Big Life

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“I’m sorry but a contract would be hard for a while . ”

Jaegun said firmly .

The two people’s faces turned pale . It was Hetae Media’s Ma Jonggu and Park Gyungsu . The few pieces left of sirloin was burning away

“If I have to say it, I have solved my living conditions . There’s no reason to write forcefully, so I want to write something I want to write about . And I want to write fantasy or martial arts someday, but not now . ”

“Hm, yes… If you think so… I understand . Then…”

Jonggu face turned pale .

The mission from the representative to get a contract was going to be failed . There was no way to avoid the screams from the representative .

“I’m really sorry . Manager Ma . And you too, Park . ”

“No, no, no . It’s fine . We’re sorry . And thank you . You’re probably busy . ”

“Then we should stand up?”

“Ah, yes, let’s stand up . ”

Jaegun pulled out his money . Horrified, Jonggu and Gyungsu ran over and blocked him .

“No, Writer, we’re paying . ”

“I’ll buy . You didn’t get a contract and it’s kind of bad to use the card . ”

“There’s no reason . It was a place for us to buy you food . Please put it away . ”

“Just think of it as my gift . I got your help a lot . ”

Jaegun cleared Gyungsu and Jonggu’s pleas and paid . It was about 200 dollars because it was an expensive sirloin steak .

“Thank you . ”

“Yes, thank you . ”

Jaegun laughed as he left .

He remembered the time when he was shivering to pay for a ramen . It didn’t feel that different from now and then . He felt happy .

“Then I’ll go . You go too . ”

Jonggu couldn’t even offer that he was going to take him home because Jaegun had a car . So suppressing the regret, they greeted .

“Go nicely . We’ll see you again . ”

“Yes, go ahead . ”

Jaegun clicked the navigation to a saved place .

‘When are they announcing it?’

Jaegun thought to look at the time

Today was the time that the Modern Teen Literary Contest results were going to be announced .

The family, friends, and others . They were all going to be all surprised .

Jaegun pressed on the accelerator .



The basement office .

Hyeongyung put his hands on his head . His debut novel Slaughter that started paid chapters 4 days ago wasn’t doing too well .

“How could… not even a half but by ⅔ . ”

The number of likes that was over 6000 when it was free was now at 2000 . It was not up to Hyeongyung’s expectations .

“Stop looking and write . ”

Minho said while turning around from his seat .

“How could you do that for 4 days? I’m not trying to be annoying, but you don’t have any in storage . If you fail one day, it’s gonna go down more . ”

“I know, I should stop, but it’s making me angry… . ”

Hyeongyung put his head down .

To the Minho who looks at Hyeongyung pitifully, Hyeongyung continued .

“You must be happy . Each chapter is getting over 1000 payments . You already got 1500 dollars . Me… what is 300? I won’t even get 500 dollars . ”

“You’re funny . Hey, be happy that you’re getting that much . There’s so many not doing so well . ”


“And am I the same? I’m 34, no 35, and I just made one good novel . You’re younger . For a debut, that’s good . ”

Minho was trying hard to help Hyeongyung .

To Minho who failed his debut, Hyeongyung’s wasn’t that bad . It was only a debut .

“You’re good at everything, Hyeongyung . You have good writing, but you have a weak heart . Check that mental . Be confident . ”

“I know…”

“That face isn’t a knowing one . Do you want to go out? Yes, we have to eat lunch . Let’s go out . I’ll buy you something . ”

“I’m fine . Your wallet is still empty . You have to wait 2 months for the money . ”

Hyeongyung sighed . He went to the kitchen and brought two ramen .

“This is it for ramen . We don’t even have any rice at all . ”

“I’ll buy . ”

“I’ll come . I’m staying with you so we should split . ”

“We need more writers . ”

This was an office for 4 .

But now only two people used it . , The 2 people gave up writing to get a job .

Now it was harder to survive . The money that was paid by 4 had to be paid by 2 .

The situation was hard .

“What about that writer that we met?”

“Yes, he lives in Jinju . It might be hard for him to come to Seoul . ”

Hyeongyung answered .

Minho muttered as he looked up at the ceiling .

“Do I have to get this person…”

“Hm? What?”

“I have a person I know . A writer who wrote romance and adult novels . Just recently got divorced . ”


“I said I’m living in an office and the writer wants to come in . Of course, with the money as well . ”

Hyeongyung brightened .

“Then come here . ”

“It’s a girl . ”


Hyeongyung asked .

Minho yawned and continued .

“It’s a girl . She’s cool . But the problem is if we have a girl, there are so many problems . There’s one bathroom . And we’re going to have to give a room . ”

“Yeah . ”

“So I’m asking . What do you think?”

Hyeongyung put the soup and ramen in . And he said after a thought .

“She doesn’t have bathroom issues right?”


“If she doesn’t use the bathroom too much, I’m fine . ”

Minho smiled at that .

Hyeongyung bitterly smiled at that too .

“We don’t have much money . Why should I worry about that? And if her personality is good, I’ll agree . I don’t mind . ”

“Hyeongyung, thanks . ”

“What . Oh, the eggs . ”

Hyeongyung opened the fridge .

Just then, the door opened .

“Ah? Writer Ha, what are you doing?”

“What? Writer Ha?”

Minho stood up from his seat and went out to eh kitchen . Jaegun was smiling in front of the door .

“You were cooking ramen . I was late . ”

“Ah? You haven’t eaten either? Then eat first . I”m not that hungry . ”

“No, I’ve eaten . I”m sorry but you might have to help me . ”

“What? Of course . ”

“Then come out for a second . ”

The two went out of the villa . Jaegun’s car was in front of it . Jaegun said as he opened the trunk .

“There’s too much so I can’t lift it by myself . ”

“What? That…?!”

Minho opened his mouth as he looked in the trunk

There were 3 boxes of food . From rice, and dumplings, and beef, cold products, ham, eggs, milk, etc . Everything was there .

“Don’t eat only ramen . Your faces look too skinny now . ”

“Writer Ha…!”

Minho was so happy .

He couldn’t say anything with his mouth

Jaegun was Minho’s savior as he helped Minho with writing . Now with this… He wasn’t even a good writer yet .

Minho’s eyes turned red .

“I, I’ll lift it . ”

Hyeongyung said first . And lifting a box, he went in .

“Writer Ha, leave it . I’ll do it . ”

“There’s two left so one for each . Ha!”

The two each brought a box into the office .

Jaegun said as he put it down .

“And two, some money will be coming in by 4 . ”


Minho and Hyeongyung both tilted their heads . It was not a paper book but a pay per chapter style . There was no money beforehand .

“I called the representative . It’s not much, but it will be enough for now . Just wait for 2 months and write hard . ”

“Ah, Writer Ha, ah really…”

Now Hyeongyung couldn’t open his mouth .

He felt very ashamed for being mad about his debut work .

This great writer was helping him, but he was just laying out complaints .

“Ramen is for today only . Eat it because you already put it in”

“Yes . ”

“I get it . ”

“Hahaha . ”

Jaegun read a novel as Minho and Hyeongyung were eating . Hyeongyung was already reading the news with his phone


Hyeongyung let out a sound . Minho covered it .

“Wait, this…?”

Hyeongyung muttered louder . Minho asked while picking up a dish .

“What is it?”

“Wait, I’m reading the news, but your name is coming up?”

Jaegun lifted his head too .

Hyeongyung put his phone in front of Jaegun .

“This… is this someone else?”

It was the news of the Modern Teen Literary Contest results .

The name was Storm and Gale . The writer’s name was Ha Jaegun .

“Ah, this just came up?”

Jaegun answered indifferently with a smile .

Hyeongyung’s mouth started to open and kept opening .

“Ha, Ha, Writer Ha…! This really is you?”

“Wow, this is for literary? You write well for anything, writer . Congratulations”

Minho also congratulated Jaegun .

But Hyeongyung was way more surprised than Minho . He knew how hard it was to get this award .

“I, I, I was a literary major . But really . Modern Teen Literary Award?! Wow, I, I really can’t say anything . This is crazy . ”

“Is that really that good?”

“Minho, really? There are writers who spend 10 years trying to win this . This is the award that gets you recognized by the literary world . Really amazing!”

Jaegun scratched his head embarrassed .

And he said softly .

“I hope you’re coming to the ceremony . ”

“Me… Of Course! Of course, I’m coming . ”

Jaegun looked at Minho

“You too, Writer Kang . ”

“Of course, but if I go, are you buying us dinner?”

Jaegun laughed widely at that . The other two laughed as well .

The weather was cold outside . but now, the office inside didn’t seem too cold anymore .

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