Be A Global Beast Master By System Bugs

Chapter 33

C33 – The Ranking Competition

“Where’s your sense of decency? Don’t you have any limits?”

The principal shook his head in resignation. This kid was too pragmatic, a classic case of ‘no rabbit, no eagle’—he wouldn’t lift a finger unless the benefits were laid out before him.

“I’m just trying to boost my strength. Without it, how can I protect myself, let alone my family and my aunt?”

Zhou Mu declared unabashedly, with a brazen look on his face.

“The ranking competition starts tomorrow. Remember to show up on time.”

With an eye roll, the principal gestured for Zhou Mu to leave.

“Got it. I’ll take first place for sure. I won’t disappoint my aunt!”

Zhou Mu gave a salute and strode out the door, full of confidence.

“This kid…”

Watching Zhou Mu’s retreating figure, the principal couldn’t suppress a smirk. “He may be a scoundrel, but he’s also quite amusing.”

After a moment of silence, the principal started tracing the mode in the air.

Zhou Mu had been in the Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth for an extended period without being rejected, indicating something unusual.

She needed to conduct a thorough check to prevent a recurrence.

As she opened the space and delved in with her senses, her brow furrowed.

Besides the near-total depletion of soul energy in the air, she detected no anomalies.

“Zhao Qianqian was only in there for less than half an hour before I brought her out. The soul energy must have been completely absorbed by Zhou Mu. To consume the equivalent of three people and still not hit his limit—this kid is full of secrets.”

The principal murmured, harboring no desire to pry.

After all, Zhou Mu was Zhou Hao’s nephew, practically her own by extension.

For a level ten Animal Whisperer, it would be shameful to covet a younger family member’s opportunities.

“The soul energy in the Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth has the potential to create a level ten Animal Whisperer. We’ve used it sustainably for years, retaining over eighty percent of its energy.”

After a brief hesitation, the principal made up her mind, “Well then, faced with such talent, it’s time for the Sanctuary to fulfill its true purpose. When the crucial moment comes, I’ll give him the support he needs to become another level ten Beast Whisperer for the Noshar Empire.”

As he finished speaking, the space before him began to warp and contort. Within a mere two minutes, it collapsed inward, condensing into a crystal the size of a walnut.

This was the Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth in its true form!


Stepping out of the principal’s office, Zhao Qianqian lifted her hand, and a big-headed fish materialized in her palm.

“Have you got it?”

Zhao Qianqian inquired.

“I’ve secured the Phoenix’s blood, but there’s been a snag with the dragon blood. I sense a deep-seated fear, a dread rooted in its bloodline,” the big-headed fish hesitated before responding.

“Fear? But you’re the Heaven Devouring Fish, capable of consuming all. What could possibly scare you?”

Zhao Qianqian’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“Among the legendary deities with the might to cleave the heavens and forge the earth, one was a true dragon. The lineage of that serpent instills fear in me; it has to be his bloodline.”

“The bloodline of a true dragon? Fascinating.”

A smirk played on Zhao Qianqian’s lips as she heard the Heaven Devouring Kun’s revelation. “My dear big brother, you never cease to amaze me!”



The Freshmen Ranking Competition’s rules were straightforward: groups of two or more first-year students teamed up to hunt fiend beasts within a designated zone.

Scores varied based on the beasts’ grades and qualities, with rankings determined by the total points accrued.

In addition to the common fiend beasts roaming the area, numerous elite and boss-level beasts were released, including a handful of Lord-tier ones.

These higher-tier fiend beasts were confined to specific zones, posing no threat unless approached.

Defeating them yielded locator devices that could be exchanged for substantial points, with an elite beast’s score surpassing that of ten ordinary fiend beasts.

“The prizes are incredibly generous. I’m not aiming for the top ten; I’d be content to make it into the top hundred,” Hai Ming said, his gaze brimming with desire as he salivated.

Due to the team requirement, Zhou Mu roped in Hai Ming to fill out their ranks.

As the last member and an auxiliary spirit animal handler, he knew his place in such a contest was at the very bottom.

Dragging Hai Ming up the ranks posed no problem for Zhou Mu.

“First place gets a Soul Crystal and 5000 credits. Second place, a Furless Papaya with 4000 credits. Third place, an Iron Armored Rhinoceros cub for 3000 credits. Places fourth to tenth, Elite Spirit Beast Cubs at 2000 credits each. And eleventh to one hundredth, also Elite Spirit Beast Cubs, but with 1000 credits.”

“What’s a Soul Crystal? And that Furless Papaya, does it enhance the chest?”

Hai Ming mulled over the prizes, sensing the Iron Armored Rhinoceros cub as the most valuable.

“Soul Crystals boost soul intensity, while Furless Papayas enhance physical constitution. These two are far more precious than any leader cub,” Zhou Mu clarified for Hai Ming.

Both the Soul Crystal and the Furless Papaya were exceptional treasures.

Soul fragments were somewhat accessible, occasionally purchasable on the black market for a steep price.

But Soul Crystals and Furless Papayas were under strict control. Only top-tier universities, the five military districts, and the Animal Whisperer Union could handle them. Unauthorized sales meant certain death.

The principal had unveiled these items not just to spur the new students to strive but also to entice them.

Zhou Mu was the sole freshman who could truly benefit from the Soul Crystal and Furless Papaya; for anyone else, it would be a squandered luxury.

The Brightsmiths and the Beast Tide had inflicted severe casualties on this group of students, with nearly a third perishing.

The survivors were either exceptionally lucky or significantly stronger than their predecessors.

Securing the top spot in such fierce competition was a formidable challenge.

Yet, for the average freshman, that was the case. Zhou Mu, however, believed that not claiming first place would be the real challenge.

“The ranking competition will take place within the Illusion Mirror. There, death is not final, but injuries incurred will translate to the physical body at a certain ratio.”

The Illusion Mirror, a prized artifact of Bayshore School, encompassed a unique space capable of housing living beings.

Over several generations, the principal had etched countless modes into it, enabling a myriad of functions. The current projection of the students’ souls was merely one of its lesser features.

“The competition begins!”

With the principal’s announcement, a wave of dizziness swept over the crowd. As clarity returned, they found themselves within the Illusion Mirror.

“Truly remarkable!”

Zhou Mu couldn’t help but marvel as he opened his eyes.

Over four centuries, innumerable spatial rifts had emerged. Humanity had forged numerous combat modes in their battles against fiend beasts, delving deep into the enigmas of space.

Mastering the manipulation of space—opening, sealing, and transferring it—had become almost routine. Yet, what astonished Zhou Mu was the capability of soul projection.

This skill dramatically increased the safety of venturing into new spatial rifts.

Though death still echoed back to one’s physical form at a certain ratio, it was a far lesser risk than facing true mortality.

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