Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 5

C5 These Ignorant Ancients

Shan knelt down again and asked nervously, “young master, you didn’t scare me, did you?”

Tang Yue blinked and thought, “What does this old man want if I’m scared? “Do I have to die to apologize?

He quickly shook his head. “Don’t be afraid. Bad people deserve to die. Go and help. Get it done as soon as possible and go to sleep.”

“Yes.” He put a bundle of straw on Tang Yue’s body and rushed out of the room with his knife.

The situation was originally on the palanquin man’s side. With Shan joining, things would be even smoother. Tang Yue held the knife that killed the fish in his hand, and a bit of yearning for martial arts appeared in his heart.

It was said that the martial arts in China were extensive and profound, but by the 21st century, it had basically withered away.

Of course, their martial arts were not as powerful as they were in the wuxia dramas. They did not fly over roofs and walls, nor did they use the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, but each and every move was fluid and powerful.

After about an hour, the man in black finally could not hold on any longer. Only four or five people were left struggling to hold on. With a whistle, they left the corpses on the ground and ran away.

“Don’t chase anymore.” A pleasant, neutral voice came from the sedan chair.

Tang Yue was a little surprised. Judging from the voice, the person in the sedan chair was obviously not an adult yet. Then, he was afraid that there was something wrong with the pair of feet he saw.

The group fight was over. Tang Yue stood up and stretched his arms and legs. Then, he walked out to help clean up the mess.

Over a dozen guards had died on the palanquin man’s side. Two were seriously injured and five were lightly injured.

Tang Yue first looked at the two heavily injured guards’ injuries. He shook his head and said, “Five of their ribs were broken, and the bones were inserted into their lungs. There’s no hope.”

If it was in modern times, this injury could still be treated by surgery. But here, Tang Yue said that there was nothing he could do.

Everyone was silent. They must have known this would happen, but no one cried and begged him to save them.

Another seriously injured patient was stabbed in the abdomen. The wound was large and deep. It had already injured his internal organs and could not be saved.

The five light injured patients were not lightly injured. The most serious one was a fracture. In this era where even a cold could kill people, a fracture was already a very serious injury.

He used a knife to cut the leg of the injured man’s pants, exposing his broken calf. He touched it gently. “It’s okay, it’s just a fracture.”

It’s okay? Everyone was speechless.

Tang Yue thought, If it was a comminuted fracture, with the current condition, it would not be easy to deal with it.

“Help me find a few thinner firewood. Don’t be too long, wash it clean, cut it smooth, and clean cloth. Remember to boil it in boiling water.”

Everyone was stunned, unable to react. young master looked like a teenager in front of them. How dare he treat his wounds? Many old doctors did not dare to do it when they saw his broken bones.

“Listen to him.” A calm voice came from the sedan chair and everyone started to work.

Tang Yue glanced at the palanquin again and whispered, “This is really expensive. His men are so injured that they don’t even come out to take a look.”

Tang Yue tied the cut wood to the patient’s bones with cloth and told him not to touch the water or move for a month. He could not get the plaster for the time being, so he had to do this first.

Tang Yue did not need to do anything to the rest of the wounds. He just needed to apply the powder and wrap the cloth around himself.

Tang Yue stared at the messy tied cloth and could not bear to watch it. He started to bandage them one by one. He even tied a bow with a prank. “Alright, you’ll be full of energy in a few days.”

The burly man who had talked to him gave each of the men in black a knife. Then he walked over with a knife with blood in it. “young dandy is a medical disciple? I see that you are very skilled in bandaging. How many years have you been learning?”

Tang Yue stretched out two fingers. He wanted to say that it had been twenty years since he went to college at nineteen years old. It had been twenty years since he died.

“young dandy is really smart to be able to reach such a level after two years of studying.” The burly man did not hold back his praise.

Tang Yue’s face stiffened. He snorted but did not reply. He silently cursed in his heart. These ignorant ancient people!

Tang Yue ran under the roof to receive the rain and wash his hands. The burly man who praised him chased after him and asked, “Who is Master young dandy? You have been learning for two years and you are already so skilled. Master Ling will definitely treat you as a godly doctor!”

Tang Yue did not need to look into his eyes to know what he was up to. It seemed that the man in the sedan was seriously ill. He raised his chin and said proudly, “Self-taught!”

“This… is impossible!” The burly man did not believe it at all. Looking at the young man’s ragged clothes and thin body, with only an old servant following him, he was sure that he did not come from a rich family. How could such a family have the qualifications to let him self-taught?

Which of the people who studied medicine in this world were not raised by aristocratic families, spending a large amount of money and resources to raise them?

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