Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 825: Eighteen Heavens 【Subscription】

  Chapter 825 Eighteen Heavens 【Subscription】

   "This **** is still inseparable from the Heavenly Spirit Secret Realm. Since you want to serve the god, then take the token of the **** and go to other caves to visit some old friends of the god."

  Chen Wen took the token and asked, "Which cave-level secret realm are you going to? How do you visit?"

   "You only need to visit the nine cave-level secret realms in your country of Hua.

   After entering the secret realm, you need to go to the secret realm center alone and take out the token.

  Afterwards, a demon **** will appear, and you can just say hello to him on my behalf.

  If there is no response for a long time, you just leave. "

   Speaking of this, Mu Shen looked at Chen Wen and reminded: "After a hundred years, I don't know what they look like now.

   It wouldn't be a surprise if they shot at you.

   Therefore, you'd better consider whether you are willing to be the messenger of this god. "

  Chen Wen pondered for a while, nodded and said: "I am willing to serve the gods!"

  This matter is dangerous for others, but it is okay for him, after all, he can clone the magic thought of Er Zhuzi.

   Wood God nodded slightly, and said: "In this case, then you go, if you can complete this task, I will reward you generously."

  After the words fell, he seemed to be erased by an eraser, and disappeared directly between the sky and the earth.

   "Respect God, how should I address those demon gods? Respect God, can I just say hello?"

   Seeing this, Chen Wen hurriedly asked loudly into the air, but Mu Shen did not respond.

   In desperation, he could only put away the wooden sign, greeted Dusk who was soaring in the sky, and prepared to leave here.

  Finally promoted to Epic, Dusk didn't want to return to the Beast Familiar Space for the time being, so she took the initiative to apply to be Chen Wen's mount.

   Riding in the dusk, Chen Wen first came to the Miracle Animal Park in the secret realm of Tianling.

  Although he accepted Mu Shen's request, he didn't set off immediately.

   After dealing with official duties and reforming some beasts, Chen Wencai left Tianling Secret Realm without any haste.

  Out of the secret realm of Tianling, Chen Wen directly used the space leap to go to Kyoto, and reported to Gao Song that he had talked with Mushen.

  Although Wood God promised benefits, Chen Wen didn't mean to hide the country.

  After the report, Chen Wendao: "Gao Bo, why do you think Wood God told me this, and what purpose does he have?"

   Gao Song shook his head and said: "The information we know now is still too little, and it is difficult to figure out the real intention of Mu Shen."

"All right!"

  Chen Wen shrugged his shoulders, and then asked: "Then how much truth and falsehood do you think what he said?"

  Gao Song pondered for a while, and said: "It should be eight or nine points true.

  In this year, we have fought many battles with the mountain and sea world, and we have learned a lot of new information.

   Judging from the information we have learned, the battle of cutting down the sky and the source of the cave are generally consistent with what the wood **** said..."

  Paused, Gao Song said again: "However, whether the Dongtian-level secret realm was opened only by the power of thousands of monsters is still a question mark.

  Dongtian level secret realm is not simple, the rules in it are more perfect than diamond level secret realm, close to the real world.

  If it can be opened only by relying on the power of ten thousand demons, I believe that the high-level officials of the Heavenly Demon King's Court and the Ten Thousand Demons League will not mind opening up a few more cave-level secret realms, and walk this so-called strongest way of creation by themselves. "


   Chen Wen nodded.

   Mushen must have hidden some key information, this is inevitable.

   But Mu Shen didn't want to say more, and he couldn't help it.

  They can guard against the wood god, but they will never easily push the wood **** who expresses goodwill to the opposite.

   After taking a sip of the bitter tea in Takamatsu's office, Chen Wen shook his head, put down the cup and asked, "Uncle Gao, what should I do next?"

  Gao Song said: "Judging from the conversation between Wood God and you, although he has just recovered, he knows the earth very well.

  With his strength, it is not difficult to operate if he wants to contact other demon gods without telling us.

  Since this is the case, do what Mu Shen tells you to do.

  You just need to record everything you see and hear, and then report back at any time. "


  Chen Wen nodded directly, and then asked: "Uncle Gao, I want to ask some questions about cultivation."


   Gao Song nodded, reached out for a document, and began to process it.

  For him, splitting his mind is like an instinct.

  Chen Wen considered for a while, and said: "Above the Nine Heavens is the Great Sage!

  I want to know why there is only a gap of one level, but the combat power of the Great Saint level and the legendary level is so different?

  Is this important thing so critical?

   Or after the Nine Heavens, is there such a big gap between each Heaven? "

   "Are you afraid of the Demon Emperor and Dragon Emperor?"

  Gao Song looked up at Chen Wen, and then said: "After the ninth heaven, the gap between each heaven is indeed very huge, almost insurmountable.

  However, this gap is not as big as the gap between the Nine Heavens and the Ten Heavens.

  Of course, what I said is not necessarily accurate.

   After all, I haven't met a mythical powerhouse above the thirteenth heaven. "

  Chen Wen recalled what the wood **** said, and nodded.

  According to what the wood **** said, the tenth heaven is holy, the thirteenth heaven is god, and the tenth heaven to the twelveth heaven should be in the same realm.

  Both are great saints, it is normal to have high and low points, but under normal circumstances, the strong should not be able to instantly kill the weak.

  This made Chen Wen even more puzzled, and he asked again: "What is the reason, causing such a big gap between the Nine Heavens and the Ten Heavens?"

   Gao Song did not answer directly, but said: "The avenue of the earth is incomplete!"


  Chen Wen opened his mouth wide and looked at Gao Song in surprise.

  Gao Song said slowly: "On Earth, people can only perceive the laws of the Nine Heavens, and even the most perfect beast-monitoring runes only involve the laws of the Nine Heavens..."


   Chen Wen opened his mouth wide again.

  He clearly remembered his innate talent rune stone, the twelfth grade of good fortune green lotus, the first grade corresponds to the law of good fortune of the first heaven, and the twelfth grade clearly corresponds to the law of good fortune of the twelve heavens.

   Is he too talented?

   Or is the upper limit of the earth now higher?

   One said yes, the Twelve-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian was created by Chen Wen from another world?

  Chen Wen's mind kept flickering.

   Gao Song didn't pay attention, and continued to explain: "At that time, it was generally believed that Jiuzhongtian was the limit of the law.

  But Nicholas Flamel put forward a different opinion. Not only did he think that the Nine Heavens is not the limit, but he even suggested that the Nine Heavens is only one side of the law.

  He put forward the hypothesis of eighteen heavens! "

   "Eighteen Heavens..."

  Chen Wen couldn't help but applaud the head of the Beast Masters Association for his brilliant judgment.

   You know, the strongest demon emperor and dragon emperor in the mountain and sea world seem to have only comprehended the law to the fifteenth heaven.

   At that time, Nicholas not only didn't know the strength of the Demon Emperor and Dragon Emperor, but he and the beast should have only comprehended the law to the realm of the Nine Heavens.

   In this way, he also put forward the guess of the Eighteen Heavens, which shows that he has a keen sense of the law.

   "He proposed that Nine Heavens is only one side of the law, and the complete law should have another side.

  Amidst the doubts, his pet beast, the phoenix, understood the law of the fire element of the tenth heaven, and crushed and defeated legendary beast masters in battle.

   For this reason, everyone thought at the time that his beast had already advanced to mythology. "

  After talking about the past, Gao Song returned to the previous topic: "According to Nicholas' theory, laws should have both positive and negative sides.

   There are nine heavens on the front and nine heavens on the back, for a total of eighteen heavens.

  The realm of the ten heavens is to comprehend the law of the nine heavens on the front and the first heaven on the reverse..."

  Chen Wen interrupted: "Couldn't it be right against the Fifth Heaven and against the Fifth Heaven?"

   Gao Song shook his head, and said: "The law of the reverse Nine Heavens is imperceptible!

   Only by comprehending the positive law to the realm of the Nine Heavens, can it be difficult to perceive and comprehend by virtue of the special relationship between the positive and negative laws. "

  Returning to Chen Wen's question, he continued: "After comprehending the law of the first heaven on the opposite side, it will not only complement the first heaven on the front, but also reveal a huge flaw in the law of the nine heavens on the front.

  Although everyone is different in height, short, fat and thin, as long as they are human beings with normal development, they all have fatal vital organs such as heart and head.

  The laws of the positive Nine Heavens are like the human body. Although the laws of each department are different, they all have similar flaws.

  Tenth Heaven was already stronger than Nine Heavens, and after seeing the flaws of Nine Heavens, the gap between the two sides naturally became as huge as a chasm. "

  After listening to Gao Song's detailed explanation, he probably understood a little bit.

   After thinking for a while, he said: "We treat the battles of the strong as ordinary people fight.

  The law from the first level to the ninth level can be regarded as children fighting.

  At this stage, everyone is kind and upright, and fights are all naive.

   Only fist to fist, whoever has the bigger fist is more powerful.

  Every time you comprehend the first level, your body will become stronger, your fist will be bigger, and naturally it will be more powerful.

  But after arriving at the Nine Heavens of Law, things are different.

   This person will not only have bigger fists, but also a dirty heart, knowing how to hit the vitals.

  After that, he didn't comprehend the first level of heaven, but he knew one more vital point of the human body.

  The tenth heaven fights the ninth heaven, that is, the big man fights the small man, and he also hits the opponent's vital points.

  Under such circumstances, the little man was naturally knocked down in two or three strokes.

  Gao Bo, do you think my understanding is correct? "


  Gao Song heard Chen Wen's analogy, nodded after being silent for a while, and said a little uncertainly, "That's almost what it means..."

  After speaking, he shook his head and said: "If it is compared to fighting, after the ninth heaven, every time you comprehend the first heaven, you will not only know one more vital point of the human body, but also eliminate one of your own vital points."

   "That's it, I understand!"

  Chen Wen smiled, and said with a sigh of relief: "From this point of view, the Fifteen Heavens shouldn't be too scary..."

   "Not too scary?"

  Gao Song snorted coldly, looked at Chen Wendao seriously: "Just use the metaphor you just said...

  After the Nine Heavens, every time you comprehend a level, you can know a vital point in the human body and eliminate a key point in yourself.

   Fifteen heavens, you can know the six vital points and eliminate the six vital points.

  The order of eliminating vital points is generally from obvious to hidden.

  If it is to eliminate the vital organs of the human body, it is to eliminate the brain, heart, neck, etc.

   After eliminating the six most obvious vital points, who can defeat such a superman? "

  Chen Wen was silent for a while, and said, "Aren't there still three vital points?"

"there is!"

   Gao Song nodded, and then said: "But the premise is that you know the key point, if you don't know, this key point does not exist.

   What’s more, don’t forget, comprehending the Six Heavens means strengthening six times…”

   As he spoke, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, we can't even imagine how powerful the fifteenth heaven realm is now!"

   After saying this, Gao Song waved to Chen Wen.

   Seeing this, Chen Wen got up and left tactfully.


  After leaving Takamatsu's office, it turned into a golden light and flew into the blue sky.

   Immediately afterwards, he opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

  Following the slow rotation of the mysterious pattern in his pupils, a substantive aura and spiritual power visible to the naked eye suddenly emerged from his body.

  I saw Chen Wen's body tremble, and the mixture of aura and spiritual power like a golden flame fell off from him, and then turned into a man exactly like him.

   Now there is no need to confuse the public, so his avatar is now wearing long golden hair, like a proud and noble king.

   "He's more handsome than me!"

  Glaring at the avatar dissatisfied, Chen Wen handed the wooden god's token and the document signed by Gao Song to the avatar, and said: "The task of visiting the demon **** in the cave-level secret realm is entrusted to you."


  The blond clone nodded, put away the token and documents, and turned into a golden light and flew towards the nearest cave-level secret realm.

   Sending away the blond avatar, Chen Wen thought about it, and directly summoned the avatar of the real dragon, and flew to Shudu on the dragon.

  The reason why the space leap came to Kyoto before was just to be able to report to Takamatsu as quickly as possible. After all, it was related to Mu Shen, a mythical powerhouse.

   But now it is just to return home with Er Zhuzi in good clothes, so there is no need to use space jump specially.

   After all, space transition consumes a lot, but the earth’s spiritual energy is not abundant, so he must refine spiritual materials to quickly recover the spiritual energy.

  The cost of a large-scale space transition is really not low.

  With the real dragon avatar on his back, Chen Wen's mind was empty and he was thinking about the problem.

  He thinks a lot.

  The first thing he considers is whether he can share the opposite law.

  Gao Song said that only by realizing the positive law to the ninth heaven can one perceive the negative law.

  He doesn't perceive it, can he open and share directly?

  If he could, he would be able to make up for the flaws in the laws, know the loopholes in the laws, and quickly step into the Great Saint level.

   Immediately afterwards, he was thinking about his beast-controlling rune, the twelfth-grade good fortune Qinglian.

  According to the performance of the chaotic green lotus, Chen Wen deduced that the twelfth-grade good fortune blue lotus contains the law of good fortune of the twelve heavens.

  According to what Takamatsu said, there are eighteen rules of law, nine positives and nine negatives.

  If Gao Song is right, then the law of the twelve heavens contained in the chaotic Qinglian should be nine positives and three negatives.

  If this is the case, three of the petals should be clearly different from the other nine petals, right?

  But the reality is that the twelve petals are almost the same size, and they are all harmoniously distributed around the lotus platform, surrounding the central beast-guarding space.

   "Theoretically, the laws contained in the twelve petals should be of the same type?"

   "But if the laws contained in the twelve flowers are the same, then it is the positive law of the twelve heavens!"

   "Could it be that Nicholas is wrong? Takamatsu is wrong? Everyone is wrong?"

  (end of this chapter)

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