Big Life

Chapter 116. Loud Cheers (11)

Chapter 116. Loud Cheers (11)

“Rika is healthy and well, so don’t worry. It’s good if you could come regularly for checkups.”

“Okay, thank you for your hard work.”

The vet put Rika down on the table.

Rika did not seem tired at all, considering that she had just gone through a full series of tests: physical examination, blood tests, ultrasound tests, dental check, and eye checks.

Ha Jae-Gun put his face forward, and Rika did the same. The two rubbed noses.

“She’s really pretty and elegant,” said the vet as she looked down at Rika. The vet was a female in her early thirties, and her facial features resembled a cat in Ha Jae-Gun’s eyes.

“I like Russian Blues as well. I’ve got one at home, too, but it isn’t as elegant as Rika.”

“Rika must be happy about that compliment.”

“I’ve been running the clinic for a while now, but I haven’t seen a Russian Blue as pretty as Rika. She’s quiet, understands what we say, and is smart. How are her eyes so bright?”

Ha Jae-Gun wordlessly smiled.

He somewhat felt like the vet was quite talkative today.

The vet owned both the clinic and the pet supplies store next door.

The pet supplies store was the same store he visited to buy Rika some food when he first found her by Seo Gun-Woo’s grave.

Afterward, he had been frequenting the store since it was near his house, but he had just discovered that the vet owned both of the businesses.

“Thank you, I’ll be going now.”

Ha Jae-Gun picked up Rika into his arms.

Ha Jae-Gun was about to turn around, but the vet called out to him.

“Excuse me, Mr. Ha.”


She gathered her hands on her chest and asked, “If you don’t mind, can I ask you for a favor?”

“What is it?”

“I would like to put a picture of you and Rika in the clinic.”

“Ah… Sure, please go ahead.”

“Thank you so much! L-Let me take my camera!”

She pulled out a DSLR from under the counter and then took a few photos of Ha Jae-Gun and Rika around the clinic.

“Thank you. The photos are beautiful. The customers will love to see them around the clinic.”

“Please edit them well. I’ll be going now, then.”

“No, no. Not yet. Hey, Yeong-Mi! Come here! Bring some dry and canned foods for Rika.”

“No, Director. It’s just photos. You don’t have to do that.”

The director insisted despite Ha Jae-Gun’s refusal. Not only did she pack food, but there were also health supplements and toys for Rika packed into a huge bag. Her appreciation for taking just a couple of photos had filled Ha Jae-Gun’s trunk.

“Wow, I really don’t know what to say, how can I come again next time? Isn’t that right?” Ha Jae-Gun asked as he started the car.

However, Rika just kept staring behind at the trunk while sitting in the front passenger seat, feeling happy about her presents.

“We’re going to Mysterium’s office now. They said I’m allowed to bring you in there. Isn’t the editor-in-chief great?”


Ha Jae-Gun entered the address of OongSung Publication Group’s headquarters into the navigation and grabbed the steering wheel.

He was going there to meet the rookie director—Yoon Tae-Sung.

Yoon Tae-Sung was thirty-four years old, and that was all Ha Jae-Gun knew about the man.

“Yes, editor-in-chief. I’ve just arrived and entered the basement car park. 11th floor? Yes, I got it. I’ll be heading up soon.”

Ha Jae-Gun parked his car in the huge space and took the elevator up. He saw Oh Myung-Suk standing in the lift lobby as soon as the doors opened on the 11th floor.

“Why are you out here?”

“I should, of course, personally greet you when you’ve come all the way to our humble quarters. Please come this way.”

Oh Myung-Suk led Ha Jae-Gun past the reception and into a small meeting room. Director Yoon Tae-Sung had already arrived, and he stood up to greet Ha Jae-Gun as the latter entered the room.

“Hello, Writer Ha Jae-Gun. I’m Yoon Tae-Sung.”

The man looked thin and somewhat lifeless. However, his eyes were shining brightly, which piqued Ha Jae-Gun’s interest.

“It’s nice to meet you. You’ve come early.” Ha Jae-Gun greeted him in return and shook hands with the man.

Ha Jae-Gun was quite the punctual man himself. He hadn’t been late for his appointments, but why were there many times when the other party would come much earlier and wait for him to arrive?

“Please have some coffee.”

The trio’s conversation started with some coffee. After briefly sharing and complimenting each other’s previous works, they headed straight for the main agenda of the day.

“I’ve seen the half-completed scenario you wrote. I’m worried about a few scenes that might be hard to pull off, but it didn’t look like there were too many issues. I feel that it’d be better if we could iron out some of the awkward-sounding dialogues as well. I’m not that fond of having actors improvising on the spot.”

Yoon Tae-Sung was straightforward and outspoken with his own opinion.

He did not say things in a roundabout way, nor did he add any flowery words.

And that was exactly why Ha Jae-Gun liked him…

“As for the treatment you’ve done up for the ending, I’ll accept the scenario if you’re going to complete the scenario based on how it is right now. The story is right up my alley as well.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Yoon Tae-Sung took a sip of his coffee and shook his head expressionlessly.

“I should be the one thanking you. It’s my first commercial movie. Writer Ha’s Summer in My 20s is still going strong, and I think this novel will do great as well. In the worst-case scenario where I end up ruining this movie like Summer in My 20s, we can still break even.”

Yoon Tae-Sung expressed his thoughts without an ounce of hesitation despite Ha Jae-Gun’s bitter smile.

“I won’t work on projects that don’t suit my personality either. I look like this, but I’ve got quite a lot of pride as well. However, I like how your story fits with me, and of course, I do not wish to pass up on this opportunity.”

“I understand what you mean.” Ha Jae-Gun met eyes with him and nodded.

There was only excitement and no traces of pretentiousness in Yoon Tae-Sung’s eyes. Ha Jae-Gun was convinced that Yoon Tae-Sung would be able to film a great movie.

“Feel free to drop by the filming site whenever you want. I’ll make sure that you can check the recorded scenes every time we’re done filming a certain scene.”

“Thank you for being so considerate.” Ha Jae-Gun finished his cup of coffee that had turned cold. Discussions of the scenario had ended there. However, there was still something he had to discuss.

“I’ve got something I would like to discuss with regard to the actor…” Ha Jae-Gun trailed off, then looked to Oh Myung-Suk, tossing the baton to him.

Oh Myung-Suk fixed his glasses and said, “We would like to have Actor Park Do-Joon as the male lead.”

Yoon Tae-Sung narrowed his eyes. “Mr. Park Do-Joon?”

“Yes, you may hold an audition to cast the other actors, but we would like to have Mr. Park Do-Joon as the male lead. Writer Ha mentioned that he originally modeled the character Cho Kang-Jae with the actor in mind as well.”

Yoon Tae-Sung turned to look at Ha Jae-Gun, who only nodded silently in return, agreeing with Oh Myung-Suk.

“Park Do-Joon… Hmm…”

Tae-Sung pondered with his eyes closed while Oh Myung-Suk and Ha Jae-Gun waited for his response quietly.

Yoon Tae-Sung finally opened his eyes after a while and said, “I think it’ll be fine.”

“Mr. Park Do-Joon appearing in the movie by himself will be a huge issue,” Oh Myung-Suk added.

However, Yoon Tae-Sung waved his hand, saying, “I have no interest in how popular Park Do-Joon is. It’s because I feel that he fits the character Cho Kang-Jae that I have in mind. Ah, but…” Something seemed to have come to his mind, which prompted him to lower his gaze before continuing. “I know someone in Newdon. According to him, Actor Park Do-Joon was confirmed to act in Director Woo Jae-Hoon’s next movie.”

“Did he mention about a contract being signed?”

“I’m not sure about that. However, the two of them are quite close anyway, and the director has been looking out for Park Do-Joon ever since his debut. If There Was A Sea is scheduled to start filming at the end of the year, could he film? It seems to me that it’s highly unlikely.”

“Hmm. Well, I guess we will have to call him, then. Thank you for letting us know.”

That was all they had discussed about Park Do-Joon.

Ha Jae-Gun and Yoon Tae-Sung were sent off by Oh Myung-Suk and hopped onto each of their own vehicles. Ha Jae-Gun felt relieved to have met the director Tae-Sung, but he got worried about Park Do-Joon.

‘Will he really only agree if it’s directed by Director Woo Jae-Hoon?’

Ha Jae-Gun recalled the conversation he had with Park Do-Joon at his place. He could still remember Park Do-Joon’s desire to act in There Was A Sea. He wondered if he should drop Park Do-Joon a message to ask him about it, but he ultimately decided against it.

Ha Jae-Gun thought that this wasn’t something he should meddle in, and as per Oh Myung-Suk, he should let the clear-headed Oh Myung-Suk handle this himself.


Just then, a call from Lee Yeon-Woo arrived. Ha Jae-Gun grabbed the steering wheel and headed to the Bucheon office without using the navigator before answering the call.

“Did you call to rush me?”

— I’m just worried that hyung will forget about the company dinner tonight. How was your discussion on the movie?

“Not bad. Anyway, I’m on the way back now.”

— Eun-Young noona is cooking chicken and seafood soup[1], so you should hurry up and come back!

“It’s barely 6 p.m. now. You told me to be there by 7 p.m., didn’t you? I’ll drive faster, so let’s talk later. I’m driving as well.”

— All right, hyung.

Upon arriving at the office, Ha Jae-Gun saw all the writers, including Kwon Tae-Won and Jung So-Mi, gathered there. Meanwhile, a large pot of soup was boiling in the kitchen.

“Wow, it smells amazing. I think you’ll be a great chef at this rate, Writer Jang.”

“Is it because I’m bad at writing?”

“Aye, how could you make such a cruel joke?”

“Hyung, this pot has five whole chickens, abalone, octopus, and even octopus added in it! The smell is amazing. I could already feel my stomach sticking to my back.” Lee Yeon-Woo fussed with his signature gesture.

Jang Eun-Young chuckled and slapped Lee Yeon-Woo’s lower back. “You can start setting up the table, Yeon-Woo.”

“Yes, noona.”

“What should I do?”

“Ah, you can just sit around for a while, Jae-Gun hyung. I will do everything.” Lee Yeon-Woo did not allow Ha Jae-Gun to even lift a finger around in the office.

Ha Jae-Gun had no choice but to hug Rika and made his way to the terrace. Jung So-Mi approached him and took Rika from him, then said, “Writer Ha, you’re looking great these days. Even I am getting affected by your mood.”

“It’s all thanks to you, Ms. So-Mi. Thanks to your advice, I’ve been reformed as a writer with regular working hours. If I were to inadvertently ruin my health once again, please point it out to me immediately.”

“Okay, I’ve inherited my mom’s nagging skills, so do look forward to it.”

At that, Jung So-Mi and Ha Jae-Gun chuckled while staring at each other.

They were about to talk about something else, but Ha Jae-Gun’s phone rang.

Ha Jae-Gun saw Park Do-Joon’s name on the screen and excused himself to the hallway.

“Yeah, Do-Joon.”

— Thank you, Ha Jae-Gun. I’m glad to be friends with you.

Park Do-Joon sounded excited.

“What do you mean?”

— I’ve heard from Newdon’s team leader. You met Director Yoon Tae-Sung and said you wanted me as the male lead?

“Ah, I thought it was something else… I didn’t do anything, actually. You live up to your name as well, so everyone is happy about it. But someone from Newdon told you?

— Yeah, the distribution investor is still by Newdon this time, I think?

“See, as expected of Park Do-Joon. I thought the investors would run since he’s a rookie director, but your power is amazing.”

Park Do-Joon’s laugh was heard loud and clear.

— You’re just adding weight to my shoulders now. Plus, it’s not exactly because of me, I heard that OongSung would be investing 4 billion won in the project.

“...OongSung?” Ha Jae-Gun asked, bewildered.

Oh Myung-Suk was OongSung Publication Group president’s eldest son and editor-in-chief, so the former’s face couldn’t help but appear in Ha Jae-Gun’s mind.

Oh Myung-Suk had to have used his power.

— Either way, thank you, Ha Jae-Gun. I’m free today, what are you doing? Shall we have some drinks somewhere nice?

“Ah, I’m sorry. I’ve got a company dinner with the others at the office today. We’re just about to start.”

— Is it a writer’s office? Can I go there, too? I want to take a look.

“Of course you can. Everyone would be elated to see you here. But the popular actor Park Do-Joon will actually come to a writer’s office to play?”

— Yes, it’s a done deal. I’ll be there soon, so send me the address.

“Huh? Do-Joon?”

The call was unilaterally ended. Ha Jae-Gun tilted his head to one side and sent the address to Park Do-Joon before heading back into the office. He then told everyone about it.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got a friend wanting to come over to hang out. Would that be fine with everyone?”

“Why ask us about it? This is Writer Ha’s office. But which friend of yours?”

Jang Eun-Young’s question got Ha Jae-Gun scratching the tip of his nose as he answered, “He’s called Park Do-Joon, and he’s the male lead of Summer in My 20s.”

The others were stunned at the answer.

Jang Eun-Young lightly tapped Ha Jae-Gun’s shoulder and grinned before bursting into laughter.

“Writer Ha… Seriously. You’re even good at making jokes.”

“No, it’s true…”

The writers didn’t believe his words at all.

Even Jung So-Mi and Kwon Tae-Won seemed doubtful about it, but they were aware that Ha Jae-Gun wasn’t the type to make such jokes.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

The doorbell rang about twenty minutes later.

Ha Jae-Gun headed to the door and personally opened it.

Park Do-Joon stood tall outside in a white silk shirt and black slacks, grinning at him.

“You look like you’ve just come out of a pictorial just standing there.”

“No, I just legit finished a photoshoot and came right away.”

“Welcome in.”

“Please excuse me!”

Park Do-Joon greeted everyone with a loud voice. Everyone was speechless at his entrance. The office turned silent instantly, and only the sound of the water boiling in the pot could be heard.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh…” Jang Eun-Young stammered, and her chin started trembling. Her eyes grew so wide that it would make one wonder if her eyes were just that large.

“I-i-is… it really you, Park Do-Joon?”

Jung So-Mi didn’t dare to approach him as she rubbed her flushed cheeks with both hands. Everyone froze upon seeing Park Do-Joon in the flesh when they could only see him through the small and big screens up until today.

Jang Eun-Young finally snapped out of it and shouted, “I really like you, Park Do-Joon-nim! Oh my god, how did you get to know Writer Ha?!”

“It seems like he hasn’t told you yet, but we’re friends.”

“Oh my! Oh my! P-please take a seat! I’ve made a pot of chicken and seafood soup, so please join us!” Jang Eun-Young hurriedly guided Park Do-Joon to his seat.

It took a long time before the group could calm down and start eating.

Park Do-Joon captivated everyone with his eloquence. He even ate the drumstick with his hands. There wasn’t an ounce of a popular actor’s aura in him, and his easy-going character made him acquire everyone’s favor.

“Writer Jang Eun-Young, where’s my soju?”

“You… drink soju as well? I thought you only drink wine and all, so…”

“That’s nonsense. I even drank from rice bowls back in the army. Please fill it up for me.”


“Ah, I’m sorry. Please wait a moment.”

Park Do-Joon picked up his phone and stood up.

The screen showed the name Kim Na-Yeon. He accepted the call and said, “Hello?”

1. 해신탕 ☜

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