Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 720: Wholesale esoteric technology 【Subscription】

  Chapter 720 Wholesale Profound Technique 【Subscription】

   The roof of the Modu Magic Library is an open-air stand.

  Tables and chairs are randomly placed on the stand, surrounded by viewing windows, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery of the magic city.

  Chen Wen sat in a corner, flipping through a book.

  On his table, there was a cup of clear tea. There were grains of dark blue tea leaves floating in the light green tea water. The faint aura flowed with the heat, giving off a faint fragrance.

  Books, tea, youth, and rooftops constitute a harmonious scene.

  At this time, Chen Wen was flipping through the introduction to the profound skills in the library of the magic capital.

   The points of the Budo Association cannot be used to buy legendary resources, and there is a limit to the number of top-level resources purchased, so he has to use them to learn profound skills.

  Each esoteric-level skill is an interpretation of the law, and learning esoteric-level skills is also a way of epic-level cultivation.

  In fact, he has quite a few esoteric level skills.

   In terms of the metal system, he has Ruyi Jinguang and Taibai Jinguang.

   In terms of wood system, there are plant controls.

  In terms of water system, there are hundreds of rivers returning to the sea and turning rivers to stir the sea.

   As far as fire is concerned, there is Chiyang.

  In terms of the soil system, there are sons of the earth, earth traveling thousands of miles, and whipping mountains and moving rocks.

   In terms of space, there are giant swallows, space barriers and space transitions.

In addition, he has mastered profound skills with complex attributes such as attuning spiritual plants, nurturing elves, praise of life, summoning wind and rain, and the Five Elements Mountain, as well as kaleidoscopic pupils such as world-killing black flames, Xihe, and Wangshu, which are comparable to profound skills. surgery.

  In terms of the number of esoteric-level skills he has mastered, even legendary-level beasts or demon saints are not as many as he masters.

  However, when subdivided into a certain department, the number of esoteric-level skills he mastered is actually average.

  According to the incomplete statistics of the Beast Masters Association, if a pet beast wants to comprehend a certain law to the Nine Heavens, it must fully master at least five different types of esoteric skills.

  The so-called five types are generally divided into gathering, attacking, defending, changing, and escaping.

  Of course, if you don’t want to learn esoteric-level skills, you can slowly spend a lot of time comprehending methods or refining top-level spiritual materials.

  In the final analysis, the ultimate goal of epic-level cultivation is to comprehend the laws, and learning esoteric-level skills is only one of the ways.

  The collection of esoteric level skill books in the Library of Magic City is naturally inferior to that of the National Library, but the number of esoteric level skill trees is also quite large.

   After carefully reading through the introductions of all the profound skills, Chen Wen selected the profound skills he needed according to the type of skills.

   As for the gold system, he chose Heart of Gold and Zongdi Jinguang.

  Among the metal-type profound skills, the wishful golden light he has mastered is a transformation type, and the Taibai golden light that he is still learning is an attack type

  In addition, although the development of Dusk is not good, there are also golden guardian and metal storm among the racial skills, and the golden guardian is a defensive skill.

   Therefore, what he lacks are the gold-type profound art skills of gathering spirits and escaping, and these two skills just meet his requirements.

  For the wood system, he chose the art of a single tree forming a forest, a tree forming an army, a single tree towering to the sky, and wood escape.

   As for the water system, he chose Diving into the Abyss and Nine Twists of the Yellow River.

  The former is an escape-type skill, while the latter is a defense-type and change-type skill, mainly dividing the attack through the flow of water.

  For the fire element, he chose Xinghuo Liaoyuan, Huoshuyinhua and Jinwuhuahong.

   As for the soil system, he chose immovable as a mountain and native to everything.

  After searching for the five-element-related esoteric-level skills, Chen Wen specially focused on the esoteric-level skills of the wind, life, space, and time systems.

   There are quite a few skills in the wind system, and Chen Wen found all five profound skills.

  However, life-type, space-type, and time-type esoteric-level skills are much rarer, and it is impossible to get all five types together.

  Especially in the space department, there are only two esoteric level skills in the library of the magic city, and they are all mastered by him.

  Chen Wen reckoned that if he wanted to find all five types of space-type esoteric-level skills, he would have to go to the old principal Liu Jianguo.

   There are four life-type profound skills book friends, but they are all one-water healing skills, similar to the praise of life.

  As for the time system, there is only the profound skill of predicting the future.

  Considering that there are not many skills, Chen Wen decided to learn all the profound skills of life and time.

   After reading the introductions of all the profound skills, Chen Wen got up and went downstairs, walking towards the old man who was flipping through the books.

  Gently put down the book, the old man smiled and said, "Have you picked it?"

  Chen Wen nodded, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu."

  The old man is also a master-level beast master, but he is over 90 years old and retired many years ago. Now he is guarding the library to play his spare time.

  Old Fu smiled and said, "I'll get you any skill books you want."

   "Heart of Gold!"


   "The ground is golden!"



  Chen Wen reported one after another.

   At first, Mr. Fu nodded.

   Gradually, old man Fu's eyes showed surprise, and he began to pick his ears.

  At the end, the kind smile on his face had disappeared, his face was full of surprise and puzzlement, and even a little angry.

  After Chen Wen reported the title of the book, Boss Fu said with a straight face: "Chen Wen, do you think this is a wholesale supermarket for esoteric skill books? Don't make fun of the old man."

   Chen Wen heard the words, and quickly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Fu, I really want to learn these profound skills."


  Old Fu snorted heavily, and said, "Don't you understand the principle that you can't chew more than you can chew? Twenty-three profound skills, thank you for daring to think about it."

  When Chen Wen heard this, there was a dumbfounding expression on his face.

   "Old Fu, I am different from other beast masters."

"What's the difference?"

   "I have contracted six pet beasts, four of which are in the middle of the epic, and one is in the rare low-level, all of which can learn profound skills.

  I am also comparable to the middle of the epic, and I can also learn profound skills.

  On average, a pet beast actually needs to learn four esoteric level skills.

   Besides, I didn't learn all together after accepting the inheritance, there must be a sequence. "

  After listening to Chen Wen's explanation, Fu Lao's expression improved a bit, but he still didn't understand.

   "Then why don't you pick a part of the study first, isn't it good to learn step by step? Besides, do you have so many points?"

  Chen Wen shrugged and said: "Aside from other things, I really can't spend all the points. Anyway, I don't want to make an extra trip."


  Old Fu's shriveled face twitched when he heard this.

   Can't run out of flowers?

  He was speechless by Chen Wen's wayward thoughts.

  A moment later, Mr. Fu got up directly and took twenty-three jade slips and handed them to Chen Wen. As usual, he warned: "Profound skill books can only be studied and studied by oneself, and cannot be circulated in private. The state will severely punish those who violate it."


  Chen Wen nodded, and directly waved his hand to collect the twenty-three profundity-level skill books into the Beast Familiar Space.

  (end of this chapter)

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