Because I Cannot Hurt You

Chapter 484 A double edged sword

Chapter 484 A double edged sword

Keung widened his eyes. "Huh?"

Han Huizhong patted his shoulder so hard as if he was beating it. But it was really just prideful patting.

"You did something that no other hotels in this industry have dared to do before. You kept my name. The Han Corps must always be the one to break the norm! Now look at the other hotels who would follow us, haha!"

Han Mingli was stupefied. "Uncle, you cannot possibly-"

He shot him a killing glare. "Did I ask your opinion? Why are you even giving one? Don't you and your wife love to just party around all the time? Don't start to suddenly poke your nose in the business!"

Zizi's lips curled to laughter, but she held it in.

Keung gave him an extremely suspicious look.

Han Huizhong narrowed his eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that? I am telling you, only granddaughter-in-law can squint her eyes at me because she has the right. Everybody else is useless."

A series of coughs resounded. Xinyi pitifully patted Zhiyuan's shoulder. "He doesn't mean it."

Zizi was aggrieved. "Heyyy! What do you mean by that? I am not useless at all. Nobody loves me here," she sobbed. "Let me cry in my boyfriend's arms!" She dashed away. "Only he loves me the most!"

He sneered. "She just wanted a reason to run to Yunru's side, didn't she?"

Xia Liqin cleared her throat. "Anyway. Keung," she glanced at him and smiled. "It was a shocking announcement indeed, but I am proud of you too. I am glad that you took this stand first."

Keung didn't respond.

Han Tian agreed. "Yes. Love is love, regardless of orientation. We must support it."

Zhiyuan raised his brow. "What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"... Nothing. Do you really mean it or is it just a way to mock me?" He sneered. "I am not gonna fall for it."

Han Huizhong rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault if you didn't do a single thing right all these years because you listened to your 'Mama.'"

Han Guang's face turned red with fury and embarrassment. "Uncle, what are you talking about? I always taught Keung the right things!"

"Yeah like embezzling money from your own company? Sure," he scoffed. "If you think that I didn't know it was your brain behind that idea then you think too less of me."

"O-Of course, I didn't!" She panicked.

"Come on, useless daughter-in-law. I know that you used a lot of that embezzled money for your shopping that Keung handed it to you, and my useless nephew Mingli gambled using that money too."

They stiffened.

He looked back at Keung. "It was your fault for falling into your useless mother's words. I couldn't give the company responsibility to someone who couldn't even differentiate such a simple fooling tactic. If she could influence you into doing something so stupid, then you would be eaten alive in the business world," he chuckled. "All are animals in the fierce competition to rule the market. If you are so innocent and gullible, you would be gobbled up in no time."

His ears turned crimson in embarrassment. "You…"

"I am sure you wouldn't have taken Mingli's opinion on this decision because I am pretty sure the announcement would have never happened, right useless nephew?" He smiled.

"B-But supporting same sex couples is…" he coughed awkwardly. "Those people are not normal."

"And you are talking as if you are some God of normalcy. I still tolerated you and your wife for so many years, didn't I?" he mocked. "Hey, doesn't that make me abnormal?" He gravely pondered over it.


"Shut up and get lost! You are an eyesore! And an earsore too!"

They had completely lost their face. Han Mingli gritted his teeth. "Keung, if things go out of hand and the Han Corps gets in trouble for this move, then don't come crying to me! I warned you!" They left, huffing and puffing.

There was a beat of silence, and then everybody went back to their own rooms. At last, Zhiyuan came to him and patted his shoulder. "It's not gonna be easy from here on. You are gonna be grilled and roasted like crazy in the media. But you have to take your stand and be firm on it. You have made us proud by doing this. Make us even prouder by seeing this through the end," he smiled.

Left alone in the hall, Keung finally collapsed on the couch, letting out the breath he was holding for a long time. He didn't show it on his face, but he was actually terrified about Han Huizhong. As far as he remembered, he had only berated and scolded him in his childhood.

To him, his reaction was even more fearsome than the media. But to think that he would say that he was proud of him. He looked down at his shaking hands and a tear plopped on it. His fingers curled into the palm.


Liao Yuan saw the announcement create a huge uproar all over China. He raised his brow.

Not bad, Han Keung. I thought you are not taking this seriously, but you do have guts.

The people had mixed reactions. Some openly supported and admired the CEO for taking this stand, while some were cursing Keung. It was a savage war going on between the keyboard warriors. The side who were giving all hate comments on Weibo were quite difficult to deal with. They were almost toxic, passing derogatory remarks about the LGBT community.

Ouch. So cruel.

'I cannot believe this! Gay couples are allowed now? That's disgusting!'

'No way I am gonna book any rooms in the Han hotels from now on! I don't want my son to get influenced by these couples!'

'Hey, do you think Han Keung is gay himself? That's why he made this announcement?'

'OMG, that's totally possible! Maybe he has a secret lover.'

'This is pathetic. With gays and lesbians all around us, how will we feel comfortable?'

'What if they pass their germs to us?'

'God only supports straight love, okay? These couples should rot in hell for going against nature!'

'If I see Han Keung or any of the Han family members, I am so gonna beat them up! I am ready to go to jail too!'

Liao Yuan narrowed his eyes. It was a double edged sword that Keung chose to unleash.

He smiled.

But the effects will be borne by everybody in the family. Interesting.

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