Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

The matter of breastfeeding had Shu Jintian becoming afraid of the newborn little baby. Even if he didnt eat, he still liked holding onto Shu Jintians nipple. Shu Jintian would shift him away and he would crawl back by himself. It made Shu Jintian feel an indescribable sense of violation all over, and he would always avoid the baby like the plague.

No matter how unwilling Shu Jintian was, the child still needed to be fed. For the childs food, Shu Jintian ate a lot, and thus the babys milk was also even more abundant. In mere three days, the child evolved from a big red bug that couldnt even wriggle to a creature with four limbs. At Shu Jintians slightest inattention, his nipple would be bitten again.

It was already bright outside. In a riverside cave with a family who were staying in bed, there were sleeping ones, dozing ones, and milk-drinking ones. Only a diligent little snake had gotten up early in the morning, and was hunting for food outside.

Even in his sleep, Shu Jintian defensively turned his back against the small baby and slept with his face against Shu Hanyus chest. It was just that Shu Jintian still hadnt fully woken up when he felt a peculiarity in his chest, and he stiffened.

Awake? Shu Hanyu was resting with his eyes closed, but the suddenly stiffening body in his arms made him open his eyes.

Mn! Shu Jintian endured for a long time before he managed to suppress the urge to toss aside the child in his arms, and gloomily responded.

The little baby didnt know its female fathers thoughts and ate very happily. Its mouth occasionally made mnmn noise of suckling milk, which made Shu Jintians scalp tingle from listening.

Whats wrong, Tiantian? Did he hurt you from biting? Shu Hanyu kneaded Shu Jintians tightly knitted brows in distress, shifting him into his embrace.

Shu Jintians face was pressed against Shu Hanyus chest. Hearing his words, his brain directly exploded and he couldnt resist roaring in his heart: What the fuck, hurt from biting, biting what?

Shu Jintian gnashed his teeth and angrily said, Hurt your ass! Laozi isnt in pain!

He said this, then in a fit of anger, bit the pink nub right before his eyes before sucking heavily.

Huu~ Better to enjoy together than alone; daring to mock laozi, then lets come be happy together ba!

Shu Hanyu froze, then laughed lightly, dotingly petting Shu Jintians head and allowing him to fully nestle against him.

Shu Jintian was soothed very successfully and it didnt take long before he calmed down (took out his anger).

At this time, Shu Jintians mouth was still on Shu Hanyus nipple, the tip of his tongue lightly pressed against Shu Hanyus protruding nub. Shu Jintian instantly went into hysteria.

Shu Jintian pretended to calmly part his mouth, putting on an act as he calmly licked his lips. But his satisfied expression looked a little twisted, then he glanced at Shu Hanyu before pretending to casually say, Mn, not bad.

Shu Hanyu looked at Shu Jintians mouth and his gaze suddenly turned dark. He stared closely at Shu Jintians rosy lips; the next second, Shu Hanyu bent over and sealed those lips that were constantly seducing him.

Shu Hanyus eyes carried a smile and an especially discontent hand held Shu Jintians, deepening the kiss even more.

The two people in bed were repeatedly kissing and appeared endlessly entwined, up until a weak coughing sound suddenly rang out, interrupting this boundless springtime development.

When the two were engrossed in kissing, the little baby that was earnestly drinking milk was sandwiched between the two, turning into a two plus one milk-flavoured sandwich cookie.

Shu Hanyu started, pulling apart from Shu Jintian and hastily picking up the baby.

Cough cough cough The small infant was squished into a spread-eagle form against Shu Jintians chest, repeatedly coughing. Its small and meaty body trembled with each cough as it threw up a lot of white fluids.

Shu Hanyu hurriedly wiped the milk on the babys body and face with a cotton cloth specifically to clean the baby, then didnt forget to also wipe Shu Jintians chest as well.

Because of their crude and simple conditions, the babys cotton towel was the T-shirt Shu Jintian had once worn for an unknown length of time. Now, it was only this shirt that could barely clean the babys body.

After the baby got his breath back, he began sobbing loudly. His voice was clear and resounding, and the entire cave was echoing with the babys mournful cries.

Shu Jintian was also startled, looking at Shu Hanyu and asking anxiously, Whats wrong with him? Why did he vomit? Is he okay?!

Shu Hanyu hugged the small child and replied in an unsure tone, Hes okay ba! I dont think I pressed him ah.

Then why did he vomit? Shu Jintian had never experienced something like this, and had become stupefied from fear upon seeing the babys pitiful appearance, and could only wholly hand it over to Shu Hanyu to deal with.

Shu Hanyu clumsily rocked the baby, quietly coaxing him. Shu Jintian watched just as nervously, and his breathing unconsciously calmed down.

The baby was also considered easy to care for, and it wasnt long before he stopped crying, merely letting out an occasional sob.

Shu Jintian sighed in relief, a fist hammering against Shu Hanyus chest as he exclaimed, Youre really good; hes not crying anymore. Now hes probably fine ba? Shu Jintian still was a little worried. The baby just vomited out milk; he isnt sick, right?

Shu Hanyu uncertainly said, Hes probably fine ba. Lets first carefully observe ba.

Mn! Shu Jintian nodded in agreement.

The baby slowly stopped crying, his chubby nose twitching with his eyes shut, as if smelling something pleasant.

Shu Jintian stiffened, a hand lifting the blankets and covering his chest.

Shu Hanyu lifted up Shu Jintians blanket, passing over the baby. Tiantian, he vomited all the milk he ate; looks like hes hungry again. You feed him a bit more milk ba!

You feed him a bit more milk ba! Feed more milk ba! Feed milk ba! Ba Hey, want to say this so self-confidently ah?! Shu Jintian even had the desire to die.

Shu Jintian stiffened. In the end, when the baby was about to cry, he finally stuck out his chest with great righteousness and took the baby.

As Shu Jintian fed the baby milk, Shu Hanyu was concentratedly watching. Shu Jintian felt very uncomfortable from watching, and tried to shift Shu Hanyus focus.

Hanyu, the baby still doesnt have a name ne! You name him ba! And Guoguo, he should have an adult name. As Shu Jintian spoke, he pulled up the blankets to bundle up himself and the baby, separating themselves from Shu Hanyus needle-like gaze.

Shu Hanyu used to live alone and there was no need for a name, nor did he have the concept of giving names. Suddenly hearing Shu Jintian say this, he was first taken aback, then, thinking about how their family would live together for a long time, felt that his words made sense.

Then you name him ba. Guoguos name is also quite good, and Im already used to it, so lets not change it ba! Shu Hanyu nonchalantly said. Names and whatever were fine as long as it could be called.

Uh Thats quite good ba! Shu Jintian replied helplessly.

But is this name Guoguo really good? Guo! Shu Guo, Shu Guo? Mn, it seems quite smooth to pronounce. Then lets call it that ba!

Shu Hanyu indulgently stroked Shu Jintians hair. Mn, its quite good.

After settling Guoguos name, Shu Jintian then looked at the baby in his arms. This not-yellow, not-green hair was like a new leaf that had just sprouted, both tender and soft. He hoped that after the baby grew up, its hair would be greener, and better not get redder and redder.

Shu Jintian pondered for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

L ye, ye Right, the babys name should just be called Shu Ye!

Shu Jintian raised his head and looked at Shu Hanyu as he said, Just call it Shu Ye ba! It matches well with Guoguos name.

Hearing that, Shu Jintian felt wrong all over. Shu Ye? Shu Ye! Fine ba, since they just got a vegetable fruit, then just make a tree leaf! If they had more children, their family would develop into a forest ba!

Shu Hanyu naturally had no opinions. Shu Ye? Mn, its very good. The names Tiantian chooses are very nice to hear.

Uh, was it really nice to hear? Shu Jintian nearly choked on his own saliva.

But since Shu Jintian didnt know which name to choose, since the big snake liked them all, then theyll just do it like this ba!

Baby ah, you heard it too. Its your big snake dad who decided he wanted this name, so you cant blame me ah! You all should put up with it ba!

Of course! Look at who I am~ Shu Jintian casually waved his hand, concealing his lips that couldnt help twitching, then continued, This is nothing. If we have more children in the future, Ill choose a better-sounding one.

Shu Hanyu was full of smiles, but his smile cooled upon hearing Shu Jintians words.

Shu Jintian said in confusion, Whats wrong? Did I say something wrong?

Shu Hanyu stroked Shu Jintians cheek and quietly said, Tiantian still wants to lay eggs?

Shu Jintians face abruptly heated up and he unnaturally coughed, muttering, How can that be? When that time comes, its not like I cant give birth once I have eggs ah.

Fortunately, the pregnancy period was never long, and it would pass after enduring a little. Now that there wasnt that perverted beastman as a timebomb, their little snakes would definitely grow up very healthily.

Shu Hanyu huffed out a breath, looking into Shu Jintians eyes as he said, That wont happen. We wont have children anymore. This is our last one; in the future, you dont have to be pregnant anymore. Its great!

Huh? Shu Jintian was unable to comprehend Shu Hanyus words and doubtfully asked with wide eyes, Why?

Because you birthed a little female ah. Do you not know? Besides our Spiritual Snake race, all beastman can only give birth once, because theyre all viviparous. And this time you birthed a female baby viviparously, so of course you cant get pregnant anymore.

Shu Jintian was taken aback, a little in disbelief.

Then snake eggs ne? We cant even have snake eggs either?

Shu Hanyu nodded in affirmation, saying with a small smile, Its fine. Dont we already have Guoguo? Moreover, were already very fortunate to be able to have a female baby. Other beastman cant even have it even if they wanted to ne!

Shu Jintian fell silent and couldnt tell what he was feeling. Clearly he should be glad, but there was an indescribable sadness in his heart. How great would it be if he could have another nest of small snakes ah. They definitely would be just as cute and filial as the first batch of little snakes.

Tiantian, its fine. Its better like this, and you dont have to always lay eggs. Its more relaxing and we can go have fun all over the place, go wherever we want to without having to worry anymore. Shu Hanyu tenderly hugged Shu Jintian, his cheek gently rubbing against the top of Shu Jintians head.

Mn! Shu Jintian nodded.

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