Because I simply love you

Chapter 359: A sweet revenge

Chapter 359: A sweet revenge

Jianyu looked at Serena, stunned. His gaze flickered with a strange light.

Serena was also taken aback. She had expected Chen Guiren to be here. Instead, it was Jianyu.

She slightly knitted her brows. For a moment, she panicked and felt scared. She thought Jianyu would flip out. But she quickly remembered that she wasn't that Serena anymore who avoided meeting him.

She didn't know what was going on, but she smiled and calmly walked in.

There were two unknown people one man and one woman.

Probably, they are clients, she thought.

Jianyu didn't want to create a scene, so he held his urge to question her.

Serena politely bowed. She knew Jianyu would be wondering about her presence. She said, "Hello, Mr. Chen. Apologies that I arrived a little late. I had informed Mr. Chen Guiren of the same. I hope you don't mind."

In this way, she revealed that Chen Guiren had called for her presence.

Jianyu slightly raised his brow.

Dad? Why did he


She bowed to the clients too. "Nice to meet you. My name is Serena."

The man smiled back. "Hello. I am Hu Zhu, and she is my business partner, Li Na." Li Na just hummed in response, which Serena felt as if she didn't even want to bother with her. She also sensed a hint of displeasure when she overall looked at her.

Li Na returned her gaze and smiled at Jianyu, which once again, Serena felt a bit brighter than how a usual client's smile should be.

AhI seeNo wonder.

"It is a great pleasure for us to get a chance to work with Chen Corps." Li Na said.


Jianyu slid a file towards Serena, and she snapped out.

"Sit. Read the file and tell me what you think."

Li Na flicked a lock of hair behind her ear. "I know how dedicated you are in your work. None of your clients have regretted working with you, so I insisted Hu Zhu sign the deal with Chen Corps."

She tried her best to flatter him.

"I hope we have a great co-operation ahead."

But Jianyu wasn't listening at all. Instead, he was focused on how Hu Zhu was subtly staring at Serena. He alternated his gaze between them. Serena was busy studying the file, and Hu Zhu was frequently glancing at her.

Feeling irked and annoyed for no reason, Jianyu started tapping his finger on the desk.

It caught Serena's attention. She had lived with him enough to understand that he only did that when he was pissed off at something.

What happened?

"How long do you need to read a simple file?" Jianyu snapped.

Alright, he is angry for sure. But at what? Is it because I suddenly came here? But I already clarified that Mr. Chen called me here.

Li Na looked at her in a little disdain. "Are you sure you can help us? You should be at home. Why are you still working? Doesn't your husband provide for you?"

Serena coughed. Jianyu froze. She peeked at Jianyu, and sure enough, he had an ugly expression on his face.

Hu Zhu said, "Li Na. This is not any way to talk to someone."

Jianyu felt even more irritated, seeing Hu Zhu stand up for her.

Serena smiled. "It's alright. But I want to ask. Can pregnant women not work?"

But Li Na misunderstood her meaning as something else. She looked pitifully at her, at the same time holding mockery in them. "I see. Your pregnancy seems to be out of wedlock. Did your boyfriend abandon you? Is that why you are forced to work and earn yourself?"

Serena coughed harder.

"But it would be tough. After all, it's an illegitimate child. It wouldn't have any status in society. On the contrary, people will mock him every time for being born out of wedlock."

The atmosphere turned even more gloomy.

Now Serena got furious too. Li Na was directly insulting her baby. But they were Chen Corps clients. She didn't want to cause trouble for Jianyu and make him lose face or this deal. She clenched her dress hard and gulped her hatred for Li Na.

That made Li Na even more confident that Serena felt ashamed and embarrassed about her child.

Li Na smiled. "Don't you think so too, Mr. Jianyu?"

Now she switched to his name?

"I mean, couples like her do such irresponsible things and then suffer the consequences." She helplessly sighed.

Jianyu was always elegant and charismatic for everyone. The aura around him was so noble and gentle that Li Na was sure that such a prim and proper person would never condone such shameless acts.

She thought that Jianyu would agree with her and get a good impression of her or score some brownie points. He would continue the conversation, and they would grow closer, but his gaze seemed cold and frigid. It was as if dark clouds were looming over his head.

Li Na shuddered and suddenly felt a lot chilly.

Jianyu glanced at Serena and clearly saw her throwing daggers at Li Na.

A meaningful light flashed past his eyes.

Jianyu didn't respond to Li Na. Instead, he said to Serena, "Are you done or not?"

Serena wasn't in the mood anymore, but she had to do this.

The next hour they spent in the meeting. Serena expressed her viewpoints. She gave a variety of options on interior decor to suit their tastes. Hu Zhu was impressed, and he smiled in delight. Li Na never expected that Serena would be so knowledgeable.

In fact, she surpassed her expectations.

Suddenly her comment about Serena being useless made her feel embarrassed inwardly. But thankfully for her, Jianyu said nothing about it.

Hu Zhu said, "That was impressive."

Jianyu said, "Hm. Right, Miss Li?"

Li Na jolted. "Y-yes, of course."

She was displeased that Serena proved her wrong.

Jianyu then stared at Serena. "Everyone would be tired of the long meeting. Why don't you bring us some coffee?"

Serena blinked her eyes.


Hu Zhu frowned. "She shouldn't move much in this condition"

Jianyu shot a deathly glare at him.

Serena slowly nodded. "It's alright."

They told her how they liked their coffee.

She went into the pantry and took out four cups. When she filled it with coffee, she stared at Li Na's cup.

Who said that I could not have my revenge?

Five minutes later, she returned and served the cups. But she looked a bit unwell.

As soon as Li Na took a sip, she coughed hard, and she frowned in disgust. "T-this is too sweet! Just how much sugar have you put in?"

Unaware to her, Jianyu faintly smiled.

Serena looked shocked. "OhI-I was feeling a bit dizzy in the pantry, so perhaps I accidentallyI apologize."

"You" she couldn't even get angry on a pregnant woman who was feeling sick or else she would look too mean.

Her smile faltered. "N-no problem."

"I should make another one."

"No, no. It's alright." Li Na looked at Jianyu. She smiled. "So, Mr. Jianyu. I think we should finalize the deal."

"When did I agree?" Jianyu said.


Hu Zhu frowned.

Li Na was confused. "We just had the meeting"

Jianyu smiled without a trace of warmth on his face.

Once again, Li Na felt chilly. She felt a bad sense of foreboding.

"I don't think you would be interested in making this deal with the father of that 'illegitimate child' that you were speaking of."

Li Na's eyes popped out of her sockets.


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