Because I simply love you

Chapter 375: Who is your girlfriend?

Chapter 375: Who is your girlfriend?

"Who said that I don't have a girlfriend?"

Nana and Jinhai just reached downstairs, holding their sons in their arms when they heard Shin talking to Liang Zou and Liang Xiao Dan.

"Big brother, you have a girlfriend!?" Nana exclaimed in joy.

Startled, he looked back. "Nana"

Liang Xiao Dan stared at him in shock. "Say what!? Do you have a girlfriend? When did this happen? How did you two meet? Who is she? What does she do? How long have you been dating?"

She barraged him with a non-stop string of questions.

Nana excitedly hopped to his side and sat beside him. Jinhai said nothing. He simply sat beside his wife, holding Jian in his arms.

"Big brother, you have a girlfriend, and you didn't even tell me!" she pouted. "Don't siblings share everything with each other? Why didn't you?"

Jinhai felt terrible to see his wife looking sad.

He knitted his brows and frowned at Shin. "Brother-in-law, you shouldn't have kept it hidden from Nana. She is your sister. How can you make her sad?"

Shin's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Liu Jinhai, why are you still here?"

"Jian refused to leave me. Don't avoid my question, brother-in-law."

Shin saw how Jian was tightly holding onto Jinhai's shirt in his little fist.


Liang Zou glared at him. "You idiot, son! I have been chasing after you for so long to get a girlfriend and introduce her to us, but why haven't you until now!? Now tell us everything!"

Shin gulped. He could only think of giving that excuse to them. But now whose name would he say as his girlfriend?

Huian's image flashed in his mind, and he stiffened. In front of Mu Shuchun, he was already pretending to be Huian's boyfriend, so it didn't make any sense to tell some other girl's name.

But the problem was the complications in relationships.

Huian was Jinhai's ex-wife, and Jinhai was sitting right in front of him. He didn't know how his parents would react to this news.

Liang Xiao Dan was impatient. "Tell us, Shin! Don't make us wait. Who is she? Who is your girlfriend?" Her gaze was lit with excitement and anticipation.

Shin was about to say it, but he thought it wouldn't be wise to blurt it out without Huian's permission.

What if Mom or Dad immediately contacted Mr. or Mrs. Xiang? They would be dumbfounded. And HuianI don't want to drag her in my problems unnecessarily. If this thing went to her parents, then everything would become more complicated. I will have to talk to Huian first.

Shin cleared his throat.

"I cannot say it right now."

"Why?" Liang Zou asked.

"Wellshe told me not to reveal about her to anyone without talking to her first, especially you two. Introducing to parents is a big step, so first, I will have to tell her that you want to know about her."

"But we are nice parents!" Liang Xiao Dan whined. "We wouldn't scare her."

Liang Zou snorted. "Of course. She doesn't need to be nervous because we are always going to side with her, not you."

He shrugged as if it was so obvious.


Shin was speechless.

Nana said, "Mm. I agree with brother's girlfriend, though. Meeting the boy's parents makes any girl a nervous wreck. I understand her predicament. I think big brother should talk to her first. We don't want her to be uncomfortable in our first meeting."

She understood it because, in the beginning, she was really nervous around Chen Liling when she insisted on her to date Jianyu. Meeting a new family is a daunting task for any girl.

Luckily for her, both elder Chen and Liu couples were supportive and understanding who loved her very much.

Shin looked at his sister with appreciation.

Thank you so much, Nana. You saved me, at least for some time. My sister understands me the best, he sobbed.

The elder Liang couple seemed to agree.

Shin quickly said, "Let me just talk to her, okay?"

They grudgingly complied. "Fine. But don't take it forever. Talk to her soon and convince her to meet us as quickly as possible. You are already such a slow poke."


How could you be so cruel to your own son!

"abbbaaaaa" Nian mumbled in Nana's arms, bringing everybody's attention towards him.

Liang Xiao Dan brightened. "Aww, my grandson wants me to hold him."

Shin interrupted. "No, he wants his uncle to hold him," and he quickly took Nian from her arms and held him.

"Hey!" Both grandparents complained.

"Baaaaaaaaa!!!" Nian giggled and touched Shin's chin.

Shin chuckled and kissed his cheek. "See? Me nephews love me the most."

Jinhai said, "I want to discuss something with everyone."

Everybody turned to look at him. The father and son's expression soured. "What do you want to say? And why are you still here?"

"boooooooo" Jian whined as if he disagreed with them. He clung onto Jinhai even tighter than before and buried his face in his chest as if he didn't want to let go of him.

Jinhai appreciated his son's gesture, and he smirked at them.

Nana coughed.

Sometimes, she felt that her sons were more attached to Jinhai than her, and both of them.



Liang Zou flared up. "Hmph! What do you want to say? Just spit it out!"

Jinhai said, "Dad has planned a banquet for Jian and Nian. He wants to introduce them to everyone. Grandma and Mom have also agreed, so they told me to talk to you about it."

Nana was surprised. But she knew it was quite common in the upper society to organize a banquet whenever their heir or heiress was born.

Liang Zou said, "Hm. Actually, Xiao Dan and I-"

She glared at him, and he gulped. "I mean only Xiao Dan. I had nothing to do with it. Xiao Dan also suggested planning a welcome banquet for the twins."

Jinhai nodded.

Liang Xiao Dan harrumphed. "Don't worry. I will talk to Mrs. Liu, and together, we will take care of all the decoration and banquet arrangements."

Jinhai agreed. "Okay. We will hold the banquet next week."

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