Because I simply love you

Chapter 396: You are lucky

Chapter 396: You are lucky

Serena slowly opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling above her as she drowsily woke up.

The nurse beside her, who was checking the monitor glanced at her, and said, "You woke up. I will call the doctor."

The doctor immediately came and checked her vitals. He glanced at her reports and nodded. He smiled. "Miss Serena, how are you feeling now?"

Serena looked left and right and asked, "Thishow am I in the hospital?"

It took a few moments before the memories of what happened in the banquet came flashing by in her mind slowly.

She widened her eyes.

Tang Ning and Tang Fengthey attacked Nana and meThenshe hit my belly.

A feeling of dread enveloped her chest. She felt as if her heart stopped beating.

My baby!

She lowered her head to see her stomach, but instead of her baby bump, it was a flat stomach.

Tears pooled in her eyes.

Thisnothis cannot be possible.

She looked up at the doctor, terrified. "Where is my baby? Where is my child? What happened to it? W-whymy stomach"

The doctor said, "Calm down, Miss Serena. Your baby is alright. We had to perform your emergency delivery because of the accident. Congratulations, you are now a proud mother to a baby boy."

Serena was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Thismy baby is born?"

"Yes, Miss Serena. Your baby is born and is in perfect health. Don't worry."

Joy bloomed in her heart, and tears trickled out of her eyes.

My baby

But when she excitedly looked around, she didn't find her baby boy in the crib.

"Where is my baby...?"

"He is with Mr. Chen." The nurse said.


He must be so happy! Our baby is born

Soon, she froze as she remembered how Jianyu had said that he would never let her meet her baby. He wouldn't even let her see his face.

That's righthe hates me. So he alreadytook him away

Serena bit her lower lip hard and couldn't help but cry.

The doctor smiled. "I must say, Miss Serena, you are lucky to have a husband like Mr. Chen."

Serena blinked her eyes in confusion and asked, "What?"

"Yes. Actually, your caesarian had complications, and there was a possibility that we could have been only able to save either you or your child."

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

"When I asked Mr. Chen about who to save if we are forced to do so, he didn't even think twice before saying your name. 'Save Serena.' That's what he said."

She trembled upon hearing that. Her body shook as if she was struck by lightning.

The doctor smiled. "Usually, rich families like theirs only care about the heir. I have come across a few difficult deliveries in my profession where the family chose to save the child instead of the mother. They only care about getting a successor to their family and business. But Mr. Chen chose to save you. Naturally, it saddened him about his child, but he only told to save you at any cost. That's why I said that you are lucky."

She blankly looked at him in a daze as she was still processing everything.

Jianyu wanted to save meWhyDoesn't he hate me?

A million thoughts barraged her mind, and she couldn't believe that Jianyu chose her.

The doctor's voice then snapped her out of her daze. "There is something else that you should know as well." As he said this, his expression was grim and severe.

Serena asked, "What is it?"


When Shin came out of the operation theater, everybody rushed towards him.

But it was Jinhai who asked first. "Nana. How is she? She is fine, right?"

Shin said, "She is out of danger now. The operation was successful. Nana will wake up in a few hours."

Everybody was relieved. Liang Xiao Dan broke into tears to know that her daughter was safe.

Jinhai headed towards her ward, but Shin stopped him. "Where are you going? She needs rest."

"I want to stay beside her. I will not disturb her rest." Jinhai simply stated, and there was no room for any discussion.

Shin stared at him for a few moments and sighed. "Okay."

Jinhai slowly stepped into her ward and softly closed the door behind him. Nana's sight made him shudder. The back of her palm was inserted with needles that connected to the saline and medicine bottles hung at the top.

He sat down beside her, and as he looked at those injections and needles pinned in her delicate and pale skin, a storm brew in his dark gaze. He hated to see any such painful intrusions on her.

When his gaze fell upon her face, the storm turned into something more deadly.

Nana's cheeks had turned red and swollen. There was a cut on her lower lip. There were bandages wrapped around her head, and he saw the spot on her right temple, which was padded with more cotton.

That was where Tang Ning banged her head on the wall.

Jinhai silently clenched his fingers in his fist until his nails pierced his skin.

My Nana was hurt, but I couldn't do anythingI couldn't save her in time.

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

"NanaI have caught them." He whispered. "They will suffer a thousand times worse than what you did. I promise."


Nana slowly regained her consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered, and she looked around to see an unfamiliar place. The smell of medicine hit her nostrils.

A dull pain shot in her temple as she tried to turn her head.

"Ah" she softly gasped, and her brows furrowed.

Jinhai, who didn't leave her side the whole time, instantly detected her movements.

"Nana! You are awake!"

Nana watched him in a daze and his blurry image before her eyes got clear.


"Yes. I am Jinhai. Nana, I was waiting for you to wake up."

Jinhai's heart bloomed in joy. He couldn't express how relieved he felt when he saw her move. He wanted to touch and hug so badly, but he couldn't.


Nana tried to recollect what happened, and then it slowly came to her. Everything. She trembled.

"J-Jian! Nian! Where are they?"

She was frantically looking around, and every time she moved, a sharp pain shot in her head, and her eyes rimmed with tears, but she didn't care.

Jinhai immediately got up and grabbed her shoulders. "Nana, stop. You are hurting yourself. Listen to me. Jian and Nian are fine. They are alright. They are with our Moms."

Nana calmed down. "S-Serena? What about her! She was hurt! She was hit on-"

"She is also fine. She gave birth to a baby boy."

Nana was stunned.

I seeThank God.

She was happy to hear about her baby and more so to learn that both were safe.

Jinhai gently cupped her cheek, but she suddenly shook it off.

"Don't touch me, Liu Jinhai!"

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