Big Life

Chapter 163. Make It Up, If There’s None (7)

Chapter 163. Make It Up, If There’s None (7)

“Of course, she isn’t asking for an answer from you right now. She's satisfied with just verifying your willingness to work with her.”

Mao Yen then said a few more words to the interpreter. She held out her tablet PC with both hands. The interpreter explained China’s box office rankings using the tablet PC.

“This is the current box office performance in China. Regardless of your target, Teencent Pictures guarantees that your target will be exceeded.”

The interpreter pointed at the best-performing movie and said, “This is China’s actor and director Dong Hua’s latest movie, Beauty Island. Its genre is melodrama, similar to Mr. Ha’s Storm and Gale. It’s currently on its third week since premiere, and it is still dominating the box office.”

Ha Jae-Gun and Park Do-Joon leaned in, paying closer attention to the tablet PC.

“The cumulative sales are 3.1 billion yuan, and its viewership is nearing a hundred million people. It has broken China’s all-time box office record, but President Mao Yen believes that Storm and Gale can break that record."

Gulp. Park Do-Joon gulped a mouthful of his own saliva. His recent endeavor in China allowed him to learn about their general market size and status. As such, his heart pounded madly against his chest because Teencent Pictures had selected him.

Including the annual number of viewers, Korea’s total number of viewers would only amount to 110 million... If a movie has a cumulative audience count of 100 million viewers, it'll already be a—

Park Do-Joon didn't dare to even think about it.

Meanwhile, Mao Yen smiled at the nervous-looking Park Do-Joon.

Mao Yen didn’t seem like she had something up her sleeves, but her smile radiated confidence. She wasn't here to show off China’s box office but to emphasize the size of the market in China. This was also to reassure both Ha Jae-Gun and Park Do-Joon as the President of Teencent Pictures.

“Both of you have already entered the China market as a writer and an actor. There Was A Sea, which was released after the premiere in Korea, did relatively well.

"However, you will be working directly with us right from the start. We will do our best to make sure that your work will reach greater heights. Who knows? Storm and Gale might dethrone Director Dong Hua,” the interpreter said.

Ha Jae-Gun looked down at his glass. The glass before him was sparkling, thanks to the ceiling lights. He soon composed himself and pondered deeply over Mao Yen's words.

“Do you have any questions?”

Hm, yes, I do.” Ha Jae-Gun thought for a moment before looking up. “First of all, I would like to thank you for your high praise. I don't mind working on the scenario. In fact, I’m more than happy to do so. However, I will definitely need a translator because I can't speak Mandarin.”

Mao Yen grinned, showing her pearly whites.

Ha Jae-Gun smiled in return and continued. “I have two questions in mind. Do you perhaps know of Director Yoon Tae-Sung? He was the director of There Was A Sea?”

Mao Yen nodded after listening to the interpreter. The interpreter said, “Of course. President Mao Yen is also looking forward to the movie that is currently in production, Gyeoja Bathhouse. If you are looking to recommend him to direct Storm and Gale, President Mao Yen is all for it.”

Mao Yen was a step faster at predicting Ha Jae-Gun's intentions and brought the conversation forward. Ha Jae-Gun nodded lightly in appreciation and said, "The second question is about choosing the actress for the female lead."

Park Do-Joon looked at Ha Jae-Gun with a puzzled look. He thought Ha Jae-Gun would ask about the process of working on the scenario or the translator.

"There is someone I would like to recommend to take the role of the female lead."

Her bright smile that lit up the darkness of the late-night surfaced in his mind. She, who had contributed largely to completing Storm and Gale, had already become an actress.

He wanted to give her an opportunity. It was his biggest wish to see her act out the female lead, which he had created based on her.

"President Mao wants to know the actress' name," the interpreter asked.

Beneath Park Do-Joon's puzzled gaze, Ha Jae-Gun answered, "Her name is Hong Ye-Seul."

"...?" Park Do-Joon was at a loss for words. He stared at his friend in a daze. He was slightly looking forward to Ha Jae-Gun's endorsement, but he truly didn't expect to see him endorse Hong Ye-Seul.

However, Hong Ye-Seul was just a rookie actress, and her latest role was as a supporting character in Gyeoja Bathhouse.

'Ha Jae-Gun, just what are you thinking...?'

Park Do-Joon acknowledged Hong Ye-Seul's passion and talent, but this was an entirely different issue altogether. Her experience was akin to a piece of empty paper, so would Teencent Pictures even be willing to accept her?

Mao Yen began looking up Hong Ye-Seul on her tablet PC. Looking through the actress's profile, Mao Yen's face grew increasingly perplexed.

Ha Jae-Gun explained, "I understand that it's a huge risk to use a rookie actress for such a huge project. And neither am I forcing upon you to use her as the female lead. I just wish that you could give her a chance to join in the auditions for the role.”

Mao Yen then looked up from her tablet PC and looked at Ha Jae-Gun. With an awkward smile, she asked through the interpreter, “Is there a special reason behind your endorsement?”

“She is the very impression I had of the female lead in Storm and Gale. I am not related to her whatsoever.”

This was the best Ha Jae-Gun could do for her, but he had faith in Hong Ye-Seul. Ha Jae-Gun believed that as long as Hong Ye-Seul could still remember her life at the time and had complete faith in herself, her performance would be perfect.


Mao Yen bit her lips, looking worried. The waiters appeared and placed down new dishes on the table. Meanwhile, Mao Yen fell into deep contemplation, and she didn't move at all.

An unknown amount of time passed before Mao Yen looked up.

She looked knowingly at Ha Jae-Gun and smiled.

“She's willing to let her join the auditions,” the interpreter conveyed.

“Thank you so much.” Ha Jae-Gun nodded with much satisfaction. As a screenwriter, he could no longer intervene in the production decisions from here on. However, it was fine; Ha Jae-Gun was already satisfied with everything.

Just then, Teencent Culture’s CEO Ren Xue raised his glass.

Taking that as a signal, Ha Jae-Gun and everyone else followed suit, and the group made a toast. It was then that Ha Jae-Gun found out that China's liquor was as strong as its scent.

Ha Jae-Gun frowned.

Ren Xue advised, “You should enjoy the liquor’s scent while it's in your mouth by letting it touch your tongue and the roof of your mouth evenly. Let it flow down your throat after a few seconds of that, and you’ll be able to taste a deeper flavor.”

“I see. I’ll make sure to do that on my next glass.” Ha Jae-Gun smiled brightly like a young boy. His proud heart filled to the brim with another glass of liquor was thankful for today's meeting.


Ah, the Chinese are good with their drinks,” Park Do-Joon murmured. He had just stepped out of the bathroom after vomiting everything he could vomit. His eyes were out of focus, and his face was deep red.

“Did we really just drink ten of those huge bottles?”

“Drink this.” Ha Jae-Gun opened the cap of a hangover drink and handed it over to Park Do-Joon.

Park Do-Joon downed it in one go and collapsed on the sofa.

“If you’re feeling terrible, just sleep over for the night and leave tomorrow.”

“I think I should do that. I should give Tae-Bong hyung a call.”

“Shall I call him for you?”

“No, it’s fine, Jae-Gun.” Park Do-Joon sat up and squinted his eyes. “I’m only asking this now, but why did you do that?”


“Hong Ye-Seul. Why did you recommend her out of the blue? Because Director Yoon Tae-Sung likes her? I was honestly taken aback.”

“I’ve been thinking of it since the short film preview. She fits the female lead that I had in mind perfectly. That’s why I recommended her. You even complimented her to me.”

Park Do-Joon narrowed his eyes at Ha Jae-Gun’s words. He glared at Ha Jae-Gun for a while before asking, “So you... have an ulterior motive, huh?

“What do you mean?”

“You already have such a beautiful girlfriend, but you still decided to set your eyes on someone else. Huh, I see."

“Seriously.” Ha Jae-Gun chuckled.

Park Do-Joon's words sounded so absurd in his ears that he couldn't help but laugh.

“Tell me honestly. Am I right? If I’m wrong, bring me evidence, then. You don’t have any, right?”

“Why are you interrogating me?”

“What, interrogating? I’m just asking out of pure curiosity. When did it start?”

“What do you mean when? I don’t like any other girls other than Soo-Hee. Okay?”

Geez, you’re boring.” Park Do-Joon laid back down. He looked up at the ceiling and stayed silent for a while before saying, “My hyung should see how I’m living right now...”

“He must be watching you. He must be busy bragging about you, so don’t miss him too much and let him spend time peacefully.”

“Yeah... I should go visit him at the charnel house next week.”

“I’ll go with you.”



“I still find it surreal. Actor Do-Joon has grown too much and too fast recently. Do you not feel anything?”

“The feeling's worse for me.” Ha Jae-Gun headed to the coffee maker. “It felt just like yesterday when I prayed to earn over a million won every month in royalties. I only know how to write, so my livelihood and future are bleak... I didn’t have the courage to face my parents, and life felt like hell back then.”

Ha Jae-Gun turned around with a cup of coffee in hand and burst into a chuckle.

Park Do-Joon was already asleep on the sofa with his mouth half-open.

“Look at this guy...”

Ha Jae-Gun grabbed a blanket for Park Do-Joon and covered him with the blanket before heading for the bathroom for a shower. Just as he was about to take off his clothes, a call came in.


— Hello, Mr. Ha. This is Park Hyun-Min, the interpreter during the meeting earlier today.

Oh, yes. Why did you call?”

— It’s about Mr. Li Ziting. He would like to meet you again and discuss something that he wasn’t able to bring up earlier. Is that possible?

“Of course. I’m available anytime.” Ha Jae-Gun answered without hesitation.

A meeting request from a Nobel Prize-winning writer! He couldn't wait to meet him again. He had many questions he wanted to ask—both as a writer and as an individual. Ha Jae-Gun was also hoping that Li Ziting's help would allow him to bring out the Elder’s true power.


[Photo of Writer Ha Jae-Gun taken on the streets of Insadong; the accompanying man is the Nobel Prize-winning writer Li Ziting?]

[Ha Jae-Gun’s crazy connections, just how is he related to Li Ziting?]

[Nobel Prize-winning writer Li Ziting’s visit to Korea is to meet Ha Jae-Gun?]


It was the first hot summer day in August, and the news about Ha Jae-Gun dominated the online news portals in Korea.

Photos of Ha Jae-Gun having a meal, shopping, and chatting over tea in Insadong with Li Ziting went viral on the Internet, but it was understandable.

Li Ziting was a writer with a great career, and he had actually visited Korea unbeknownst to everyone and was spotted on seemingly good terms with the famous Korean writer Ha Jae-Gun.

The various media outlets soon found out where Li Ziting was staying in Seoul, and they camped outside his hotel. When he finally returned to his hotel, the reporters flocked over to him.

“Please say something, Mr. Li Ziting. What is your relationship with Writer Ha Jae-Gun?”

“Have you known each other for a long time?”

“Did you visit Korea just to meet Writer Ha Jae-Gun?”

Li Ziting only showed a puzzled expression, forcing a faint smile. His reliable manager and interpreter appealed to the crowd while protecting Li Ziting.

“Mr. Li Ziting is currently very tired. We will contact all of you soon once he has decided on a date to hold an interview.”

“Please just say a word, something brief about what relationship he has with Writer Ha will do. And what does he think of Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s novels?”

Li Ziting patted on his manager’s shoulder, signaling that he was okay.

As the interpreter conveyed the last reporter’s question, Li Ziting smiled and gave his replies in Mandarin. The reporters stood in their spots, waiting for the translation.

“There was a Korean writer whom Mr. Li Ziting really liked and respected. He was certain that there would be no other writers like him in Korea.

"However, he has since changed his mind after reading Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s novel. And this is why he has come in the capacity of a reader. Of course, he had many things to talk about with him as a writer as well. Today was his first time seeing him, and they only know each other as a writer and reader. That’s all.”

“Wait, wait! Mr. Li Ziting!” a female reporter from a literary magazine called out.

“Who was the Korean writer you mentioned whom you liked and respected? Are they still active as a writer in Korea?”

“The writer has already passed away,” the interpreter replied, and then he followed Li Ziting into the hotel.

Meanwhile, the reporters remained undeterred. They stood in front of the hotel’s entrance, busy clicking on their cameras even though Li Ziting had already turned his back on the kaleidoscope of camera flashes behind him.

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