Big Life

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

“The announcement is coming . ”

Segyung said to Jaegun .

There wasn’t music from the speaker .

Jaegun nervously nodded .

And then

The speaker broadcasted:

Announcement . In 5 minutes, on the right side of the front entrance, there will be a signing from Ha Jaegun, the winner of the 31st Modern Teen Literary Contest, for the book Storm and Gale . One more time . In 5 minutes… .

“Hm? What . A signing?”

A few people in front of Jaegun stopped and was listening .

And they realized that they were in front of the signing place and looked towards him .

“Who is that? Storm and Gale?”

“I don’t know . ”

“Ah, let’s go . I’m hungry,”

“Ok, what?”

The people moved away, losing interest .

Jaegun didn’t really care too much, but Segyung smiled bitterly and said to him .

“Don’t worry . ”

“Ah, yes . I’m fine . ”

It felt weirder like this .

Jaegun sat down and looked down . It was better than to meet the glances of the people .

The time was moving .

About 10 minutes passed, he thought, and he looked up at the watch .

But it was only about 3 minutes .

‘I didn’t think this would happen…’

He didn’t care about how many people came . It would fine if it ended with that one person . He felt like that before this started .

But the problem was that time moved so slowly .

If this continued for a few hours with no one coming?

Seeing the glances of the people?

It was horror .

“Sign please . ”

Jaegun looked up . He smiled happily .

“What’s up? I thought you had work?”

“I wanted to surprise you . ”

It was Suhee . By her clothes, he could tell the coldness of the outside .

“Sign it . ”

“Ah, ok . ”

Jaegun signed carefully . He did it more carefully because it was Suhee . But the result was a mess .

“I’m sorry, I practiced…”

Suhee laughed as she check it .

“No, it’s cute . But you look nervous . ”

“I’m a human . Ah, did you see Jongjin . ”

“Oh, Jongjin . Hey . ”

Suhee moved towards Jongjin . Her shoes made a sound on the ground .

Jaegun looked ahead of him . The presence of Suhee was giving him confidence .

“Hello . We want a sign please . ”

Two girls came and pulled out Storm and Gale .

About 20 years old . It was a young face .

Jaegun asked .

“Thank you . What’s your name”

“Se Gisu . ”

“I’m Jung Yehin . Oh and I’m your college junior . ”


“I’m a student in the literary department for Myunggyung University . ”

The two girls laughed, looking at each other .

Jaegun stopped his signing and looked up surprised .

“Welcome . Wow, I will see you at orientation then . ”

“Oh, really? Writer, you’re coming? To give a lecture?”

Jaegun answered with a shy smile and finished the sign . And added .

“I’ll see you then . ”

“Yes… and oh! Can you take a picture with us?”

Jaegun turned around to Segyung . She smiled comfortably and said yes .

And then the two girls went next to Jaegun and took a picture .

“Thank you . You really write well . I brag about you alot . ”

“No, he’s busy . We’ll leave . Good luck . ”

“Yes, thank you . ”

The two girls bowed to him and turned around .

Jaegun looked at them with proudness in his heart . It was the good feeling that he was a good senior for them .

“Hello . ”

“Aha, yes, thank you . ”

A few readers also came and got a sign . It was about 3-4 minutes per person, so it wasn’t huge .

‘Maybe there wasn’t enough advertising…?’

Segyung felt a bit worried .

It was already 30 minutes .

And there were only 11 people who came to get the book signed .

Jongin and Suhee was worrying as well . There were way too little people coming .

Just then .


Suhee looked .

The girl that came out Jaegun felt familiar . She remembered that it was Jaegun’s previous editor . She saw her at Jaegun’s room .

“It’s nice to see you here . ”

Jaegun was taking the book from her . He didn’t know that Somii would come as well,

“Of course . I’m a reader of yours . ”

Somii smiled cutely and shook her body from side to side . She had a bun with her hair .

“Is it doing well?”

“Of course . My wrist already hurts . I forgot how much I signed from the 10th book . ”

Somii laughed at that .

Next to her, a few teens came to him .

“Um…Writer Pyung Cheon Yu, could you sign this?”

“Me too . ”

It was the Modern Rankings and the Pegelon’s Swordsman .

Jaegun signed . The teens couldn’t hide their joy .

“Somii, did you eat?”

Three more people came at that . They all pulled out the Ranking series .

“Could you sign this?”

“Of course . What’s your name?”

Jaegun told Somii to wait a bit with his glance .

But before that, more readers came .

“Ah thank you . Here . What’s your name?”

“Kim Jung Tek . ”

More readers came behind those readers . And after that, more readers stood behind those .

There were already 10 people in the line .

‘Ah? What . ’

Jaegun was surprised at the sudden increase, but he started to sign .

There was no Storm and Gale . They were all previous books he wrote with the name Pyung Cheon Yu

“Writer, here . Won’t you write more Pegelon?”

“When is the Ranking webtoon coming out? And could you sign all 10 books?”

“Writer, can you take a picture with me?”

Jaegun had no time to stop talking or writing .

He could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead and the stress from his hands and shoulders .

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