Big Life

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Big Life – Chapter 45 – Follow Me If You Can

The quiet study had only the keyboard sound clicking

Myunghoon couldn’t control his nervousness . His glance was on the computer for hours straight .

Myungsuk was reading for 2 hours straight .

It was a draft of Myunghoon’s novel . Since it was his brother’s novel, he was reading it with more concentration .

The time read noon now .

Myungsuk finally lifted his body as he finished reading . Waiting for this, Myunghoon asked a question as he stood up .

“How is it? Is it good?”

“Hm… . I think it might be hard for the Modern Teen Literary Contest . ”

Myungsuk was saying as he was rubbing his back .

Myunghoon dropped his head .

He was about to the enter the contest . Dead line was the day after tomorrow .

It might be hard…

He wasn’t waiting for praise, but he was asking for, this is pretty decent at least .

‘… . . ’

He lost his focus in one go . .

“The sentences are clear and this is pretty good for this . I always tell you this, but your wording and sentences are great . But the story is shallow and has no depth . ”

Myungsuk was saying the same thing as before .

“The time that you could win with just good sentences is gone . Yo0u have to think of the entire story . The story that this contest picks is only one . And the standard is way too high . ”

Myungsuk tapped his brother’s shoulder and added .

“There’s the Gaunnuli Contest, try that . The awards are more than 1 and there’s a better possibility . ”

Myunghoon couldn’t say anything .

The contest that Myungsuk said right now wasn’t a huge difference in standard compared to the Modern Teen Literary Contest .

The award for the grand prize was 1 million dollars and it was way more than the Modern Teen LIterary Contest .

But Myunghoon had no reason to get the prize . He had way more than enough money in his household . He wanted to enter specifically the Modern Teen Literary Contest .

There was a reason .

He wanted to gain recognition from his father from getting an award from a respectable contest .

And furthermore, from Suhee too .

It was a high standard contest, but he had a place that he trusted . That was because, one of the judge, Professor Kim, was friends with Myungsuk .

‘If brother could just help…!’

Myunghoon knew how good his brother’s connections were . He had huge amounts of contacts . He was expectedly waiting for his brother to give him the honor and glory of winning the Modern Teen Contest .

After a brief pause, Myunghoon said .

“Um, Professor Kim…”


The vibrations on the table cut him off .

Myungsuk immediately picked up the phone and took the call . ”

“Yes, Professor, hello . How were you . Yes yes, I’ve been doing good too . I guess you must be tired waiting for the judging . ”

“… . !!”

At the mention of judging, Myunghoon’s eyes widened

It had to Professor Kim’s call who was judging the contest .

“Ah, yes, Professor, ah Really?”

Myungsuk replied and stood up . He felt Myunghoon’s glance and moved the study next door .

‘What is this . ’

It felt weird . Myungsuk wasn’t the person to move away unless it was an important call .

And the calling person was the judge Professor Kim .

Myunghoon went outside and stood next to the door his brother went in . Putting his ear next to the door, he could slightly hear Myungsuk’s voice .

“Ah that writer who won the Digital Literary Contest? Yes Yes, the name is… . Ah Ha Jaegun . ”

Myunghoon widened his eyes and listened closer .

He didn’t mistake it

Myungsuk said the word Ha Jaegun .

The name that made his blood curdle .

But he didn’t understand why that name would be mentioned in a call with Professor Kim .

Myungsuk continued .

“It was a person who writes very well . A Dumb Woman . Yes, you read it too? Hahaha . Yes I know . That person entered the Modern Teen Contest, he must be a writer who writes very enthusiastically . ”


Myunghoon’s breathes became quicker . It was a huge shock that he couldn’t even move . There was no blood on his face anymore .

“Yes, Professor, I will come . Yes, I’ll see you there . Good work . Yes . ”

Myungsuk ended the call .

Myunghoon went straight back to his seat . And then the door opened and Myungsuk came back in .

“Professor Kim?”

Myunghoon calmly said to him .

Putting the phone in the charger, Myungsuk nodded .

“Yeah, about a dinner appointment . You know that I’m going to a publishing company . Professor Kim made the spot for me . ”

Myunghoon nodded his heavy head . He didn’t care for anything other than the name Ha Jaegun .

“Professor Han Hesun is also coming . Do you hear . She’s a great person? Learn from her . ”

Myunghoon could only look at the red carpet on the ground with fierce eyes .

Myungsuk said as he lifted his jacket on the chair .

“Why is your face so stressed? You can write again . Let’s go eat . Lunch . ”

“Help me . ”


Myunghoon lifted his head slowly

The two eyes were shaking like an earthquake .

“Help me edit . ”

“… . let’s eat separately . ”

Myungsuk didn’t hesitate and went to the door . Myunghoon went quickly and blocked him .

Myungsuk’s face was already fiercely wrinkled .

“Move . ”

“Help me one more time . Please . Last time . Please . ”

“I said last time was the end . I don’t want to be a son that lies to his father . Move . ”

Myungsuk pushed him away .

But Myunghoon couldn’t give up

He couldn’t especially after the fact that Jaegun entered .

“Please . ”

Myunghoon blocked the person that he depended on the most in this world and held his arms .

Myungsuk’s jacket fell to the ground .

“It’s an easy job . If you put your connections and editing skills, this will be easy . Like the last book, help me . And just say something to Professor Kim . yeah?”

“This guy… . !”

Myungsuk’s two eyes were about to break

To think his brother would plead this much .

He was asking to edit and he was asking to basically bribe the judge .

“Oh Myunghoon, there’s a line that you can’t cross . Do not say that in front of me again . ”

Myungsuk lifted his finger in front of his nose .

Myunghoon couldn’t say anything because Myungsuk was really mad . He could only swallow his breath .

Myungsuk pushed the door .

After the door, a long corridor appeared . Two maids were cleaning the windows .

Myungsuk went farther and farther away .

The shivering Myunghoon shouted to him .

“You knew Ha Jaegun was my colleague . ”

Myungsuk slightly stopped, but he quickly went back on .

“Why do you make a person feel terrible! Just call in front me! Who said I needed you to move? If you’re going to help me, just help me!”

The shout rang through the hallway .

Myungsuk had already disappeared .

But his shouts didn’t stop .

“That guy was a guy whose books didn’t even odd in tot eh stores! And I lost to that guy? That guy was a guy who wrote nonsense to get a few cents! There’s no pride?! Say it!”

Myunghoon hit the door as hard as he could

The cleaning maids shivered slightly, but they didn’t turn around at all/

Myung Hoon’s personality was well known to the maids as well

“Dang it!!!”

Myunghoon turned around furiously .

He could see Myung Suk’s jacket next to the door .

He kicked the jacket in hatred of his brother .

It was that time

A paper came out of the jacket .

‘What… what?”

He saw the name Professor Kim on the paper .

‘Is it the judge’s names . ’

Myunghoon looked through the names

It was the judges of the Modern Teen Literary Contest .

It had the names and contact information of the great literary people in their respective literary genres .

Myunghoon soon lost interest and threw it .

The paper flew through the wind . Hearing that sound, Myunghoon thought of a great idea .

‘AHhh… . !’

Myunghoon’s two eyes opened .

He picked up the paper and sat next to the computer and opened the word document .

‘I need to tell that Ha Jaegun and Pyung Cheon Yu are the same person . I wonder what the literary writers would say if they heard about this…’

Jaegun didn’t tell any of the audience that he was writing a fantasy novel with a pen name .

There was no need to know why

He just had to tell the people this .

Myunghoon’s ten fingers flew across the keyboard . For some reason, this went many times faster than writing his own story


“Give us two servings of tofu . ”

“Yes . ”

Somii turned back and laughed .

“This place is good . You’ll like it too . ”

“I know . ”

Jaegun answered as he sipped a drink

It was about 1 pm .

It was after the workers lunch time so it was not crowded at all .

“I’m sorry, I know you’re busy . ”

“No, I’m not busy . Don’t care . ”

Jaegun got Somii’s call who said she was going to buy lunch .

He wasn’t really comfortable either .

Somii was a StarBooks employee . There was no reason for Somii to meet him unless for a good reason .

‘Is it for the sequel . ’

The time was good for now .

He finished all the novels he was working on . The Modern Ranking series and the Pegelon series .

The book for the Modern Teen Literary Contest was done too . There was at least 2 months till the announcement .

‘I don’t have anything I want to write… . ’

This was jaegun’s problem

He didn’t want to write anything about martial arts or fantasy . So he was wondering how to cordially decline Somii’s offer .

“The tofu is really good . Eat some before the main comes in . ”

Somii gave the dish to him .

Jaegun smiled .

It was true that meeting with Somii was fun . She was a good person to be with and she helped him a couple of times too .

‘She got prettier . ’

In Jaegun’s eyes, Somii was more mature and showing more feminine ability .

The turtleneck sweater and the brown shorts . With that, the black stockings and the sneakers showed the end of the fall .

He was slightly disappointed to

It felt that the college girl appearance disappeared .

And to be true, the end of the year was close .

He felt as though time went by very fast .

“What do you think that much . ”

“No, nothing, but I guess the editor is busy?”

“Yes, he is . Really . ”

Somii only said that .

Tewon stayed in StarBooks for now because of work or something . He said he would tell Jaegun the day he was leaving .

“And that, writer, I wanted to say . ”

“Say it . ”

Jaegun put his chopsticks done . It was probably about to be about the sequel .

But he was wrong .

Out of Somii’s smiling mouth, a conversation was coming out of her that he didn’t expect .

“How do you think about your novel becoming a webtoon?”


“Comic KT gave an offer . They want to put your Modern Ranking series into a webtoon . You know comic KT . ”

“Ah yes…”

Jaegun knew them . They were the webtoon company that only did webtoons .

They had a top five presence in webtoons in the county and they had a huge audience and respect rate .

“And so I wanted to meet now to ask you . ”

Jaegun blankly stared at Somii .

Somii smiled as she slightly shook her body .

She understood that she didn’t really need to ask Jaegun’s answer .

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