Be A Global Beast Master By System Bugs

Chapter 21

C21 – The Walking Chicken

Just explain things clearly, and Zhou Mu will make his choice.

His role was simply to secure the best advantages for Zhou Mu, but given the current circumstances, it seemed unnecessary.

“Uncle Zheng, in your opinion, which school is better for me?” Zhou Mu inquired.

“It really depends on what you’re looking for. If you want to enhance your physical strength, Northstar College is the place to be. The dean is a martial arts master, and his mentorship could save you from taking many wrong turns,” Zheng Hao said, pausing briefly before continuing, “However, if it’s your soul intensity you wish to boost, then Bayshore School is your best bet. The energy in the Sanctuary for Spiritual Growth replenishes slowly, and to sustain growth, they offer only three spots each year. Plus, the Moon Beast is no ordinary spirit animal; it can greatly ensure your safety.”

“I’ve got it,” Zhou Mu nodded, his decision firmly in mind.

He didn’t need to put much effort into martial arts; Gator would help him enhance his three fundamental attributes. What would be toxic herbs to others served as powerful supplements for him. If he could stand his ground in battle without his defenses being breached, was there any point in further martial training?

Moreover, Zhou Mu could leverage Gator’s skills to significantly boost his combat abilities. In this scenario, the only thing he needed to focus on was improving his soul intensity; the rest was inconsequential.

“I’m choosing Bayshore School!” Zhou Mu declared his decision.

Fong Ju beamed with joy, while Yuwen Hao let out a resigned sigh. With Zheng Hao present, no one dared to resort to any underhanded tactics—not that top-tier institutions like Northstar College and Bayshore School would need such measures.

“Well then, all I can do is wish Zhou Mu a flourishing martial arts journey and a swift rise to greatness!” Yuwen Hao offered a respectful bow to Zhou Mu before turning to leave.

“I should be going as well. Do give my regards to your father. Oh, and when you see the dean, you should…” Zheng Hao’s face twisted with indecision. After more than ten seconds of hesitation, he still couldn’t finish his thought and simply gestured farewell before departing.

Zhou Mu stood there puzzled. “???”

What was that about? Doesn’t he know leaving a conversation hanging is like asking for trouble? Doesn’t he realize that’s practically inviting bad luck?

Zhou Mu couldn’t shake the feeling that the principal of Bayshore School might be a tough person to deal with.

“Prepare yourself. We leave in three days,” Fong Ju said, clapping Zhou Mu on the shoulder, his smile wide and infectious.

Before even starting school, Zhou Mu had achieved a level three Soul Contract. His spirit animals were of the dragon and phoenix species, both ranking above the Lord tier. Such prowess already outshone many third-year students.

With the right guidance, he was destined for greatness, perhaps even to ascend to the throne one day.

Moreover, his background would provide immense support. His father was Ambergrasp’s leading businessman, and his uncle commanded the area’s military forces. Money wasn’t a concern, nor were the usual power struggles. With the principal and teachers’ protection, all he needed to do was concentrate on enhancing his soul intensity.

Finding a student like him was like looking for a needle in a haystack. No wonder Fong Ju was overjoyed.

“Understood,” Zhou Mu responded, picking up his droopy bag of gold and heading out.

Bayshore School was situated in Haixian City, nearly two thousand kilometers away. The journey was fraught with danger; fiend beasts and monsters roamed freely, despite regular military sweeps.

That’s why, each year, universities dispatched their admissions officers and faculty to escort new students back to campus.

To conserve resources, only five universities in the Noshar Empire were authorized to recruit students from other provinces. For instance, Northstar College could only recruit within the northern district.

Three days could pass in the blink of an eye or stretch on indefinitely.

It dawned on Zhou Mu that he might have been duped.

“So, you’re basically a ground-bound chicken?” he asked Jin Zi, eyeing the creature critically.

He had initially thought Jin Zi avoided flying because it disliked it or the room was too cramped. But it turned out, the creature simply couldn’t fly.

“Boss, I actually can fly. It’s just that I don’t get very far or very high,” Jin Zi confessed.

Goldie spread its wings in a display of feigned helplessness, yet it was riddled with guilt.

There’s truth to the old adage: all that glitters is not gold, and nobody’s perfect.

The same holds true for birds!

With their formidable defense and attack capabilities, coupled with swift agility and decent speed, the ability to fly would simply be overkill.

Despite its advancement to a Lord through bloodline refinement, its essence remained that of a scarlet macaw.

Only by consuming the bloodlines of five fiend beasts of the phoenix species and undergoing a complete transformation into a phoenix could it ever hope to soar.

“You can barely make it fifty meters, hardly better than a rooster. Better not go around claiming you’re of the phoenix species—it’s a total embarrassment.”

Zhou Mu covered his face, struggling to hide his own mortification.

A bird that can’t fly is as absurd as a fish that can’t swim.

But then again, ostriches and penguins can’t fly either.

“Ah well, if it’s meant to be a ground bird, so be it. It’s not the end of the world.”

Zhou Mu exhaled a sigh and gently stroked Gator’s head, which was peeking out from his clothes.

Neither of the spirit animals enjoyed confinement within the special space of their Soul Contract, so Zhou Mu had taken to carrying a backpack for Gator to curl up in most of its body. Goldie, on the other hand, was content to scamper along the ground.

“We’re just waiting on one more person, and then we’ll be on our way.”

Upon spotting Zhou Mu, Fong Ju greeted him with a warm smile.

The incoming class was small this year, a mere two hundred or so students, easily accommodated by a handful of buses.

Zhou Mu was seated at the forefront, alongside Fong Ju, the head of admissions.

To put it bluntly, Fong Ju valued Zhou Mu above all the rest; in a crisis, he’d ensure Zhou Mu’s safety first, leaving the others to fate.

The Noshar Empire was in dire need of champions!

With new spatial rifts opening daily and innumerable threats emerging, the empire would quickly crumble without a cadre of powerful defenders.

“Sorry, sorry, got held up in traffic.”

A voice called out from nearby, and Zhou Mu looked up to find Hai Ming approaching.

“Your grades barely cut it for second-tier colleges, so what brings you here?”

Zhou Mu asked with a hint of skepticism.

Hai Ming had only managed to secure a top-tier B rank in the combat exam this time. That kind of performance would place him near the bottom even at the second-tier university, let alone getting into the prestigious Northstar College. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to gain admission.

“There’s no helping it. I guess I’m just that lucky!” Hai Ming said with a sly grin. “My spirit animal has advanced to the second rank and gained an incredible skill that allows it to rapidly replenish its energy.”

“That impressive?” Zhou Mu was genuinely astonished. To acquire such a skill at the second rank was an extraordinary stroke of luck.

“Absolutely!” Hai Ming responded with a smug hum, gesturing to call forth his spirit animal.

The creature that appeared was a plump, white-feathered hen.

Upon its arrival, the hen gazed at Hai Ming with adoring eyes and proceeded to lay an egg, its rear end pointedly raised.

“Cluck cluck!” It seemed to boast, fluttering its wings with a touch of pride.

Zhou Mu: “…”

Fong Ju: “…”

The crowd of students: “…”

While a hen laying an egg was hardly unusual, Zhou Mu couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss.

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