Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 50

YUNZHUO felt a headache when he saw the two brothers quarrel.

"Grandfather, you have an idea." Yun Yiming throws the problem to YUNZHUO.

YUNZHUO propped up his head and had a bad headache. "I still don't recommend taking senjo."

When Yun Yiming heard this, his face changed. Although unwilling, he quickly adjusted his mood.

Yunyiyan is waiting for YUNZHUO's words. In fact, he wants to let Qiao Wei come back.

"I heard Qiao Xin's children can't stay." YUNZHUO said.

"Yes, grandfather. My mother asked the doctor that Qiao Xin had taken a lot of antibiotics because of suicide, and the doctor also advised them not to stay. " Yun Yiming answers.

YUNZHUO looked at Yun Yiyan and said, "what's your plan?"

"Grandpa, Qiao Xin and I can't do it at all." Yun Yiyan replied.

When Yun Yiming heard this, he suddenly felt funny, "no way. You've made people's stomachs bigger."

"Then give them some money." YUNZHUO said. "I don't agree with Qiao Xin's marriage to the cloud family."

Yun Yiming thinks that YUNZHUO's decision this time is the same as his mother's, which saves a lot of things.

"News matters, you discuss to deal with." YUNZHUO replied. "And Yi Yan, you don't want to go to the company recently."

Yun Yiyan was stunned. He didn't expect that his grandfather would deal with it like this.

Yun Yiming is happy in his heart. This time, his grandfather finally stood on his side. He did a good job. Yunyiyan's suspension is a good thing for him and also convenient for him to do things in the future.

Yun Yiming put on an expression of concern for his brother and said, "Yi Yan, listen to your grandfather. This news has a great influence on you. Although we will clarify, I think you should be more safe at home. "

Yun Yiyan didn't think much, "big brother, then the company's business will trouble you."

"It's OK."

"Yi Ming, you are the elder brother. I will leave this matter to you. It must not regenerate branches. "

"Don't worry, grandfather." Yun Yiming nods and agrees.

YUNZHUO waved them out. "I'm tired, too. I want to have a rest."

The two brothers walk out of YUNZHUO's room. Yun Yiming reaches out and pats Yun Yiyan on the shoulder. "Don't think too much. Grandfather is also for you! Qiao's side, if you're not good to show up, elder brother will deal with it for you. "

"Thank you, brother!" Yun Yiyan nods.

"You're welcome. That's what big brother should do. You go and have a rest. I don't think you are in a good mood. "

Seeing Yun Yiyan enter his room, Yun Yiming shows a proud smile. This time, Yun Yiyan is really carrying a stone to hit his own feet.

Then, he turned to find Fu Qing.


Fu Qing saw her son come in, and she quickly put away a document.

"What's the matter?" Fu Qing held his son's hand.

Yun Yiming sits down beside Fu Qing with a smile on his face. "My grandfather left the matter to me, and Yun Yiyan was suspended."

Fu Qing's eyes twinkled, but he didn't believe it. "Is that true?"

"Really. My grandfather said it to us

Confirmed, Fu Qing also followed the spirit, "this is good!"

But soon, Fu Qing also calmed down. "How could the old man suddenly leave it to you this time. In the past, he would have made his own decisions on these matters. Is there any problem? "

Fu Qing still thinks that we should be more careful and be careful in everything. If you make a mistake, you will go wrong.

Yun Yiming holds Fu Qing's hand. "Don't worry, mom! There will be no problem. I don't think the old man's mental state is very good. Maybe it was his baby who came back, so he didn't have the spirit to take care of these things

"Yi Ming, even if it's like this, we should be careful, and we can't let people catch hold of it." Fu Qing didn't dare to be too optimistic, and he couldn't be too happy to be sad.

Yun Yiming nods. "Mom, I know. I have also secretly asked people to buy senqiao shares, and soon the whole senqiao will be ours. "

"Good! Yun Yiyan also has some shares in his hands. " Fu Qing suggested.

"Yes. I'll find a way to get it. "

Fu Qing's heart seemed to be a little relaxed, "Well! If we can, Qiao Wei's shares are also obtained, then we are really sure. "

Yun Yiyan felt that his mother had a point. "Mom, do you know where Jovi is? I can talk to her about it

Fu Qing shook his head, "Yi Ming, the shares in Qiao Wei's hands should be kept until the last, and we can't let her know about it. In this way, even if she doesn't give it in the end, we'll buy other people's shares first, so that we can still become major shareholders. She has no words to say

"Mom, you have a point."

In fact, Fu Qing still has some worries. Qiao Wei now has Huo Dongyang to support him. She really didn't expect that these two people would get together, and she couldn't find any information about Huo Dongyang.She always thinks that Huo Dongyang's purpose of coming back this time is not simple, and he must be well prepared. That's the only thing she's worried about. As for Huodong's request, she could not believe it. How could he not want the property of the cloud family?

Yun Yiyan still frowns when he sees Fu Qing. "Mom, what's wrong with you? Is there anything else? "

"No Fu Qing shook his head. "Yi Ming, mom, now only you can believe it!"

"Don't worry, mom! I'll take care of it. " Yun Yiming promised to say.

Fu Qing also showed a little smile. "Good!"

"By the way, mom. I want you to accompany me to Qiao's house. Is it convenient for you? "

Fu Qing nodded. "Convenient! I also want to go to the Qiao's and see what they're doing

"I'll come back to pick you up later. I'll deal with the news online first. "


Soon, there was new news on the Internet. The young master of the cloud family released a news release to publicly clarify that the information disclosed on the Internet was not true, and he told several of the disclosed we media.

Huo Dongyang saw such news, eyebrows slightly pick. You want to overthrow everything in a word? What about filing a complaint? Is it really easy to cover up the fact? There are no doors!

Then Huo Dongyang asked Qin Hao to continue to release new news.

Netizens are still lamenting the cloud family this time, another powerful news was sent out. This time, it is the proof of Qiao Xin's pregnancy. The contents of each item are clearly announced. Photos of Qiao Xin trying to force Yun Yiyan into submission and even committing suicide now are attached. There are also several photos of Yun Yiyan and Fu Qing in the ward. Qiao Xin in the picture is crying very sad, but Yun Yiyan is merciless.

Once again, the heat that had already calmed down was raised again. Yun Yiyan and Qiao Xin really had an affair. They really had children. As a result, the cloud family disagreed and wanted to force Qiao Xin to kill the child.

Seeing such news, the cloud family and the Qiao family both stepped into the hot search of that day. Some even thought that Qiao Wei's dismissal was also related to this matter.

Yun Yiming frowned at such news. He wanted to whitewash Taiping, but now he is playing more and more fiercely. He has been photographed such a picture and even disclosed Qiao Xin's situation.

Who is behind the microblog big v?

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