of water hit Akali and sent her flying backward. She bounced on the ground, the water invading itself into her nostrils. Akali coughed as the shield dissipated. The heavy shifter ran at her. The earth began to rumble around the shifter as he continued forward. He jumped and the earth pulled away from beneath him.

The earth wrapped around his sword as he swung downwards. Akali threw up a shield as the two impacted. A dirt cloud shot up everywhere. Akali pushed away and the heavily armored shifter slid backward. Akali's body wrapped itself in light. With a click of her tongue, light blades shot in front of her as she pushed herself to her feet.

The swords pushed the dirt cloud away and Akali watched as the heavily armored shifter bent the earth to his will.

"Great, two high B-rank shifters," Akali muttered. The barrage of light blades continued. The swords pierced and cracked the earth wall, caving it in and landing hits onto the heavily armored shifter. Akali dashed forward summoning her swords.

"Sunstrike," Akali spoke. Her swords grew bright and she picked up speed. She made the distance in mere seconds and slashed an 'X' across the heavily armored shifter's chest armor. The armor screeched and scorched on impact, cutting into his flesh. The scream of the shifter lifted and Akali quickly swiped at the neck. The heavily armored shifter jumped backward, his wounds quickly cauterizing.

Akali twirled her blades and smiled.


The group spent the next ten minutes being checked and thoroughly healed. Lee Seng awkwardly pulled away from the male doctor as soon as he was done and posted himself near the exit of the door. Felicia leaned against the wall near Lee Seng and sighed, relieved.

"Man, I hope Number 9 is fine," Felicia spoke. Lee Seng nodded. He traced the marks in his palm as he waited. "She easily wiped that black veined goblin that got a hold of you, so I don't think she could struggle against the hobgoblin."

"Mmm, hopefully, she comes back soon." Lee Seng expressed. He knew Akali was used to this line of work, but he always worried for his older sister and brother. The two of them were the most capable people he knew, yet he was always filled with worry.

"I go through these emotions every time she and her brother leaves me for a mission." Lee Seng mentioned. Felicia looked at Lee Seng. "It feels different when you're on a mission with them. You experience the real danger with them and are forced to listen to them and do the smart thing. I just hope she comes back soon. The empowered hobgoblins are a strange development that needs higher-ranked individuals involved."

"She'll come back. You said it yourself. She didn't use half of her power to wipe out the goblin that got a hold of you, so I don't think she'll struggle too much with the hobgoblin. I'm sure she's really capable. She is one of the original Numbers."

"Mmm, that's true." Lee Seng attempted to believe his own words. He knew how his sister was. She was the reason why he grew curious about the monsters. Akali had an interesting hobby of studying monsters. She had always had a bright mind and would've become some sort of biology major if she didn't become a Number.

"I just hope her curiosity doesn't get the best of her." Lee Seng added. "She's the reason why I like to stare at dead monster bodies and figure out how they function."

"She's into the biology and physiology of monsters?" Felicia asked.

"Yup. If she could dedicate her time to that, she would."

"That's why you stare at the goblins so interested."

Ritsuka and Jason stood up and thanked the doctors before rejoining their companions. Lee Seng nodded at Felicia, giving her a warm smile.

"Yup, monster biology, and monster physiology is interesting. I don't think I would make it a job cause I want to see what the Old World looks like." He pushed himself off the wall and stood up. "All good?"

"Yup. Clean as a whistle." Ritsuka gave him a thumbs up.

"Just some bruises and..." Jason trailed off as he glanced at his scars. "A check-up on these... scars."

"Mmm," Lee Seng nodded. "Well, I guess we should meet the Head of the base then." The group of students exited the room. A guard noticed them and walked over to them.

p "Follow me, please. Sir Xavier went on ahead of you guys." The guard explained. He turned to face the hallway behind him and lead the group deeper through the base. They followed the hall for a while before reaching a huge set of doors on the left. The guard stopped and turned to face the group.

"The Head of the base is in here with some other leaders from police, Adventurer's Association, and military. Report what happened and the Head will tell you what you should do next." The guard explained.

"Thank you, sir." Felicia nodded at the guard. The guard waved them in as the doors opened. Two guards motioned the group in and they filtered into a line with Lee Seng in front. The room was circular. The ceilings were high and resembled a meeting room with seats in the middle of the room. Lee Seng and the group noticed four people sitting on the other side of the circle.

Sir Xavier turned to look at the students. He stood in the middle of the circle with his arms folded behind him. Lee Seng and the group were stopped by a pair of guards guarding the middle of the room.

"Hold." The guard spoke. They stared at the group and their eyes landed on Lee Seng for quite a while.

"Are these the students you mentioned, Sir Xavier?" A man in a police uniform spoke. He had black hair and was wearing a police hat. He had his police badge on the left side of his chest and had decorations that indicated his many achievements. Next to him was an older balding man in military colors. He had his arms crossed and simply stared at Lee Seng. On the left of the police leader sat a woman in adventuring gear. Her brunette hair was in a braid while her arms and legs were folded.

A familiar man sat next to the woman. He wore a suit and had his arms folded together. His face lit up as he recognized Lee Seng and became immediately confused at his new look. He stood up and the other three leaders turned to look at him.

"Director Fulgrum, what seems to be the problem?" The woman spoke. The director moved passed Sir Xavier and walked straight up to Lee Seng. He studied Lee Seng for a while before nodding and smiling.

"Ahh, Lee Seng Chang!" Director Fulgrum exclaimed. He stuck his hand out and Lee Seng shook it. Director Fulgrum chuckled as the two shook their hands. "It's been ages since I last saw you! You're at the Academy now?"

"Yes, Mr. Ful-- uh, Director Fulgrum." Lee Seng stumbled on his words. The Director chuckled and patted his back.

"And these are your companions?" He glanced to look at Ritsuka and the others. He moved to shake each of their hands with a warm smile. "Well, come on, then. If I knew it was Mr. Lee Seng, I wouldn't have had my reservations!" The Director led them over to Sir Xavier and took his spot next to the woman.

"This is the Creator's son, correct? Why are you so happy to see him, Director Fulgrum? Do you know him?" The bald military man grumbled.

"Ah, Commander Reeves, you don't have to worry. Lee Seng Chang is a great young man. He lived across from my mother and took good care of her." Director Fulgrum explained.

"Ah, he took care of the Director's elderly mother? How sweet." The woman smiled.

"Sweet as it may be, we should hear the report from Sir Xavier and the Academy students." The police leader spoke.

"Always business, Chief Hong." The woman spoke.

"Come on now, Forest Head Captain Sylv. Let's continue with the briefing." Chief Hong motioned. The woman sighed and nodded.

"I guess we should. Sir Xavier, if you would please continue your explanation."

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