Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 144

The next few days.

Huo Dongyang has been paying attention to the situation of Yun Yiming, but he seems to be quiet these days.

"Boss, yunyiming has promised to give money tomorrow at the latest." Jason brings the news to Huo Dongyang.

Huo Dongyang smiles. "Good! As soon as the money was received, it was announced that we would withdraw from this competition. After they get the agency, we will have our reserve price released. "


Huo Dongyang immediately hung up with Jason. Yun Yiming can't hold his breath. Give him a little bit of stimulation, and he'll come on. This time, he wanted to see how Yun Yiming filled the vacancy.

Xiang Qing comes in. "Boss, the young lady has gone to the company."

Huo Dongyang knew that she was going to hand in the planning case today, "OK, let's take care of her in the south!"

"Yes Xiang Qing nodded and went out.

Huo Dongyang recalled the period of Huo Jiang and Qiao Wei a few days ago. He showed a smile. If only life was so comfortable every day. But for him, such things don't happen very often.

Hd-qh's office.

Qiao Wei shows Qin Hao his plan. Then wait for his opinion.

Qin Hao looked at it carefully. It was obvious that this case was better than before.

"Has Dongyang seen this plan?"

"Not yet. He said I'll report directly to you. " Replied Jovi. "Is there a problem?"

Qin Hao shakes his head. "No big problem."

Qiao Wei hears Qin Hao's meaning. There is no big problem, but there is a small problem. "Manager Qin, what do you think is not good?"

"Look here." Qin Hao also pointed out to Qiao Wei a few places to be modified.

Jovi listened carefully and recorded it. It seems that some of our own have not been paid attention to. We must pay attention to this issue.

"These, you go back and change them."

"Yes. I'll fix it as soon as possible. "

Qin Hao smiles. "Take your time! Dongyang said that this project is based on your time. "

Qiao Wei was surprised to hear that. It's not a joke. It's based on your own time. Isn't that a lame duck?

"Isn't that good?"

"Why not? You're the president's wife. What's wrong with that. " Qin Hao replied. "And our big boss is capricious."

Qiao Wei really didn't know how to thank Huo Dongyang. No matter in work or life, he always supported himself silently. It's nice to have him.

In the afternoon, the official news of hd-hd was issued. First of all, a modern white-collar apartment is suitable for living.

As soon as the news came out, it attracted wide attention. This HD seems to be coming fiercely. It is really ready to compete with Yunshi for the position of the boss.

Everyone knows that Yunshi has just invested in senqiao real estate, ready to do a lot of work in real estate. But now HD suddenly comes out to compete. I heard that the single apartment project has been prepared by Yunshi, but it has not been announced. Now HD is the first to announce that the smell of gunpowder is obviously very heavy.

When Yun Yiming received the news, he was very angry. Huo Dongyang put forward to his own, is really too shameless.

Moling knocked on the door and came in, "general manager Yun, the capital has been done according to what you said."


Mo Ling really thinks that Yun Yiming is desperate and dare to embezzle public funds. And if this account is not made up in a short period of time, it will surely be found. The agent of this digital product in China also has similar, can stand firm is unknown.

Mo Ling is worried that this time, it will be a little bit more simple than it seems.

"Mo Ling, don't worry! Even if something happens, my father won't say anything. In the future, Yunshi will be mine. I'll fill in the money as soon as possible. " Yun Yiming sees Mo Ling's face worried, so he comforts her in turn.

At this time, Mo Ling's mobile phone rings.


Within a second, her face changed.

When Yun Yiming saw the appearance of Mo Ling, he immediately paid attention to it. "What's the matter?"

Mo Ling powerless to put down the phone, "cloud general manager, HD side to give up this agency."

Hearing this, Yun Yiming immediately became happy. "I said Huo Dongyang was not willing to spend money. So I said, as long as we promise first, there will be no problem! "

Moling's heart sank, bad! They should have been caught. This bureau clearly said that Huo Dongyang designed it, waiting for Yun Yiming to jump inside.

Hearing the good news, Yun Yiming can say that his morale has been greatly improved. "I'm going to look at this single apartment project now. What will he do about it?"

Mo Ling looks at Yun Yiming. Her mood is complicated. Should she attack him or follow him?But in the end, she went out without saying anything. Yun Yiming is not the kind of person who can be persuaded by himself. He won't wake up if he doesn't plant it once!

In fact, it has nothing to do with herself. Why should she worry so much? She just needs to get paid.

The next day, when Yun Yiming got the agency right of Feiyang international, he was very excited.

But another news also came, someone announced the bottom price of HD to participate in the competition, which was even lower than the first bid of Wynn.

This news undoubtedly gives Yun Yiming a heavy blow, which will wake him up. Huo Dongyang is really cruel. He dug such a big pit for himself! And I really jumped in.

Yun Yiming instantly fell from the cloud to hell, and his panic increased. What should he do now? How can I fill in this number?

"Hello The phone rings.

Yunzhou called Yun Yiming to inquire about it. "What happened to Feiyang international

"Dad, this time, we're in a trap." Yun Yiming has to accept this fact.

Yunzhou sighed heavily at the other end of the phone. "Have you seen the latest news? Feiyang released it in a minute. Their company's latest product is also released today. "

Yun Yiming looks flustered and opens the official website of Feiyang international. He really sees the latest news. I actually got an old model agent at the highest price.

Yun Yiming leaned back on the chair powerlessly. What should I do now?

"Dad, what should I do?"

"Try to fill in the public funds first. You have to know that finance is the man of the old man, and we can't move him now. "

Yun Yiming hangs up the phone powerlessly and really feels that he has no way out. Huo Dongyang, you are really cruel!

Yun Yiming couldn't think of a solution, so he called Fu Qing.

"Mom, what do you say I should do?"

"Yi Ming, don't worry. Mom will find a way now." Fu Qing immediately comforted his son on the phone, "you are busy with other things first."

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