Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 649: One Hundred Thousand Mountains 【Subscription】

  Chapter 649 One Hundred Thousand Mountains 【Subscription】

   "Gourmet building?"

  Watching other big monsters in half-demon form come in and out, Chen Wen's eyes flashed with joy, and he walked in with a white spirit deer.

  Before entering the building, he had checked it with detection radar.

   There are no captured humans in the food building, so Chen Wen does not have any psychological burden.

   Entering the huge hall, his eyes were instantly attracted by the huge barbecue grill in the center.

  On the barbecue grill, there is a tiger demon as huge as an elephant.

  Under the scorching fire, the meaty aroma and overflowing aura that made the monsters salivate wafted around.

  Bai Linglu introduced: "Gourmet restaurants generally only cook monsters that have not yet developed intelligence, but there are always some big wild monsters who do not obey the rules."

   Chen Wen nodded to express his understanding.

   This tiger demon must have violated the rules of Shuangwang Mountain, so he was killed, and even grilled on a rack to gain prestige.

   Finding a seat to sit down, Chen Wen ordered a grilled tiger meat, and then ordered a boiled pine nut.

  Just after taking a sip, Chen Wen wanted to say no to the chef of the restaurant.

   After all, he eats the dishes made by Abao every day, and now Chen Wen has a good understanding of ingredients and cooking skills.

  Whether it is the meat of the tiger demon or the pine nuts, they are all good ingredients, full of aura and each with its own characteristics.

  But under the cooking of the chef in the gourmet building, most of the aura of these two ingredients has been lost, and the taste is not very good.

   This made it difficult for Chen Wen, who was used to eating delicious food, to swallow it.

   Unfortunately, this dish is extremely expensive.

  Just two dishes almost wiped out all the spiritual stones on his body.

  However, Chen Wen didn't care, he didn't come here to taste the delicacies of the mountains and seas.

  Pretending to enjoy the delicious food carefully, Chen Wen pricked up his ears and stuffed all the words of the big monsters around into his ears.

  These big monsters are different from the big monsters in the monster market. Not only are they stronger, but they are also closer to humans, and they have a lot of desire to share.

   After drinking and eating, many big demons began to chat and discuss.

   Most of the things they discuss are unimportant, but some information that is important to Chen Wen is hidden in it.

  For example, Chen Wen heard a big demon talking:

   "Brother Ying, I heard that the demon saints of the Great Wilderness were recently killed from the passage, and several demon kings died, and the casualties of the big and small demons were even more severe."

   "A demon king has fallen? Didn't it mean that the wild land is weak? Why are their strong men so vicious?"

"It was very weak before... I heard that the demon sage Lei Kui was very angry and was about to send troops to attack the wild land. Now all the holy lands in Lingshan are recruiting demon soldiers. I don't know if the white deer demon king and the Cangsong demon king can stand up to the above. pressure."

   "Conscription is fine, you and I were promoted to the Great Demon 80 years ago, and our potential has been exhausted in recent years. There is no chance to be a Great Demon in this life.

  There are now many demon kings near Cangyun Ridge, and even demon saints can see them.

  Although it is dangerous, there are also many opportunities. Maybe one day we will be taken by the demon king or demon saint. "

   "How can it be so easy? The strong in the wild land are too fierce, and several demon kings have fallen.

  Even if you and I go to the 100,000 mountains, it is better than going to Cangyun Ridge. "

   "The Hundred Thousand Mountains are indeed full of treasures, but there are already ten thousand monsters in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

  Most of the monsters are bloodthirsty and brutal, and almost none of them are as gentle as the twin kings. Wouldn't it be life and death for us to go wandering? "


  Listening to the discussion between the two big monsters, Chen Wen couldn't help but think.

  Looking at the white spirit deer with boiled pine nuts in his eyes, Chen Wen pushed the stone bowl in front of it, and said, "This is your reward."


  Bai Linglu's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

  Chen Wen nodded and said, "I like to eat meat, but I don't like to eat fruit."

   "Thank you Da Yao! Thank you Da Yao!"

  The white spirit deer was overjoyed. He stuck out his tongue and licked the spirit liquid in the stone bowl, then narrowed his eyes as if he had tasted the ultimate delicacy.

   "Country bumpkin!"

   Secretly slandered the white spirit deer in his heart, Chen Wen took a bite of the roasted tiger meat, and then asked casually: "Little deer demon, do you know anything about the Great Wilderness?"


  Bai Linglu was very respectful to Chen Wen who was treating guests, and immediately stopped eating, looked at Chen Wen and asked, "Black python monster, what do you want to know?"

   "You can talk about it casually, and I will listen to it casually."

  Chen Wen didn't even raise his head, and continued to eat with his head buried in his mouth, as if he didn't care much.

  He was really just casually inquiring about it.

  Regardless of whether he can find out information or not, he is going to do another no-cost business later, robbing and interrogating the two big monsters just mentioned.

  Monsters in the mountains and seas fight every day, and the disappearance of one or two big monsters will not attract any attention.

  Bai Linglu did not neglect, thought for a while and said: "Then I will try to talk about it. Many of them are what I heard, and there may be mistakes and omissions."

   Seeing Chen Wen nodding his head, Bai Linglu licked the liquid in the stone bowl and thought for a while before speaking.

   "The Hundred Thousand Mountains is the center of Shenlu.

  The reason why it is called Shiwan Dashan is that the terrain in the center of Shenlu is steep, and there are more than 100,000 mountains among them.

  Because the Shiwan Dashan is full of aura and countless treasures of heaven and earth, countless monsters and monsters are attracted to it, and there are countless monster kings who establish a country and become kings in it.

   It is said that among every ten mountains, there is a demon country. "

  Hearing this, Chen Wen's face remained unchanged, but there was a huge wave in his heart.

   Among every ten mountains, there is a demon country!

   There are more than 100,000 mountains in the center of Shenlu, which means that there have been at least ten thousand demon kingdoms in the center of Shenlu!

  Even if there is only one demon king in a demon country, there are at least more than 10,000 demon kings among the 100,000 mountains, that is, more than 10,000 epic monsters!

   Moreover, this does not count the area outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

   You must know that the Hundred Thousand Mountains are only the core. The core may be a key location, but it generally only occupies a small area.

  There are 10,000 demon kings in the 100,000 mountains in the core area, so how many demon kings does the entire mountain and sea world have?

   More than 40,000, right?

  Conservatively, at least 50,000.

  Chen Wen didn't know how many beast masters above master level there were on Earth.

   What he can know is that there must be a huge gap in strength between the earth and the mountains and seas.

  Here on Earth, he knows a little bit more about Huaguo.

  Someone on the Internet once calculated that there are about three to four hundred master beast masters in Huaguo.

   After all, it is not an official announcement, and the accuracy is not great, but even if it is more, it is only 600 master-level beast masters.

  Hua accounted for one-fifth of the earth's population, so there were no more than 3,000 beast masters above the earth master level at most.

  On average, a master-level beast master owns one to two epic-level monsters.

  Therefore, the earth can barely be regarded as having an epic combat power of 4,500.

   Calculate a little more, and it will be an epic battle strength of 5,000.

  Five thousand versus fifty thousand, a difference of one to ten!

  This is still the result of counting more of the earth and less of the mountains and seas.

  The real gap will only be bigger, not smaller.

   Despite this, Chen Wen did not feel desperate, and even had great hope for the future.

  How many years has the mountain and sea world developed?

   How many years has the earth developed?

  It only took more than a hundred years for the earth to go from nothing to the fact that the epic combat power has reached one-tenth of the mountain and sea world.

  With the speed of human progress on Earth, if you give them some more time, it might be impossible to overtake the mountains and seas.

  (end of this chapter)

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