Because I simply love you

Chapter 463: Confession

Chapter 463: Confession

The next morning, Huian woke up first. When she saw Shin beside him, still sleeping and both naked in each other's arms, Huian froze. She remembered everything that happened last night and couldn't help but blush as she recalled how passionate their night was.

But that fluttering feeling stayed only for a few moments as she thought about their relationship. Then panic set in.

We are not dating, yet we

Now she was more afraid to face him.

When Shin will realize what happened last night, what will be his reaction? Will he be happy? Orwait. What if he regrets

Huian turned pale at that thought.

What if he thinks this was all a big mistake? What if he ends everything between us?

Huian desperately wanted to talk to him, and she knew that conversation was important between them, but her mind was thinking about all his negative reactions.

She could bear anything but not if Shin said that he regretted it.

Because she didn't, last night finally made her realize how much she liked Shin.

Yes, she was jealous of that woman last night hitting on him because she didn't want to see Shin with anybody else. And when that moment occurred, she felt that it was just right. Whatever they were doing were felt so right and in place.

Huian knew what she felt about Shin. But Shin?

Does he like me too?

That one question made her excited but hell nervous at the same time.

Huian slowly got up without disturbing him. She gazed at him with complicated emotions.

There was a lingering fear in her heart about his rejection. After her marriage with Jinhai broke and she lost her first love in the worst way possible, she became very cautious of her feelings.

So, even if she knew that she was starting to feel something different for Shin, she never acknowledged it because she didn't want to go through the pain of rejection again.

She kept pushing those emotions away. She kept it hidden and hidden until she couldn't do it any more last night. That woman irked her, and she finally let go of all her inhibitions with that accidental kiss. She wanted Shin.

Huian looked at him again. She wanted to know Shin's answer, but at the same time, she didn't.

Suddenly, she felt unsure of his answer and her eyes teared up. Last night was the best night for her, but if Shin said that he regretted not controlling his feelings at that spur of the moment, then it would break her heart into pieces that she had somehow joined together with great difficulty after Jinhai left her.

She had no strength left to face another emotional setback. Her heart had no place left to accommodate another rejection.

She gave a wry smile.

If I ask him about us, then he would feel that I am clingy, right?

Her gaze dimmed.

She already faced the consequences of being clingy with Jinhai. That didn't take her anywhere. Instead, she just messed things up.

With the past experience, she felt as she learned her lesson.

Huian slowly got out of the bed, and immediately felt an ache in her waist and kissed nether regions. She blushed furiously. That just proved how passionate andrough it was

She quickly picked up and changed into the new dress that the waitress bought last night. A dull pain shot up in her ankle, and she remembered that she had sprained it last night.

Her steps were slow and silent as she reached the door. She turned to look back at him once.

Shin was sleeping soundly. She felt horrible and guilty for leaving him like that. He would be so shocked when he wouldn't find her after he woke up.

She bit her lower lip hard and steeled her heart.

I will definitely talk to you. Just pleasegive me some time

With that, she shut the door and left.


An hour later, Shin woke up too. He suddenly got up with a jerk when he didn't see Huian on the bed.


Shin got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. He knocked on the door.

"Huian, are you inside?"

But he heard no sound. The door was unlocked, and he slowly peeked inside, but there was no one.

Shin panicked and got a bad feeling inside his chest.


He combed his hand through his hair in frustration.

She leftHuian left! Does she regret what happened?

Shin shut his eyes in despair and sat on the bed, defeated. He covered his face with his hands and sat quietly like that for a long time.

He didn't know what to do anymore. Huian left without a word, and he was completely clueless now.

Is she angry at me? Does she hate me now that she couldn't even wait for us to talk it out?

Is this the end? Just like that

He chuckled as his eyes slightly turned wet.

It's over. Everything is over. Everything was fine yesterday but now

Shin finally dragged himself out of the bar after Liang Xiao Dan was continuously calling him.

The next few days, there was complete silence between them. Nobody called each other or initiated the contact. They stopped meeting altogether, but it was hard as hell for them.

Neither Huian could muster up the courage to call him nor Shin. Everything came to a standstill.

Until seven days back, Huian started feeling nauseous and puked many times in a day. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but then she remembered that her period was late.

At first, she waited for two more days, but then it still didn't arrive, and she began to doubt if she was perhaps pregnant because she remembered that she hadn't taken the morning after pills. Her mind was so messed up by what happened and the fact that there was no contact between them that it just completely slipped off her mind.

So, she secretly brought three pregnancy kits. She tested all positive in them. She even went to a gynecologist for a checkup, and the result was the same.

Huian was pregnant.

She was shocked and in disbelief that it was actually true. But she was happy. She was ecstatic.

By the time she came to know, Jinhai and Nana's wedding anniversary celebration was just a few days away. She knew Shin would be there, too, and decided to finally break the silence and her pregnancy to him when they would meet again.

*Flashback ends*

At present, when Huian told him her side of the story, Shin could only sigh and lament. All his worries and frustration dissipated. At first, he was a little disappointed with her that she left him without saying anything, but he understood where she was coming from.

After what happened with Jinhai, no wonder she was so anxious about their relationship.

Shin pulled her in his arms.

"I am sorry. I was so stupid. I should have talked to you earlier."

Huian pursed her lips. "No. I started it allI shouldn't have left that morning. I was just so"

"Okay, okay. Let's forget what happened. We both were stupid."

He looked towards her belly in excitement. He cautiously raised his hand towards it and slowly placed it on her belly.

Of course, he couldn't feel anything, but just the thought of its presence brought tears to his eyes.

This time I willI will become a father for sure

He quickly asked, "What did the doctor say? Are you fine? How is the child? Are your heartbeats stable? What about the pulse?"

"Stop, stop. Your questions make me dizzy. Don't worry. The initial checkup was okay. She has called me next week too."

"I will come too! I have a lot of questions to ask. I want to have an in-length discussion about you and our baby's health."

Her brow twitched.

That will surely take a long time

Shin's phone buzzed. He picked it up to see Liang Zou calling him.


"Shin. Where are you?"

"I am outside."

Then he went quiet. "Are you alright, son? If you have anything to share, you can tell me."

Shin felt guilty for lashing out at them.

Damn. They were just worried for me, and I spoke so harshly to them.

"Sorry, DadI didn't mean to burst out like that. I just"

"It's okay. I can understand. Xiao Dan and I felt that you were stressed out a bit for a few days. We thought to give you some time if you wanted to come out with it yourself."

Shin looked at her belly and smiled. "Yes, Dad. There is something that I have to tell you and Mom. It's very important."

"En. That's better. Let's have a good talk after this celebration is over. But, for now, you have to hurry back for the second wedding."

"Second wedding?"

"Yes! Jianyu and Serena! They just proposed and decided to get married too!"

He was surprised. "What?"

"Yes. So, come quickly! It's starting."

"Yup. I will be there."

They hung up, and Huian had heard everything. "Jianyu and Serena too? WowTwo weddings in one day"

Shin cleared his throat. "Should we make it three weddings?"

Her heart skipped a beat, and she furiously blushed. "You are an idiot!"

Shin held her hand and gazed at her with warmth. "Huian. Let's do it for real this time."

Huian immediately understood the context, and her heart skipped a beat again.

"I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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