Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 769: Confession【Seek Subscription】

  Chapter 769 Confession 【Subscribe】

  In the conference room, a needle can be heard.

  Ever since Liu Jianguo put down his harsh words, Will Shakespeare and Liu Jianguo confronted each other, and terrifying spiritual power pervaded the entire conference room.

   Being in the middle, Chen Wen only felt that he was in the deep sea, and there was a terrifying pressure all over his body.

  Chen Wen looked at Liu Jianguo with surprise in his eyes.

  He didn't expect that the principal not only came to support him, but also stood up for him.

   For this reason, he even dropped the words of Hua Guo withdrawing from the Dawning Army.

  Of course, what he said was a report, leaving room for reversal.

   Even so, Will Shakespeare had to consider the weight of Liu Jianguo's words.

  Liu Jianguo is not a master beast master now, but a legendary beast master, who is an important existence in any country.

  After a while, Will Shakespeare looked at Liu Jianguo and said, "Principal Liu, there is no need to do this.

  The formation of the Earth Alliance is because all countries have let go of their prejudices, and everyone is now fighting for a common goal.

  At this moment, for a small reason..."

   "It's no small reason!"

   Liu Jianguo directly stated his position, "Chen Wen is the treasure of our country!

  If he encounters unexpected danger during his mission, we have no problem, but at this moment his danger does not come from the front!

  If the Aurora Army can't defend against the back arrows behind the players, then there is no need for the Aurora Army to exist. "

  Will Shakespeare said solemnly: "Is this the opinion of your country?"

  Liu Jianguo replied word by word: "This is the opinion of a Chinese!"

  Listening to Liu Jianguo's sonorous and forceful answer, Will Shakespeare had no doubt that if Liu Jianguo was not given an explanation today, the opinion of one Chinese person would become the opinion of many Chinese people, and then the opinion of Huaguo.

   After pondering for a moment, Will Shakespeare said: "Give me some time, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

   Having received Will Shakespeare's promise, Liu Jianguo nodded and said, "Okay, we'll wait!"

   After saying that, he said goodbye directly and took Chen Wen away.

  In the meeting room, Will Shakespeare closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then took out a crystal ball.

  As he infiltrated his spiritual power into it, Nicholas Flamel, the president of the Beast Masters Association, soon appeared on the screen.

"What happened?"

  Hearing Nicholas' inquiry, Will quickly explained what happened just now, and then said: "Liu Jianguo needs an explanation."

   Nicholas Flamel, who was sitting in a certain secret place, rubbed his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said, "Then explain to him."


   "No but!"

  Nicolas Flamel interrupted his old friend, saying: "Will, now is not the time to be a good old man. If you condone this kind of behavior, the Dawn Squad will be disbanded today!"

   Paused, Nicholas Flamel continued: "Give that kid some compensation, he is not only a treasure of China, but also a treasure of our mankind."

   "President, I understand!"

  Will Shakespeare nodded emphatically.


   Soon, Will Shakespeare called the Dawn Squad.

   First, he apologized to everyone for the intelligence error, and then tripled the task rewards.

   He was full of praise for Chen Wen who turned the tide, and then rewarded him with 300 million points.

  In addition, Chen Wen also found that the staff in the mission hall of the Shuguang Army had a completely new look, and they all had brand new faces.

  Everyone in the dawn team was overjoyed, and although Chen Wen also had a smile on his face, he couldn't smile in his heart.

  There is really something tricky behind this mission.

   There are really bad people among the masses!

  Using 200 million points to exchange for the two profound skills of time acceleration and time deceleration, Chen Wen went back to his room to retreat.

   This time, he decided not to comprehend the law of the five elements to the level of the seventh heaven, and never leave the headquarters of the Beast Masters Association.


  Somewhere in the United States.

  In the study room of a villa, a figure shrouded in a black robe suddenly appeared from the shadows in the corner.

  In front of the bookshelf, there was a blond old man who combed his hair meticulously.

  While turning the pages of the book unhurriedly, he asked, "Failed?"


  The black-robed man immediately knelt on the ground on one knee, lowered his head and said, "My lord, it's not that my subordinates are making excuses, it's because Chen Wen is too unexpected.

  According to the intelligence, he likes to perform tasks alone, but this time he led all the people in the team.

  A month ago, his strength was at the peak of the epic level. Who would have thought that he would be able to persist under Adal's hands for so long today?

   Moreover, Liu Jianguo came from across continents, and he has also been promoted to Legend..."

  The man in the black robe was very aggrieved.

  His plan to kill people with a knife this time has been considered thoroughly enough.

  If it weren't for the unexpected events that came together, Chen Wen would have already been on the death list at this moment.

  The blond old man stopped flipping through the book and said, "Then what do you mean?"

  The man in the black robe hurriedly said: "I hope that the lord will give this subordinate another chance, this time the subordinate will definitely not miss!"

   "Give me another chance?"

  The blond old man repeated lightly, and then asked: "How many times is this?"

  The black-robed man trembled when he heard the words, and said, " to my lord, this is the...second time."

  The first time, he invited Cain to assassinate Chen Wen, who was still an expert beast master at that time.

  Master level kills expert level, almost foolproof.

  The second time, he borrowed a knife to kill someone, hoping to let Chen Wen die at the hands of the druids and the demon country powerhouses.

  Legendary level kills master level, and there is no possibility of failure.

   However, both plans fell through.

   Thinking of the rules of the organization, he begged quickly: "My lord!"

  However, the old man was expressionless, and turned a page of the book in his hand unhurriedly.

  When the man in black saw this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

  However, before he could violently injure others, he felt a sharp and slender needle piercing his spinal cord.

   "You are not good~"

  Listening to the seductive voice coming from his ear, the man in black felt his whole body turned into liquid, unable to lift any strength.

  The next moment, his whole body really turned into a puddle of black liquid, and was sucked into a long and thin clarinet needle.

   Sucked the remaining black liquid on the black needle tube, the woman with red hair and big waves looked at the old man and said, "My lord, do you need me to do it myself?"

  The blond-haired old man looked up at her, then continued to look down at the book: "You need to take action, but now is not the time, Nicholas will not let Chen Wen have an accident at this time."

   Such a thing happened on the front foot, and Chen Wen had an accident on the back foot. This is too disrespectful to the strongest beast master on earth.

  The woman nodded, stepped back gracefully, and disappeared into the shadows.

  (end of this chapter)

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